
Altair and Technical University of Munich Discover Breakthrough in Quantum Computing for Computational Fluid Dynamics

Altair and Technical University of Munich Discover Breakthrough in Quantum Computing for Computational Fluid Dynamics

Altair Engineering ·  10/09 12:00

Altair (Nasdaq: ALTR), a global leader in computational intelligence, and researchers from the Technical University of Munich have made a major breakthrough in the field of quantum computing for computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The breakthrough, published in the journal Computer Physics Communications, presents runnable code for quantum computers and quantum simulators that overcomes several key challenges of the quantum computing implementation of the Lattice-Boltzmann Method.

全球領先的計算智能公司Altair(納斯達克:ALTR)與慕尼黑工業大學的研究人員在量子計算概念領域取得了重大突破,其應用於計算流體力學(CFD)。這一突破發表在《計算物理通訊》雜誌上,提供了適用於量子計算機和量子模擬器的可運行代碼,克服了Lattice-Boltzmann Method量子計算實施的幾個關鍵挑戰。

The paper, titled "Quantum Algorithm for the Lattice-Boltzmann Method Advection-Diffusion Equation," was developed under a research grant from Altair and driven by researchers from the Technical University of Munich. It is a significant contribution to the field of applied quantum computing that underscores Altair's commitment to pioneering technologies. The paper was co-authored by Altair Vice President of CFD Solutions Christian Janssen and former Altair Chief Technology Officer Uwe Schramm.

論文標題爲《拉特斯-波爾茲曼方法平流-擴散方程的量子算法》,在Altair的研究資助下由慕尼黑工業大學的研究人員推動開發。這是對應用量子計算領域的重大貢獻,突顯了Altair對開拓性技術的承諾。該論文的合著者包括Altair CFD解決方案副總裁Christian Janssen和前Altair首席技術官Uwe Schramm。

"Altair is committed to pushing the boundaries of simulation technology," said Christian Janssen, vice president of CFD solutions, Altair. "Our GPU-powered CFD tools have set the standard for efficiency and accuracy. Now, we're exploring the revolutionary potential of quantum computing to tackle even more complex simulations, opening up new possibilities for innovation in product design and engineering."

「Altair致力於推動仿真技術的邊界發展」,Altair CFD解決方案副總裁Christian Janssen表示。「我們基於GPU的CFD工具已經確立了效率和準確性的標準。現在,我們正在探索量子計算的革命潛力,以處理更加複雜的仿真,爲產品設計和工程領域的創新開闢了新的可能性。」

The research presents, for the first time, a generic quantum CFD algorithm for three-dimensional CFD. The algorithm has the potential to bring fully nonlinear three-dimensional CFD to the quantum world. This is a game changer for next-generation CFD and simulation-based design as the findings demonstrate the tremendous possibilities in terms of model size and scalability that quantum computing offers compared to classical computing. It also reinforces that quantum computing isn't just theoretical but will become a practical tool to tackle real-world problems. It opens a new realm of possibilities in fields traditionally governed by classical physics, like CFD, by enabling the practical application of quantum computing.


The project's objective was to develop an algorithm for quantum computational fluid dynamics (CFD) using the Lattice-Boltzmann Method. Making classical CFD compatible with quantum mechanics allows users to leverage quantum computing's superior processing power for simulations that are exponentially faster and potentially more accurate than classical computations.


Because of its potential to exponentially increase computing speed and enable more complex simulations, quantum computing is expected to have a substantial impact on product development within many industries, namely healthcare, finance, and the natural/life sciences.


"This is an important discovery for both our team and the Altair researchers, one that has the potential to open a new dimension of quantum computing," said Nikolaus Adams, professor and chair of aerodynamics and fluid mechanics, Technical University of Munich. "We have presented the building blocks for a new generation of quantum computing algorithms, which will hopefully bring more practical quantum computing applications to the forefront in both industry and academia."


As discussed in a similar paper by the same group of researchers, today's quantum computing algorithms are developed at the deep machine level by designing quantum circuits. Classical CFD is non-unitary and non-linear, while quantum formulations are unitary and linear. The research found a unitary transformation for classical CFD in addition to developing a machine learning approach for the non-linear aspect.


The paper's authors include the Technical University of Munich's David Wawrzyniak, Josef Winter, Steffen Schmidt, Thomas Indinger, and Nikolaus A. Adams, alongside Janssen and Schramm. All quantum computing was performed at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, near Munich, Germany, on the Atos QLM system.

論文的作者包括慕尼黑工業大學的David Wawrzyniak、Josef Winter、Steffen Schmidt、Thomas Indinger和Nikolaus A. Adams,以及Janssen和Schramm。所有量子計算均在德國慕尼黑附近的萊布尼茲超級計算中心的Atos QLm系統上完成。

This research is the latest in a string of developments catalyzed by Altair's investment in quantum computing. Notably, Altair has also invested in Riverlane, a company specializing in making quantum computing more robust and more practical by solving quantum error correction (QEC) challenges. Headquartered in Cambridge, U.K., Riverlane was founded in 2016 and is known for Deltaflow, a unique QEC stack helping quantum computers reach sufficient scale to execute the first error corrected quantum applications.

這項研究是Altair在量子計算領域投資啓動的一系列發展中的最新成果。 值得一提的是,Altair還投資於Riverlane,這是一家專門解決量子糾錯(QEC)挑戰,使量子計算更加穩固和實用的公司。 總部位於英國劍橋,Riverlane成立於2016年,以Deltaflow著稱,這是一種獨特的QEC堆棧,幫助量子計算機達到足夠規模以執行第一個經過錯誤糾正的量子應用。

Click here to read the full paper: "Quantum Algorithm for the Lattice-Boltzmann Method Advection-Diffusion Equation." To learn more about Altair's CFD solutions, visit .

點擊這裏閱讀完整論文:「格子-玻爾茲曼方法平流-擴散方程的量子算法。」要了解更多關於Altair的CFD解決方案,請訪問 。



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