
Top 3 Health Care Stocks Which Could Rescue Your Portfolio This Month

Top 3 Health Care Stocks Which Could Rescue Your Portfolio This Month

Benzinga ·  10/08 21:07

The most oversold stocks in the health care sector presents an opportunity to buy into undervalued companies.


The RSI is a momentum indicator, which compares a stock's strength on days when prices go up to its strength on days when prices go down. When compared to a stock's price action, it can give traders a better sense of how a stock may perform in the short term. An asset is typically considered oversold when the RSI is below 30, according to Benzinga Pro.

RSI指標是一種動量指標,它比較了股票在價格上漲時的強度與在價格下跌時的強度。與股票的價格走勢進行比較,可以給交易者更好的了解股票短期內表現的良好程度。當RSI低於30時,資產通常被認爲是超賣的,根據Benzinga Pro的數據。

Here's the latest list of major oversold players in this sector, having an RSI near or below 30.


Nkarta Inc (NASDAQ:NKTX)


  • On Aug. 13, Nkarta reported better-than-expected second-quarter EPS results. "Patients remain our focus, and early execution on our clinical trials across disease areas is a testament to that commitment," said Paul J. Hastings, CEO of Nkarta. "NKX019 has the potential to reach people living with a wide range of autoimmune diseases, and we will continue to evaluate ways to maximize our impact in this field. Our cellular engineering enables us to evaluate a reduced toxicity lymphodepletion regimen, to limit hospitalization and patient burden, and spare the complications of other agents." The company's stock fell around 35% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $1.32.
  • RSI Value: 29.34
  • NKTX Price Action: Shares of Nkarta fell 2% to close at $3.84 on Monday.
  • Benzinga Pro's real-time newsfeed alerted to latest NKTX news.
  • 8月13日,Nkarta報告了超出預期的第二季度每股收益結果。\"患者始終是我們的重點,而在疾病領域的臨床試驗上的早期執行證明了這一承諾,\" Nkarta的首席執行官保羅·J·黑斯廷斯表示。\"NKX019有潛力幫助患有各種自身免疫疾病的人,我們將繼續評估最大化在這一領域的影響的方法。我們的細胞工程使我們能夠評估減少毒性淋巴去除方案,以限制住院和患者負擔,並避免其他藥物的併發症。\" 公司股價在過去一個月下跌約35%,並且52周最低價爲1.32美元。
  • RSI數值:29.34
  • NKTX股價走勢:Nkarta股票週一下跌2%,收盤價爲3.84美元。
  • Benzinga Pro的實時消息提醒了最新的NKTX新聞。

Moderna Inc (NASDAQ:MRNA)


  • On Sept. 30, Moderna said it has dosed the first US participant in Nova 301 Phase 3 trial evaluating the efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of an investigational norovirus vaccine, mRNA-1403. "Norovirus is a significant public health concern that affects millions of people worldwide each year, leading to severe symptoms and, in some cases, hospitalization," said Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna. "By advancing our investigational norovirus vaccine into a pivotal Phase 3 trial, we are one step closer to potentially providing a new tool to prevent infection from this highly contagious virus, which places a significant burden on health systems globally." The company's stock fell around 23% over the past month. It has a 52-week low of $58.33.
  • RSI Value: 24.97
  • MRNA Price Action: Shares of Moderna fell 2.5% to close at $58.72 on Monday.
  • Benzinga Pro's charting tool helped identify the trend in MRNA stock.
  • 在9月30日,Moderna表示已爲Nova 301第3期試驗的第一位美國參與者注入了用於評估疫苗mRNA-1403的療效、安全性和免疫原性的實驗性諾如病毒疫苗。"諾如病毒是一個嚴重的公共衛生問題,每年影響全球數百萬人,導致嚴重症狀,甚至在某些情況下需要住院治療,"Moderna的首席執行官史蒂芬·班塞爾表示。"通過將我們的實驗性諾如病毒疫苗推進至關鍵的第3期試驗階段,我們離潛在提供一種新工具以預防這種傳染性極強的病毒感染更近了一步,這將給全球的衛生系統帶來重大負擔。"該公司的股價在過去一個月下跌了約23%,52周最低價爲$58.33。
  • RSI數值:24.97
  • MRNA股價表現:Moderna股價週一下跌2.5%,收於$58.72。
  • Benzinga Pro的圖表工具幫助識別了MRNA股票的趨勢。

AMN Healthcare Services, Inc. (NYSE:AMN)


  • On Oct. 7, B of A Securities analyst Kevin Fischbeck downgraded AMN Healthcare Services from Neutral to Underperform and lowered the price target from $65 to $48. The company's shares fell around 15% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $36.50.
  • RSI Value: 29.20
  • AMN Price Action: Shares of AMN Healthcare gained 0.8% to close at $38.64 on Monday.
  • Benzinga Pro's signals feature notified of a potential breakout in AMN shares.
  • A證券分析師凱文·菲舍貝克於10月 將amn醫療保健服務的評級從中立下調至弱勢,並將目標股價從65美元降至48美元。公司股價在過去一個月大約下跌了15%,52周最低價爲36.50美元。
  • RSI數值:29.20
  • amn醫療保健服務股價走勢:週一,amn醫療保健服務股票上漲0.8%,收盤價爲38.64美元。
  • Benzinga Pro的信號功能發出了關於AMN股票潛在突破的通知。

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