
Malaysian Rents Climbed In 2Q, More Increases Expected Ahead

Malaysian Rents Climbed In 2Q, More Increases Expected Ahead

Business Today ·  10/08 16:27

The new second quarter of 2024 (2Q24) IQI Malaysia Home Rental Index report showed that the average rent in Malaysia in 2Q24 was up 3.9% to RM1,995 from the previous quarter and 2.9% from a year earlier.


Juwai IQI Co-Founder and Group CEO Kashif Ansari said the index analyses over 70,000 residential rental transactions between 2018 and 2Q24, providing insights into new leases signed each quarter and offers valuable information on current rental market trends for tenants and investors.

Juwai IQI聯合創始人兼集團首席執行官卡希夫·安薩里表示,該指數分析了2018年至24年第二季度間的70,000多筆住宅租賃交易,爲每個季度簽署的新租約提供了見解,併爲租戶和投資者提供了有關當前租賃市場趨勢的寶貴信息。

"For the first time in a year, the annual growth rate of growth has accelerated rather than slowed. The index moves with the ebb and flow of rental property supply and demand, seasonal shifts, the influx of international students and investor activity.


"Our earlier forecast was that rental rates would climb moderately by 0% to 3%, but the index has already increased by 3.9%, more quickly than expected. We now update our forecast and project that the index to have increased at an annual rate of 5.5% by 1Q25," Kashif said.

「我們先前的預測是,租金將適度上漲0%至3%,但該指數已經上漲了3.9%,比預期的要快。我們現在更新了預測,預計到25年第一季度,該指數將以5.5%的年增長率增長,」 卡希夫說。

He revealed that the average rental price in Malaysia over the past two years is RM1,895 and this is slightly lower than the 1Q average price of RM1,920.


"In Kuala Lumpur (KL), rents are 44% higher than the average nationwide. KL's premium over average rents in Selangor is 51%. Families seeking more affordable homes or to increase their disposable income can reduce their expenses by half by choosing areas with lower rents.


"In addition to having the highest average rent, KL also experienced the highest rental growth over the past quarter. The average rent in KL increased by 5% to RM2,863. In Selangor, average rents were mostly stable, climbing by 1%," Kashif said, adding that the rents in KL in 2Q24 were up 5.7% compared to one year ago.

「除了平均租金最高外,吉隆坡在過去一個季度中還經歷了最高的租金增長。吉隆坡的平均租金上漲了5%,達到2,863令吉。在雪蘭莪州,平均租金基本穩定,上漲了1%。」 卡希夫說,並補充說,吉隆坡第二季度的租金與一年前相比增長了5.7%。

"However, contrasting to the national trend, the rate of increase in KL's average rents has fallen for three consecutive quarters.


"Selangor is significantly more affordable than KL. Average rents in Selangor climbed to 6.2% higher than a year earlier. The RM1,899 average rent in Selangor is 5% higher than the two-year trend," he said, adding that rents in Selangor is expected to moderate from its current pace to approximately 3% growth.

「雪蘭莪比吉隆坡便宜得多。雪蘭莪州的平均租金比去年同期攀升至6.2%。雪蘭莪州1,899令吉的平均租金比兩年的趨勢高出5%。」 他補充說,雪蘭莪州的租金預計將從目前的速度放緩至約3%的增長。

Meanwhile, even though the index climbed in 2Q, many renters still enjoy what we call the "Covid Discount" in which renters continue to benefit from a situation of relative affordability, with rents well below their pre-pandemic levels.

同時,儘管該指數在第二季度有所攀升,但許多租房者仍然享受我們所謂的 「Covid折扣」,在這種折扣中,租房者繼續受益於相對可負擔的局面,租金遠低於疫情前的水平。

"However, this can vary by location and property type, and this is an indicator that rents have not fully rebounded from the pandemic's effects," Kashif said.


He revealed that the average Malaysian renter now pays RM499 less in rent, which is a 20% discount from before the pandemic.

他透露,現在馬來西亞的普通租房者支付的租金減少了 RM499,與疫情前相比折扣了20%。

"In KL, the Covid discount is a gigantic RM1,301, or 31%. In Malaysia's most expensive state, renters enjoy a significant affordability advantage compared to before the pandemic," he noted while attributing the slower recovery to the economic challenges the country faced during the pandemic era.

「在吉隆坡,新冠肺炎的折扣高達1,301令吉,佔31%。在馬來西亞最昂貴的州,與疫情前相比,租房者享有顯著的負擔能力優勢。」 他指出,同時將復甦放緩歸因於該國在疫情時代面臨的經濟挑戰。

However, he said now that Malaysia seems to be moving into a new growth cycle, it is expected to see a recovery in rental rates and further improvements in employment, disposable incomes and consumer spending.


"Let's look at some explanations for the regional disparity in the Covid discount. KL's persistent Covid discount may be a result of the city's higher exposure to the sectors that were most affected by the pandemic. These sectors include tourism and hospitality and international business.


"By contrast, Selangor's resilience reveals a quicker recovery and may indicate Selangor was less affected by pandemic-related economic disruptions.


"The affordability gap between KL and Selangor may have encouraged some renters to move from the capital to more affordable neighbouring areas," Kashif said, adding that the ability to work remotely has probably given further stimulus to this internal migration.

卡希夫說:「吉隆坡和雪蘭莪州之間的負擔能力差距可能鼓勵了一些租戶從首都遷往更實惠的鄰近地區,」 他補充說,遠程辦公的能力可能進一步刺激了這種內部移民。

"For investors, the Covid discount may present a buying opportunity because if you are anticipating rental income to bounce higher, closer to historic levels, in the future, buying now may enable you to benefit from income growth and capital appreciation.


"The market is already showing signs of recovery and investors will focus on regions and property types that they anticipate will grow most quickly," he said.


