
Winning Media Announces Exclusive Interview With US Gold Corp Chairman and Co-Founder, Luke Norman

Winning Media Announces Exclusive Interview With US Gold Corp Chairman and Co-Founder, Luke Norman

Winning Media宣佈與美國黃金公司主席兼聯合創始人Luke Norman的獨家採訪
Accesswire ·  10/08 19:30

US Gold Corp's Luke Norman describes the opportunities for investors in the current bull market for gold

美國黃金公司的Luke Norman描述了當前黃金牛市中投資者的機會

HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / Steadily climbing gold prices over the last two years have triggered a number of opportunities for investors. And the gold bull market shows no signs of slowing down in the immediate future.

HOUSTON, TX / ACCESSWIRE / 2024年10月8日 / 過去兩年黃金價格穩步上漲,爲投資者帶來了許多機會。而黃金牛市在不久的將來也沒有放緩的跡象。

Chris Gaffney, president of world markets at EverBank, recently predicted that gold prices will hit $3,000 per ounce in 2025 after correctly predicting the price of gold would exceed $2,450 back in June.

EverBank的全球市場總裁Chris Gaffney最近預測,2025年黃金價格將達到每盎司3000美元,之前正確預測黃金價格將在6月超過2450美元。

Clearly higher gold prices over the next several months is great news for gold investors.


But for gold mining equities, this bull market presents a truly unique opportunity. As the price of gold rises, gold mining companies see increased margins as well as the ability to expand operations.


One company in a strong position to take advantage of this bull market is US Gold Corp. (NASDAQ:USAU).


Ty Hoffer, President of Winning Media, recently conducted an interview with US Gold Corp Chairman and Co-Founder, Luke Norman.

Winning Media的總裁Ty Hoffer最近對美國黃金公司主席兼聯合創始人Luke Norman進行了採訪。

The discussion focused on rising gold prices, the valuation of gold mining equities, and the company's portfolio of assets, including its CK Gold Project located in Wyoming.


Ty Hoffer, President of Winning Media: Gold has been on a steady climb over the last two years. With prices now over $2,600 do you see this bull market continuing into 2025?

Winning Media總裁Ty Hoffer表示:黃金在過去兩年裏一直穩步攀升。現在價格超過2600美元,你認爲這波牛市會持續到2025年嗎?

Luke Norman, Chairman and Co-Founder of US Gold Corp: I believe this is the long-awaited bull-cycle in gold, and it has real legs to it. The inflation-weighted gold price will be significantly higher than $2600 USD/oz. It is important to keep in mind that bulls are not easy to ride. False tops and corrections. It's going to be a challenging run.

US Gold Corp主席兼聯合創始人Luke Norman表示:我相信這是黃金期待已久的牛市週期,且實力雄厚。通脹調整後的黃金價格將明顯高於2600美元/盎司。重要的是要記住,牛市並不容易把握。假冒頂和修正。這將是一個具有挑戰性的過程。

WM: After the historic run in gold prices, do you still believe gold mining equities are undervalued at current valuations, and if so, why?


Luke Norman: There is no question that the gold mining equities are undervalued. With fuel and energy costs remaining largely stagnant, the profit margins for the producers are skyrocketing. Alternatively, the producers are out looking for "replacement" ounces for their constantly dwindling mineral inventories. As such, money and investment traditionally pour into the developers and explorers. This cycle has barely begun. Capital inflows from generalists, and ultimately the long gold funds, have barely begun. The cycle will result in massive shifts in the mining equities' valuation metrics, bringing them closer to traditional norms in the industry-and like all good bull markets, well beyond.

Luke Norman表示:毫無疑問,黃金礦業股票被低估。隨着燃料和能源成本基本保持不變,生產者的利潤率飆升。與此相反,生產者正在尋找不斷減少的礦物庫存的"替代"盎司。因此,傳統上,資金和投資會湧入開發商和勘探者。這一週期才剛剛開始。來自一般投資者的資本流入,最終是長週期的黃金基金,才剛剛開始。這一週期將導致礦業股票估值指標大幅變化,使其更接近行業傳統標準,就像所有良好的牛市一樣,遠遠超越。

WM: As higher gold prices generate more interest among investors in the gold mining sector, why is US Gold Corp better positioned than its peers for continued growth?

WM表示:隨着較高的黃金價格引起投資者對黃金礦業板塊的興趣增加,爲什麼US Gold Corp比同行更有望在持續增長中佔據優勢?

Luke Norman: There are a multitude of reasons why US Gold is better positioned than its peers for growth in this rising gold price environment:

Luke Norman表示:US Gold比同行在不斷攀升的黃金價格環境中更有望增長有很多原因:

  • We are one of the only permitted, shovel-ready gold/copper projects in North America that is yet to be developed. As I stated earlier, producing companies are desperate to replace dwindling ounces from their production assets. Other companies are looking to increase their production profiles to garner a re-rating from the mining analysts. US Gold is in a very unique situation due to this and the M&A interest it will generate as the mining sector gains momentum.

  • Jurisdiction: Our asset is in the safest mining jurisdiction on the planet-State of Wyoming land. Wyoming is a resource/mining friendly area, with no federal nexus. This was hugely important to the permitting process of the CK Gold project and its ongoing development.

  • US senior exchange listing: USAU on the NASDAQ affords us the ability to access retail investors throughout the US as well as institutional investors globally. With a very tight share structure, we are very well positioned to make the most out of this burgeoning bull market.

  • Copper: Our copper component offers diversification of the asset for those who aren't as bullish on the gold-cycle.

  • Other value metrics around the CK project that have not been valued into the company yet. New generation is going to be key as we unlock these value markers.

  • 我們是北美唯一擁有許可、即開即建的黃金/銅項目之一,尚未開發。正如我之前所述,生產公司迫切希望替換其生產資產中不斷減少的盎司。其他公司希望提高生產量以獲得礦業分析師的重估。US Gold處於一個非常獨特的情況,這將引發M&A的興趣,隨着礦業板塊勢頭的增長。

  • 管轄權:我們的資產位於地球上最安全的礦業管轄區——懷俄明州土地。懷俄明州是一個資源/礦業友好的地區,沒有聯邦關聯。這對Ck Gold項目的許可流程及其持續發展至關重要。

  • 美國高級交易所上市:在納斯達克交易的USAU使我們能夠接觸全美零售投資者以及全球機構投資者。憑藉非常緊湊的股本結構,我們在這個蓬勃發展的牛市中處於非常有利的位置。

  • 銅:我們的銅組成部分爲那些對黃金週期不那麼看好的人提供了資產的多樣化。

  • Ck項目周圍的其他價值指標尚未計入公司的價值。新一代將成爲關鍵,我們將解鎖這些價值指標。

WM: Analysts at HC Wainright & Co. and Alliance Global Partners have established an average price target of just over $13 per share for USAU, which has hovered between $5 and $6 since May. What could you see as a potential catalyst for shares moving closer to that target price in the months ahead?

WM: HC Wainright & Co.和Alliance Global Partners的分析師爲USAU設定了每股13美元左右的平均目標價,自5月以來股價一直在5至6美元之間波動。未來幾個月內,您認爲可能成爲股價接近目標價的潛在催化劑是什麼?

Luke Norman: The catalyst is as previously stated: normal-course capital inflows into the sector as this bull-cycle gets recognized by generalist investors. This catalyst should help US Gold Corp test its historical highs as we continue to establish value at CK and our other assets.

Luke Norman:催化劑如前所述:一般投資者開始認識到這一牛市循環,資金正常流入該板塊。這個催化劑應該幫助美國黃金公司測試其歷史高位,同時我們將繼續在Ck和我們的其他資產中創造價值。

WM: What is the latest on the company's CK Gold Project and has the gold bull market impacted your plans for that project at all?

WM: 公司的Ck Gold項目最新進展如何?黃金牛市是否對您的計劃產生影響?

Luke Norman: We are what is referred to as a "shovel-ready" project, having received all but one final conditional permit: our air quality permit. Additionally, during this engineering and permitting process, we became aware that there is a lot of unquantified value in our waste-rock as a saleable source of aggregate. Therefore, while we see interest and speculation starting to grow in the gold sector, we have a lot of additional value to quantify and add to CK. This project is about to get exciting for all investors.

Luke Norman:我們被稱爲「即用即挖」項目,已經獲得所有許可,只剩一個最終條件許可:我們的空氣質量許可。此外,在工程和許可的過程中,我們發現我們的廢石中有很多未量化的價值,可以作爲可銷售的骨料來源。因此,儘管我們看到金融領域的興趣和猜測開始增長,我們還有很多額外的價值需要量化並增添到Ck項目中。這個項目即將讓所有投資者興奮起來。

WM: The company's portfolio of assets includes properties with near-term production as well as considerable blue-sky exploration potential. What can you tell us about some of opportunities at your other projects?

WM: 公司的資產組合包括擁有近期產量和相當大的藍天勘探潛力的屬性。您能告訴我們一些關於您其他項目機會的情況嗎?

Luke Norman: Our Keystone project in Nevada is very unique. It is a standalone district-scale project, located near Barrick's flagship Cortez complex. It has very similar geology and stratigraphy to its neighbor, Cortez. It is our belief that a number of significant gold deposits are hosted at Keystone, and we are eagerly awaiting market conditions to improve so that we can explore Keystone with the level of interest that it deserves. It is a company maker in its own right. Standby for more on Keystone in the future.

Luke Norman: 我們在內華達州的Keystone項目非常獨特。它是一個獨立的區域規模項目,位於巴里克旗艦Cortez綜合體附近。它的地質學和地層學與其鄰居Cortez非常相似。我們相信Keystone承載着許多重要的金礦牀,並且我們急切地期待市場狀況改善,以便能夠以應有的興趣探索Keystone。這本身就是一個公司的創造者。敬請期待未來關於Keystone更多的資訊。

About Winning Media (WM)

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Winning Media is the leader in North America focused on providing digital marketing for public companies. We help clients leverage the power of their stories. With over 20 years of experience, we have created hundreds of branding and awareness campaigns for numerous NASDAQ, Canadian dual-listed.

Winning Media是北美領先的專注於爲公共公司提供數字營銷的公司。我們幫助客戶充分利用他們故事的力量。憑藉超過20年的經驗,我們爲衆多納斯達克和加拿大雙上市公司打造了數百個品牌和知名度宣發活動。

WM primarily focuses on profiling undervalued micro-cap and small-cap stocks and market sectors. WM provides content to investors from direct access to CEOs of small and mid-cap publicly-traded companies.


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Except for the historical information presented herein, matters discussed in this article contains forward-looking statements that are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such statements. WM is not registered with any financial or securities regulatory authority and does not provide nor claims to provide investment advice or recommendations to readers of this release. For making specific investment decisions, readers should seek their own advice. WM is only compensated for its services in the form of cash-based compensation. WM owns zero shares of US Gold Corp. WM has been paid one hundred fifty thousand dollars by US Gold Corp for various marketing services including this report. WM does not independently verify any of the content linked-to from this editorial.


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Contact information:
US Gold Corp: Luke Norman, Chairman and Co-Founder

US Gold Corp:Luke Norman,主席兼聯合創始人

Media Contact:
Winning Media: Ty Hoffer, President
(281) 804-7972

Winning Media:Ty Hoffer,總裁
(281) 804-7972

SOURCE: Winning Media

來源: Winning Media

