
Gary Black Finds Google-Parent Alphabet Attractively Priced Amid Possible DOJ Push To Break The Company: 'Relatively Inexpensive Among Growth Stocks'

Gary Black Finds Google-Parent Alphabet Attractively Priced Amid Possible DOJ Push To Break The Company: 'Relatively Inexpensive Among Growth Stocks'

Gary Black認爲谷歌母公司Alphabet在可能受司法部推動拆分的情況下價格吸引人:「在增長股中相對便宜」
Benzinga ·  10:15

Gary Black, managing partner at Future Fund LLC, has highlighted what he sees as an attractive valuation for Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL), despite the company facing increased scrutiny from the U.S. Department of Justice.

Future Fund LLC的管理合夥人Gary Black強調了他眼中Alphabet Inc.(納斯達克:GOOG)(納斯達克:GOOGL)具有吸引力的估值,儘管該公司面臨美國司法部的日益審查。

What Happened: In a recent post on X (formerly Twitter), Black noted Google's modest price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio for 2024, emphasizing its growth potential. However, he also pointed out a looming threat from emerging AI-powered competitors.


The Justice Department recently filed a 32-page court document outlining potential remedies to address Google's dominance in the search market.


Despite the legal challenges, Black remains bullish on Google's financial outlook. He wrote, "$GOOG remains relatively inexpensive among growth stocks at a 2024 P/E of 20.7x and 2025 P/E of 18.3x and +15% projected earnings growth between 2024-2029."


$GOOG -1.6% today in an up market (NDX +0.6%). Ironic that Justice may attempt to break up GOOG search under anti-trust provisions just as GOOG search is losing share to ChatGPT, Copilot and other AI language models.
The Justice Department is considering asking a federal judge...

— Gary Black (@garyblack00) October 9, 2024

$GOOG在一個上漲的市場中今天下跌了1.6%(NDX +0.6%)。諷刺的是,正當司法部可能試圖根據反壟斷條款拆分GOOG搜索時,GOOG搜索正喪失份額給ChatGPt、Copilot和其他人工智能語言模型。

Gary Black(@garyblack00) 2024年10月9日

Why It Matters: The agency is considering asking a federal judge to order the breakup of certain parts of Google's business, which could have far-reaching implications for the tech giant. This action comes as AI-driven competitors, such as OpenAI's ChatGPT and Microsoft's Copilot, gain ground in the search space.


The DOJ's document proposes "behavioral and structural remedies" aimed at preventing Google from leveraging its suite of products, such as Chrome, Play Store, and Android, to favor its search business and related products. It also includes provisions targeting Google's use of artificial intelligence in search, underscoring the growing significance of AI in the industry.

司法部的文件提議「行爲和結構性補救措施」,旨在防止谷歌利用其產品套裝,如Chrome、Play Store和Android,來偏袒其搜索業務及相關產品。文件還包括針對谷歌在搜索中使用人工智能的條款,突顯了人工智能在行業中日益重要的地位。

Among the remedies, the DOJ suggested that Google could be forced to provide access to the data it uses to build its search results and AI models. The judge overseeing the case, Amit Mehta, is expected to rule on the remedies by August 2025, after a two-week remedies hearing in April 2025.


However, Black warned of the potential threat posed by AI-based language models like ChatGPT and Copilot. "The biggest risk is that ChatGPT, Copilot, and other AI language models continue to take search share from GOOG, even though there's been little loss in search revenue share to date," Black noted.


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