
Here Are My Top 3 Undervalued Stocks to Buy Right Now

Here Are My Top 3 Undervalued Stocks to Buy Right Now

The Motley Fool ·  10/09 22:00

The Canadian stock market is coming off yet another strong week. The S&P/TSX Composite Index is up more than 15% year to date, not even including dividends, either. It's been a steady rise throughout 2024, and plenty of positive momentum remains in the Canadian stock market.

加拿大股市在度過了又一個強勁的一週之後。 戰略與服務/ tsx 綜合指數今年以來上漲超過15%,甚至不包括分紅派息。 2024年始終呈穩定上升趨勢,加拿大股市仍然有着充足的正向動能。

Despite the huge gains this year, there remains no shortage of discounted stocks on the TSX.

儘管今年獲利豐厚,tsx 上仍有大量折價股。

I've put together a list of three proven companies that are trading at bargain prices right now. If you've got some extra cash to spare, these Canadian stocks deserve a spot on your watch list.

我整理了一個目前以折讓價格交易的三家經得起考驗的公司名單。 如果你有一些額外閒錢,這些加拿大股票值得被列入你的關注列表。

Stock #1: Shopify


Shopify (TSX:SHOP) has certainly joined in on the fun over the past few weeks but continues to trade far below all-time highs. Shares are up close to 50% since early August yet remain 50% below all-time highs.

Shopify( tsx:shop)在過去幾周股市的狂歡中肯定有所漲幅,但仍遠低於歷史最高水平。 自8月初以來股價上漲近50%,但仍低於歷史最高價50%。

Like many other tech stocks, Shopify continues to recover from the huge gains that it drove in 2020 and 2021. Over the past five years, Shopify has remained a massive market-beater, but it will likely take time to return to all-time highs.

與許多其他科技股一樣,shopify 在繼續從2020年和2021年所帶來的巨大漲幅中復甦。 在過去五年中,shopify 一直是巨大的市場跑贏者,但恢復歷史最高水平可能需要一些時間。

As an international leader in the e-commerce space, Shopify remains loaded with long-term growth potential despite trading at a loss since late 2021.

作爲電子商務領域的國際領導者,儘管自2021年底以來虧損,shopify 仍然充滿了長期增長潛力。

I've added to my Shopify position several times this year and will likely continue to do so while these prices last.

今年我多次增加了我在 shopify 的持倉,並且在這些價格持續下去的情況下,我可能會繼續這樣做。

Stock #2: goeasy

股票 #2: goeasy

goeasy (TSX:GSY) is a much more under-the-radar stock compared to Shopify.

相比Shopify,goeasy (tsx:gsy)是一個更爲不引人注意的股票。

The $3 billion company is a consumer-facing financial services provider, which unsurprisingly saw demand take a hit as interest rates surged. But with more interest rate cuts potentially around the corner, goeasy's discounted price might not be around for much longer.


The stock has been shooting up as we've seen interest rates begin getting cut. Shares are up 70% over the past year and are now trading less than 20% below all-time highs.


goeasy's 200% return over the past five years should have this under-the-radar stock on all growth investors' watch lists.


Stock #3: Brookfield Renewable Partners

股票 #3: brookfield renewable

Now could be an excellent time for long-term investors to put some money to work in the renewable energy space. The sector itself is full of discounted stocks with lots of long-term growth potential, not to mention top dividend yields, too.


Brookfield Renewable Partners (TSX:BEP.UN) is not only a Canadian leader but an international one, too. The $20 billion company has operations spread across the globe, spanning a range of different renewable energy industries.

Brookfield renewable partners (tsx:bep.un)不僅是加拿大的領導者,也是一個國際領先者。這家市值200億美元的公司在全球範圍內開展業務,涵蓋了各種不同的可再生能源行業。

Owning shares of Brookfield Renewable Partners provides instant diversification to the sector.

持有brookfield renewable合夥公司股票爲該板塊提供了即時多樣化。

The energy stock has been on the decline since early 2021. Excluding dividends, shares are down more than 30% since then.


Shares exploded in 2019 and 2020, which at least partially explains the sell-off that has occurred over the past three years. Brookfield Renewable Partners has remained positive over the past five years and, when including dividends, has outperformed the Canadian market's returns over that same period.

2019年和2020年股價暴漲,這至少部分解釋了過去三年發生的拋售。brookfield renewable合夥公司在過去五年中保持積極,並且在包括分紅在內的情況下,在同一時期內勝過了加拿大市場的回報。

One silver lining for investors is that the dividend yield has shot up as the stock price has declined. At today's price, the dividend yield is above 5%.


There aren't many dividend stocks on the TSX with a yield that high and a market-beating track record.


