
A Healthy Food System Starts With Healthy Farmworkers; Once Upon a Farm Launches First-Of-Its-Kind Partnership With Equitable Food Initiative

A Healthy Food System Starts With Healthy Farmworkers; Once Upon a Farm Launches First-Of-Its-Kind Partnership With Equitable Food Initiative

一個健康的食品系統始於健康的農場工人;Once Upon a Farm與公平食品倡議啓動了首個合作項目。
PR Newswire ·  10/09 00:17

The leading childhood nutrition brand is the first CPG company to source and pay premiums on EFI-certified produce as part of its effort to drive systemic improvements to the food system


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BERKELEY, Calif., Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Once Upon a Farm, the leading childhood nutrition brand, is pleased to announce a trailblazing partnership with Equitable Food Initiative (EFI). Through this first-of-its-kind partnership, Once Upon a Farm is committing to source and pay premiums on produce from EFI-certified suppliers. 'Health' starts with nutrition, but it also encompasses physical and psychological well-being. EFI trains and engages farmworkers to create safer, fairer food production and ensure workers have a voice in improving their working conditions.

加利福尼亞州伯克利,2024年10月8日 / PR Newswire / - Once Upon a Farm作爲領先的兒童營養品牌,Once Upon a Farm很高興宣佈與 Equitable Food Initiative (EFI)展開了開創性的合作伙伴關係。通過這種首創性的合作伙伴關係,Once Upon a Farm 承諾從EFI認證供應商處採購並支付優質農產品的額外費用。'健康'不僅關乎營養,還包括身體和心理的健康。EFI培訓和吸引農場工人,創造更安全、更公平的食品生產,並確保工人在改善工作條件方面發聲。

Once Upon a Farm set a goal to source 7,000,000 pounds of organic produce from EFI-certified suppliers, covering an estimated 30% of ingredients purchased for their core portfolio in 2024. Premiums are directed to non-salaried farm employees as a bonus in recognition of their essential role and to reward workers for the extra training and diligence they bring to the fields through the EFI Program.

Once Upon a Farm設定了目標,從EFI認證供應商那裏採購7,000,000磅有機農產品,覆蓋2024年核心產品組合採購的估計30%的原料。額外費用將作爲獎金髮放給非薪水農場員工,以表彰他們的重要角色,並獎勵那些通過EFI計劃爲農田帶來額外培訓和勤奮的工作者。

"At Once Upon a Farm, we believe that to drive the systemic improvements in childhood nutrition we are committed to, we must also drive systemic improvements to how our food is grown, picked, and produced," says John Foraker, Co-Founder and CEO of Once Upon a Farm. "A healthy food system begins with healthy farmworkers."

「在Once Upon a Farm,我們相信爲推動兒童營養方面的系統性改善,我們不僅要致力於我們承諾的目標,還必須推動食品的種植、採摘和生產方式的系統性改進,」 Once Upon a Farm的聯合創始人兼首席執行官John Foraker說。「一個健康的食品體系始於健康的農場工人。」

Equitable Food Initiative partners with stakeholders across the food system to transform agriculture and the lives of farmworkers via training and premiums backed by audited third-party certification. EFI brings many stakeholders in the supply chain together to integrate worker voices in addressing the industry's most pressing issues, including labor, sustainability, and food safety. While the core of EFI is about a culture of continuous improvement, the certification provides third-party assurance that workers are treated and paid fairly and engaged to produce the safest, highest quality food possible.

Equitable Food Initiative與整個食品系統的利益相關方合作,通過受第三方審計認證支持的培訓和獎金,改變農業和農場工人的生活。EFI讓供應鏈中的許多利益相關者聚集在一起,以在解決行業最迫切問題,包括勞工、可持續性和食品安全方面整合工人的聲音。雖然EFI的核心是持續改進的文化,但認證提供第三方保證,工人得到公平對待和薪酬,並參與生產儘可能安全、最高質量的食品。

"Multi-ingredient consumer goods often have opaque supply chains, not by choice, but rather as a by-product of their complexity. We use over 110 different ingredients in our products, from suppliers big and small," says John Foraker. "Given the diversity in our supply chain, there is not a one-size-fits-all model for responsible sourcing but Once Upon a Farm believes complexity should not equal complacency. We have an opportunity to see farmworkers as true partners in our mission to create safe, healthy products that parents trust. We also have an opportunity to be honest about the challenges and imperfections, so that we can work collectively with others in the industry on how to improve."

「多成分消費品往往擁有不透明的供應鏈,並非出於選擇,而是出於其複雜性的副產品。我們的產品中使用了超過110種不同的成分,來自各大小供應商。」 John Foraker說。「鑑於我們供應鏈的多樣性,負責任採購並不應該以簡單對應。Once Upon a Farm認爲,我們有機會將農場工人視爲創造受父母信任的安全健康產品使命中真正的夥伴。同時我們也有機會坦誠面對挑戰和不完美,以便與行業其他人共同努力改進。」

Partnering with EFI is where the company can have the largest, most immediate impact within its supply chain. The company is committed to expanding the prevalence of EFI practices within its supply chain over time. It is the first, material step within a larger initiative to advance equitable sourcing.


"Everyone deserves safe, healthy, and respectful working conditions – farm workers included," says Jane Kuhn, Director of Sustainability at Once Upon a Farm. "This isn't just an ethical imperative, it's a business imperative. Farmworker well-being translates into better product quality and food safety. It's also part of our commitment to foster a better world for parents and children. More than 50% of farmworkers are parents themselves. Prioritizing farmworker wellbeing through fair wages and adequate resources can have positive ripple effects on their households, fostering a healthier and more supportive environment for their children."

"每個人都應該享有安全、健康和尊重的工作條件,包括農場工人在內,"Once Upon a Farm的可持續發展董事簡·庫恩說。"這不僅是一項道德義務,也是一項業務義務。農場工人的福祉轉化爲更好的產品質量和食品安全。這也是我們承諾爲父母和孩子營造更美好世界的一部分。超過50%的農場工人本身也是父母。通過公平工資和足夠資源優先考慮農場工人的福祉,可以在他們的家庭產生積極連鎖效應,爲他們的孩子營造一個更健康、更支持的環境。"

"As the first CPG company to make this type of commitment, Once Upon a Farm is exhibiting its visionary leadership and putting its values into action," said LeAnne Ruzzamenti, Director of Marketing and Communications for EFI. "In both supporting the companies who have made commitments to their workers and paying the premium to fund the worker bonus, Once Upon a Farm is carving a new path for the food system and directly benefiting the workers at the heart of our industry."

"作爲第一家做出這種承諾的消費品公司,Once Upon a Farm展示了其具有遠見的領導力,並將其價值觀付諸實踐,"EFI的市場和通訊董事LeAnne Ruzzamenti表示。"Once Upon a Farm在支持已對工人作出承諾的公司並支付資助工人獎金的基礎上,正在爲食品系統開闢新途徑,並直接惠及我們行業核心的工人。"

A defining trait of EFI farms is the worker-manager collaborative teams through which farmworkers and managers continually collaborate to identify and address food safety and social accountability issues. This approach seeks to break down hierarchical silos and give workers a voice in farming operations. By training and equipping farmworkers and growers to reduce food safety risks and health hazards in the fields, EFI creates higher levels of assurance that add value throughout the fresh produce system.


Stemilt Growers, a Washington grower, packer, and shipper of apples, pears, cherries, and stone fruit, has certified all of its owned operations with EFI. Yadira Vargas, a worker in Stemilt's Quincy orchard, shared, "EFI is about providing a safe environment for farmworkers, and allowing consumers to have transparency about what they're eating." Vargas said that serving on the worker-manager collaboration team has "been a good opportunity to work with my coworkers and listen to the ideas they have. It's rewarding to then go back to the team and work on a solution."

位於華盛頓州的種植者、打包商和水果(包括蘋果、梨、櫻桃和石果)運輸商Stemilt Growers已經將旗下所有經營業務通過EFI認證。Stemilt果園的工人Yadira Vargas分享說:"EFI致力於爲農場工人提供安全的工作環境,並讓消費者了解他們所吃的食物。" Vargas表示,在工人和經理協作團隊中任職"是一個與同事一起工作、傾聽他們想法的好機會。然後回到團隊一起解決問題是很有意義的。"

For more information on Once Upon a Farm and to learn about how the company is making an impact, please visit

要了解Once Upon a Farm的更多信息,以及了解公司如何產生影響,請訪問

About Once Upon a Farm
At Once Upon a Farm, Farm-Fresh Tastes Grow Here. We're on a greater mission in providing organic, crave-worthy, snacks and meals for children of all ages. Our delicious and thoughtful recipes are crafted with only the best organic ingredients – whole fruits and veggies picked, then cold-pressed (our pouches), freshly frozen (our meals) to perfection, refrigerated oat bars, and our new line of farm fresh tasting pantry snacks – to support growing kids at every stage and milestone. All of our products are organic, non-GMO project verified, contain no added sugar, and are free from artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives – just simple, real, nutritious food your entire family will love.

關於Once Upon a Farm
在Once Upon a Farm,農田新鮮的味道在這裏生長。我們致力於爲各個年齡段的兒童提供有機、讓人渴望的零食和餐點。我們美味而用心的食譜只採用最好的有機食材——選取的整個水果和蔬菜經過冷壓(我們的袋裝產品)、新鮮冷凍(我們的餐點)至完美,冷藏燕麥棒,以及我們全新系列的農場新鮮口味儲藏室零食——以支持成長中的孩子在每個階段和里程碑。我們所有的產品都是有機的,非轉基因項目驗證,不含添加糖,不含人工香料、色素和防腐劑——只是簡單、真實、有營養的食物,您的整個家庭都會喜愛。

About Equitable Food Initiative (EFI)
Equitable Food Initiative is a capacity-building and certification nonprofit that works to improve the lives of farmworkers and drive business performance by integrating worker voice and engagement throughout the supply chain. As a multi stakeholder organization, EFI brings together growers, farmworkers, retailers and consumers to create assessment, training and organizational development programs that support continuous improvement and address the industry's most pressing problems. For more information about Equitable Food Initiative, visit


Media Contacts
Kayla Rodriguez, Once Upon a Farm
[email protected]

Kayla Rodriguez, Once Upon a Farm
[email protected]

LeAnne Ruzzamenti, Equitable Food Initiative
[email protected]

LeAnne Ruzzamenti, Equitable Food Initiative
[email protected]

SOURCE Once Upon a Farm, PBC

SOURCE Once Upon a Farm, PBC




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