
The Joint Chiropractic Celebrates 25 Years of Making Quality Chiropractic Care Accessible

The Joint Chiropractic Celebrates 25 Years of Making Quality Chiropractic Care Accessible

the joint脊醫慶祝25週年,致力於使優質脊醫護理更加便捷
PR Newswire ·  10/08 20:45

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Joint Corp. (NASDAQ: JYNT), the nation's largest franchisor of chiropractic care through The Joint Chiropractic network, proudly celebrates its 25th anniversary with the "Remix Your Health" promotion that brings pricing back to 1999. For a limited time, existing patients can enjoy retro membership rates, underscoring The Joint's ongoing commitment to making chiropractic care accessible and affordable.

亞利桑那州斯科茨代爾,2024年10月8日/美通社/ -- 納斯達克交易所上市的the joint公司(納斯達克股票代碼:JYNT)是全國最大的脊椎按摩特許經營商,通過the joint脊椎按摩網絡,自豪地慶祝成立25週年。"重現健康"推廣活動將價格降至1999年水平。現有患者可在限時內享受復古會員價格,彰顯了the joint一直以來使脊椎按摩護理變得可及和負擔得起的承諾。

Anniversary Promotion Details:


"Our 25th anniversary is a chance to reflect on our history & thank our patients," said Peter D. Holt, President & CEO.


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  • Promotion Dates: October 7 to November 4
  • Offer for Existing Patients: Current members can enjoy the $49 first month of membership pricing, a thank you to the community that has kept their body moving with The Joint Chiropractic since 1999.
  • Available at participating locations only.
  • 促銷日期:10月7日至11月4日
  • 現有患者優惠:現有會員可享受49美元的首個會員月價格,這是對自1999年以來一直通過the joint脊椎按摩保持身體活力的社區的感謝。
  • 僅在參與位置提供。

"Our 25th anniversary is a chance to reflect on our history and thank the patients who have been with us along the way by offering retroactive pricing", said Peter D. Holt, President and CEO of The Joint Corp. "I would also like to acknowledge our Franchisees, Regional Developers, franchise system team members, Wellness Coordinators and Doctors of Chiropractic, as well as Field Teams and our Corporate colleagues for the incredible work they do every day to fuel our growth since 1999."

"我們的25週年紀念是一個回顧我們歷史的機會,感謝一路上與我們同行的患者,通過提供追溯定價來表達感謝,"the joint公司總裁兼首席執行官彼得·D·霍爾特表示。"我還想感謝我們的特許經營商,區域開發商,特許經營系統團隊成員,健康協調員和脊椎按摩醫生,以及現場團隊和我們公司同事們,因爲自1999年以來,他們每天都在努力推動我們的增長,工作非常出色。"

The Joint Chiropractic has forged a legacy marked by significant milestones, demonstrating its commitment to expanding access to quality chiropractic care. With more than 13 million patient visits annually, The Joint's over 2,500 licensed chiropractic doctors bring a wealth of experience to patients. The company has grown to over 950 clinics across 41 states and the District of Columbia, making it the nation's largest franchisor of chiropractic care.

The Joint已經建立了一個以顯著里程碑爲標誌的遺產,展示了其擴展優質脊椎按摩護理服務的承諾。The Joint每年有超過1300萬次患者訪問,超過2500名持牌脊椎按摩醫生爲患者帶來豐富的經驗。該公司已經發展到在41個州和哥倫比亞特區擁有超過950家診所,成爲全國最大的脊椎按摩護理特許經營商。

In addition to growing its retail footprint, The Joint has invested over $1 million in donations to chiropractic schools and associations, reinforcing its dedication to the future of the profession. Its deep involvement in sports is highlighted through more than one dozen strategic partnerships with major league sports teams and collegiate athletics. These achievements underscore The Joint Chiropractic's pivotal role in shaping the modern landscape of comprehensive healthcare.

除了擴大零售版圖外,The Joint還投資超過100萬美元捐贈給脊椎按摩學校和協會,加強其對行業未來的奉獻。通過與多個大型聯賽體育隊和大學體育項目的戰略伙伴關係,The Joint在體育方面的深度參與得到強調。這些成就突顯了The Joint脊椎按摩在塑造現代綜合醫療領域中的關鍵角色。

The Joint Chiropractic is known for its convenient retail setting and concierge-style services. For patients, that means no-appointments, no-insurance hassles, affordable chiropractic care and accommodating hours of operations, including evenings and weekends.

The Joint Chiropractic的店鋪位置非常便利,提供禮賓式服務。對於病人來說,這意味着不用預約,不用爲保險忙碌,就能享受到實惠的脊椎按摩護理,開放的經營時間方便他們在晚上和週末獲得所需的服務。

About The Joint Corp.
The Joint Corp. (NASDAQ: JYNT) revolutionized access to chiropractic care when it introduced its retail healthcare business model in 2010. Today, it is the nation's largest operator, manager and franchisor of chiropractic clinics through The Joint Chiropractic network. The company is making quality care convenient and affordable, while eliminating the need for insurance, for millions of patients seeking pain relief and ongoing wellness. With over 950 locations nationwide and more than 13 million patient visits annually, The Joint Chiropractic is a key leader in the chiropractic industry. Consistently named to Franchise Times "Top 500+ Franchises" and Entrepreneur's "Franchise 500" lists and recognized by FRANdata with the TopFUND award, as well as Franchise Business Review's "Top Franchise for 2023," "Most Profitable Franchises" and "Top Franchises for Veterans" ranking, The Joint Chiropractic is an innovative force, where healthcare meets retail. For more information, visit . To learn about franchise opportunities, visit .

關於The Joint Corp.
The Joint Corp. (NASDAQ: JYNT) 是全美最早引領脊椎按摩護理的服務提供商之一。該企業通過The Joint Chiropractic網絡爲脊椎按摩保健診所提供運營和特許經營。The Joint Corp.正在爲數百萬尋求緩解疼痛和持續保持健康防病的病人提供方便、實惠、高質量的脊椎按摩護理服務,同時免除了保險方面的繁瑣手續。The Joint Chiropractic在全美擁有950多個門店,並處理每年超過1300萬的病患者就診。這是脊椎按摩護理行業的一支主要力量。公司被連續認可爲“Franchise Times" 500+特許經營榜單及《企業家》的「Franchise 500」榜單,並被FRANdata授予TopFUND獎項、Franchise Business Review的指定的「最有利可圖的特許經營機會」和「退伍軍人最受青睞的特許經營機會」評選。The Joint Chiropractic是一個創新型企業,是醫療保健與銷售實體結合的典範。有關詳情請訪問官網。如有意了解特許經營,敬請訪問此處。

Business Structure
The Joint Corp. is a franchisor of clinics and an operator of clinics in certain states. In Arkansas, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, West Virginia and Wyoming, The Joint Corp. and its franchisees provide management services to affiliated professional chiropractic practices.

The Joint Corp.是一家特許經營的醫療診所及診所運營商。在阿肯色州、加利福尼亞州、科羅拉多州、哥倫比亞特區、佛羅里達州、伊利諾伊州、堪薩斯州、肯塔基州、馬里蘭州、密歇根州、明尼蘇達州、新澤西州、紐約州、北卡羅來納州、俄勒岡州、賓夕法尼亞州、羅德島州、南達科他州、田納西州、華盛頓州、西弗吉尼亞州和懷俄明州,The Joint Corp.及其加盟商提供附屬的專業脊椎按摩護理服務管理。

*Offer valid 10/07/24—11/04/24 at participating clinics only. First month offer is valid for new wellness plan members only; requires a new membership agreement and minimum two-month commitment; and the $49 rate only applies toward the first month's rate. Offer and offer value may vary for Medicare eligible patients. NC: IF YOU DECIDE TO PURCHASE ADDITIONAL TREATMENT, YOU HAVE THE LEGAL RIGHT TO CHANGE YOUR MIND WITHIN THREE DAYS AND RECEIVE A REFUND. (N.C. Gen. Stat. 90-154.1). FL & KY: THE PATIENT AND ANY OTHER PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PAYMENT HAS THE RIGHT TO REFUSE TO PAY, CANCEL (RESCIND) PAYMENT OR BE REIMBURSED FOR ANY OTHER SERVICE, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT WHICH IS PERFORMED AS A RESULT OF AND WITHIN 72 HOURS OF RESPONDING TO THE ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE FREE, DISCOUNTED OR REDUCED FEE SERVICES, EXAMINATION OR TREATMENT. (FLA. STAT. 456.02) (201 KAR 21:065). Subject to additional state statutes and regulations. See clinic for chiropractor(s)' name and license info. Clinics managed and/or owned by franchisee or Prof. Corps. Restrictions may apply to Medicare eligible patients. Individual results may vary.

*促銷活動僅限參與診所於10/07/24至11/04/24期間有效。首月促銷活動僅適用於新的健康計劃會員;需要新的會員協議和至少兩個月的承諾;$49的費率僅適用於首月的費率。促銷活動及價值可能因適用於醫保資格患者而有所不同。北卡羅來納州:如果您決定購買額外的治療項目,則有法律權利在三天內更改主意並獲得退款(北卡羅來納州一般法規90-154.1)。佛羅里達州及肯塔基州:患者及任何其他支付責任人有權拒絕支付、取消(撤銷)支付或獲得退款,針對因回應廣告而在72小時內接受的免費、折扣或減價服務、檢查或治療項目(F.L.A.州法規456.02)(201 KAR 21:065)。受額外州級法規的約束。請查看診所尋找脊醫的姓名和許可證信息。診所由特許經營者或專業公司經營和/或擁有。對醫保資格患者可能適用限制。個人成果可能有所不同。

SOURCE The Joint Corp.

來源:美國證券交易委員會(The Joint Corp.)




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