
Markus Nottelmann Joins Ondas Holdings as a Senior Advisor Focused on Ondas Networks Initiatives

Markus Nottelmann Joins Ondas Holdings as a Senior Advisor Focused on Ondas Networks Initiatives

Markus Nottelmann加入ondas holdings擔任高級顧問,專注於ondas networks項目。
Accesswire ·  10/08 20:30

Nottelmann has extensive experience introducing new technology into railroad markets and an accomplished background as a strategic financial and operating executive


Nottelmann will assist in accelerating Ondas Networks' commercial activities with railroad customers and partners, as well as strategic financial matters

Nottelmann將協助加快Ondas Networks與鐵路客戶和合作夥伴的商業活動,以及戰略財務事務

BOSTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / Ondas Holdings Inc. (NASDAQ:ONDS) ("Ondas" or the "Company"), a leading provider of private industrial wireless networks and commercial drone and automated data solutions, announced today that Markus Nottelmann has joined the Company as Senior Advisor, focusing on commercial development and strategic activity for Ondas' wholly-owned subsidiary Ondas Networks Inc. ("Ondas Networks"), where he will also serve as a board member.

MA / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年10月8日 / Ondas Holdings Inc.(NASDAQ:ONDS)("Ondas"或"公司"),是私人工業無線網絡和商用無人機及自動化數據解決方案的領先提供商,今日宣佈,Markus Nottelmann已加入公司擔任高級顧問,專注於Ondas旗下的全資子公司Ondas Networks Inc.("Ondas Networks")的商業發展和戰略活動,他也將擔任董事會成員。

Mr. Nottelmann is an accomplished executive and brings a wealth of experience through holding various financial and operating roles including leadership positions with Sperry Rail Service and Acuren Inspections, both subsidiaries of Rockwood Holdings, LP, as well as Furmanite Inc. and DMA S.r.l. Since 2020, Markus has been applying his broad experience as strategic CFO, leading several companies through strategic assessments, transformations, and acquisitions.

Nottelmann先生是一位成功的高管,通過擔任Sperry Rail Service和Acuren Inspections等Rockwood Holdings,LP的子公司以及Furmanite Inc.和DMA S.r.l.的領導職位來積累了豐富的經驗。自2020年以來,Markus一直將其豐富的經驗應用於擔任戰略CFO,在戰略評估、轉型和收購等方面領導多家公司。

"I am thrilled to welcome Markus into the fold at a pivotal time in the development of Ondas Networks," said Eric Brock, CEO of Ondas. "Markus' extensive experience introducing new technology and services into global railroad markets will help Ondas drive adoption of our FullMAX wireless connectivity platform and continue to grow the ecosystem around our dot16 intellectual property. Further, his financial and strategic acumen are evidenced by his leadership in creating tangible shareholder value, which includes multiple exits."

"在Ondas Networks發展至關重要的時刻歡迎Markus的加入,"Ondas首席執行官Eric Brock表示。"Markus在將新技術和服務引入全球鐵路市場方面擁有豐富的經驗,這將幫助Ondas推動我們的FullMAX無線連接平台的採用以及持續發展圍繞我們的dot16知識產權的生態系統。此外,他在創造實實在在的股東價值方面所展現的財務和戰略洞察力,包括多次退出案例。"

"I am excited to join Ondas and support Eric and the Ondas Networks board on advancing the business priorities at Ondas Networks," said Mr. Nottelmann. "Ondas Networks has established an exceptionally strategic and valuable wireless connectivity solution for mission critical railroad applications. I look forward to working with the entire Ondas team, and our existing and future partners, to support our railroad customers. There has been extensive work to advance and validate the IEEE 802.16 platform, and I believe we will be able to deliver and scale this technology for the benefit of the ecosystem and Ondas' investors."

"我很高興在Ondas支持Eric和Ondas Networks董事會推進Ondas Networks的業務重點,"Nottelmann先生說。"Ondas Networks爲關鍵任務的鐵路應用建立了一個極具戰略性和價值的無線連接解決方案。我期待與整個Ondas團隊以及我們現有和未來的合作伙伴一起,支持我們的鐵路客戶。對於推進並驗證IEEE 802.16平台已經做了大量工作,我相信我們將能夠爲生態系統和Ondas的投資者帶來利益而交付和擴展這項技術。"

About Ondas Holdings Inc.

關於Ondas Holdings Inc.

Ondas Holdings Inc. ("Ondas") is a leading provider of private wireless data solutions via Ondas Networks Inc. ("Ondas Networks") and commercial drone solutions through Ondas Autonomous Systems Inc. via its wholly owned subsidiaries American Robotics, Inc. ("American Robotics" or "AR") and Airobotics LTD ("Airobotics"), which we operate as a separate business unit called Ondas Autonomous Systems.

Ondas Holdings Inc.("Ondas")是通過其全資子公司美國機器人公司("American Robotics"或"AR")和Airobotics LTD("Airobotics")提供私人無線數據解決方案以及通過Ondas Autonomous Systems Inc.提供商業無人機解決方案的領先供應商,我們將其作爲一個獨立的業務單位進行運營。

Ondas Networks is a developer of proprietary, software-based wireless broadband technology for large established and emerging commercial and government markets. Ondas Networks' standards-based (802.16s), multi-patented, software-defined radio FullMAX platform enables Mission-Critical IoT (MC-IoT) applications by overcoming the bandwidth limitations of today's legacy private licensed wireless networks. Ondas Networks' customer end markets include railroads, utilities, oil and gas, transportation, aviation (including drone operators) and government entities whose demands span a wide range of mission critical applications.

Ondas Networks是一家專門爲大型成熟和新興的商業和政府市場提供專有的、基於軟件的無線寬帶技術的開發者。Ondas Networks 的基於標準(802.16s)、多項專利的、軟件定義的電臺FullMAX平台通過克服今天傳統私有授權無線網絡的帶寬限制,使得關鍵物聯網(MC-IoT)應用得以實現。Ondas Networks 的客戶終端市場包括鐵路、公用事業、石油和天然氣、運輸、航空(包括無人機運營商)和需求涵蓋廣泛的政府實體,這些領域的關鍵應用需求涵蓋甚廣。

Ondas Autonomous Systems Inc. (OAS) specializes in designing, developing, and marketing autonomous drone solutions via its two advanced drone platforms: the Optimus System, the world's first FAA-certified small UAS (sUAS) for aerial security and data capture, and the Iron Drone Raider, a counter-drone system designed to combat hostile drones. Both platforms are highly automated, AI-powered, and capable of continuous, remote operation for critical defense, infrastructure, industrial, and government applications. American Robotics and Airobotics have achieved industry-leading regulatory milestones, including the first-ever FAA Type Certification for the Optimus System and the first drone system approved by the FAA for automated beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) operations without an on-site human operator.

Ondas Autonomous Systems Inc.(OAS)專注於設計、開發和推廣自主無人機解決方案,通過其兩種先進的無人機平台:Optimus系統,這是全球首個經FAA認證的小型無人機(sUAS),用於航空安防和數據捕獲,以及Iron Drone Raider,這是一款反無人機系統,專爲對抗敵對無人機而設計。這兩個平台高度自動化,由人工智能驅動,並能夠連續遠程運作,適用於關鍵的國防、基礎設施、工業和政府應用環境。American Robotics和Airobotics已達成行業領先的監管里程碑,包括Optimus系統的首次FAA型號認證,以及首個獲得FAA批准進行自動化超視距(BVLOS)操作且無需現場人員操作員的無人機系統。

Ondas Networks, American Robotics and Airobotics together provide users in defense, homeland security, public safety and other critical industrial and government security and infrastructure markets with improved connectivity, situational awareness and data collection and information processing capabilities.

Ondas Networks、American Robotics和Airobotics共同爲國防、國土安全、公共安全和其他關鍵的工業和政府安全與基礎設施市場的用戶提供改進的連接性、情況感知和數據收集以及信息處理能力。

Ondas Networks, American Robotics and Airobotics together provide users in defense, homeland security, public safety and other critical industrial and government security and infrastructure markets with improved connectivity, situational awareness and data collection and information processing capabilities.

Ondas Networks、美國機器人公司和Airobotics共同爲國防、國土安全、公共安全和其他關鍵的工業和政府安全和基礎設施市場的用戶提供改進的連接性、情景意識和數據收集和信息處理能力。

For additional information on Ondas Holdings, visit or follow Ondas Holdings on X formerly known as Twitter and LinkedIn. For additional information on Ondas Networks, visit or follow Ondas Networks on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on American Robotics, visit or follow American Robotics on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on Airobotics, visit or follow Airobotics on X and LinkedIn. For additional information on Ondas Autonomous Systems, follow us on LinkedIn.

有關Ondas Holdings的更多信息,請訪問或關注以前稱爲Twitter和LinkedIn的X上的Ondas Holdings。有關Ondas Networks的更多信息,請訪問或關注X和LinkedIn上的Ondas Networks。有關American Robotics的更多信息,請訪問或關注X和LinkedIn上的American Robotics。有關Airobotics的更多信息,請訪問或關注X和LinkedIn上的Airobotics。有關Ondas Autonomous Systems的更多信息,請在LinkedIn上關注我們。

Information on our websites and social media platforms is not incorporated by reference in this release or in any of our filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


Forward-Looking Statements


Statements made in this release that are not statements of historical or current facts are "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. We caution readers that forward-looking statements are predictions based on our current expectations about future events. These forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are subject to risks, uncertainties and assumptions that are difficult to predict. Our actual results, performance, or achievements could differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements as a result of a number of factors, including the risks discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" discussed under the caption "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in Part I of our most recent Annual Report on Form 10-K or any updates discussed under the caption "Item 1A. Risk Factors" in Part II of our Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q and in our other filings with the SEC. We undertake no obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise that occur after that date, except as required by law.




IR Contact for Ondas Holdings Inc.

Ondas Holdings Inc的IR聯繫人

Media Contact for Ondas
Preston Grimes
Marketing Manager, Ondas Holdings Inc.

Preston Grimes
Ondas Holdings Inc. 營銷經理

SOURCE: Ondas Holdings Inc.

信息來源:Ondas Holdings Inc.

