
Aelf and Gaia Hosted Hello [AI], Bringing Together AI and Blockchain Innovators at TOKEN2049 Week

Aelf and Gaia Hosted Hello [AI], Bringing Together AI and Blockchain Innovators at TOKEN2049 Week

elf和Gaia主辦了Hello 人工智能,將人工智能和blockchain創新者匯聚在TOKEN2049周
PR Newswire ·  10/07 21:09

aelf's AI-themed event kicked off Singapore's TOKEN2049 week, paving the way for the future of AI-blockchain integration


SINGAPORE, Oct. 7, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- aelf, a leading AI-enhanced Layer 1 blockchain network, hosted Hello [AI] on 16 September 2024, with co-host Gaia. The event successfully kicked off Singapore's TOKEN2049 week, attracting a capacity crowd of AI and blockchain enthusiasts, industry experts, and Web3 innovators at SKAI Loft, Swissôtel. Attendees included AI and blockchain enthusiasts, developers, industry experts, and Web3 leaders, looking to explore the fusion of AI and blockchain.

新加坡,2024年10月7日 / PRNewswire / - aelf,一家領先的AI增強的Layer 1區塊鏈網絡,在2024年9月16日舉辦了Hello [AI]活動,與合作伙伴Gaia共同主辦。這一活動成功地拉開了新加坡TOKEN2049周的序幕,吸引了AI和區塊鏈愛好者、行業專家和Web3創新者參與,活動地點位於Swissôtel的SKAI Loft。與會者包括AI和區塊鏈愛好者、開發人員、行業專家和Web3領袖,他們希望探討人工智能和區塊鏈的融合。

Supported by Google Cloud and Microsoft, and featuring partners such as Asia Blockchain Gaming Alliance (ABGA), NEAR, Plug and Play, Sapien, and SchellingAI, Hello [AI] underscored the growing synergy between AI and blockchain. The event provided a vibrant platform for discussion, thought leadership, and networking, signalling the critical role blockchain technologies will play in the future of digital innovation.

在Google Cloud和Microsoft的支持下,Hello [AI]活動彙集了亞洲區塊鏈遊戲聯盟(ABGA)、NEAR、Plug and Play、Sapien和SchellingAI等合作伙伴,突顯了人工智能和區塊鏈之間日益增長的協同作用。該活動爲討論、思想領導力和交流提供了充滿活力的平台,標誌着區塊鏈技術在數字創新未來中將扮演的關鍵角色。

Advancing the AI-Blockchain Dialogue


At the heart of Hello [AI] was a focus on AI and blockchain integration. Brian Liang, COO of aelf, delivered the keynote, sharing aelf's vision of an AI-enhanced blockchain ecosystem.

Hello [AI]活動的核心是人工智能和區塊鏈的整合。aelf的首席運營官Brian Liang發表主題演講,分享了aelf對AI增強區塊鏈生態系統的願景。

He emphasised the importance of community engagement in shaping this future and highlighted key developments from aelf's Whitepaper v2. This includes aelf's recent successful deployment of AI-powered audits for smart contracts and the integration of machine learning for smart contract optimisation. Liang also revealed upcoming developments, such as the rollout of aelf's AI oracle and the use of natural language processing (NLP) to simplify smart contract creation.

他強調社區參與在塑造這一未來中的重要性,並強調了aelf的Whitepaper v2中的關鍵發展。這包括aelf最近成功部署的用於智能合約的AI驅動審計和機器學習的智能合約優化整合。Liang還透露了即將推出的發展項目,例如aelf的AI預言機的推出以及利用自然語言處理(NLP)簡化智能合約的創建。

Panel Discussion: AI-Powered Blockchain Application


A lively panel discussion moderated by Khaniff Lau, Business Development Director at aelf, featured key figures exploring the future of AI-enhanced blockchain applications. Panellists included Sydney Lai, Head of Developer Advocacy at Gaia; Steve Shirkey, Director of Azure AI for ANZ, ASEAN, and Korea at Microsoft; Chris May, Head of Global Sales at Sapien; and CC Chen, AI Blockchain Expert at Google Cloud.

aelf業務發展總監劉康豐主持了一個活躍的專家討論,重點探討了人工智能增強的區塊鏈應用的未來。與會專家包括Gaia的開發者倡導負責人Sydney Lai; 微軟Azure AI ANZ,ASEAN和韓國董事Steve Shirkey; Sapien全球銷售總監Chris May; 以及Google Cloud的AI區塊鏈專家CC Chen。

The panel explored the potential of AI-powered blockchain applications, delving into real-world use cases and addressing challenges such as AI hallucinations. The panellists shared insights on improving the integration of AI in decentralised applications, enhancing interoperability between AI and blockchain systems, and overcoming technical barriers to adoption.


Fireside Chat: Can AI Become Truly Decentralised?


In a thought-provoking fireside chat moderated by Khaniff Lau, Emad Mostaque, Founder of Schelling AI, and Luki Song, Head of Ecosystem & Strategy at Chainbase, explored the potential for AI to not just exist within decentralised systems, but to actively function in a fully decentralized manner.

在一場引人深思的爐邊對話中,由Khaniff Lau主持,Schelling AI創始人Emad Mostaque和Chainbase生態系統與戰略負責人Luki Song探討了人工智能不僅存在於去中心化系統中的潛力,而且積極以完全去中心化的方式運作。

This discussion highlighted blockchain's capacity to address key concerns around data ethics, trust in algorithms, and the infrastructure necessary to support decentralised AI, while offering insights into how decentralisation could reshape the AI landscape.


Interactive On-Chain Entertainment and Engagement


Beyond discussions, Hello [AI] offered on-chain, hands-on experiences. Attendees gamified their event participation by voting for music genres via TMRWDAO's Votigram bot on Telegram, weaving decentralisation into entertainment. Guests also collected Crypto Boxes, with rewards in the form of $ELF tokens, and $SGR tokens from Project Schrodinger, the world's first AI-powered 404 NFT collection. These elements showcased blockchain's ability to seamlessly integrate into real-world experiences and provide tangible rewards through decentralised technologies.

除了討論外,Hello [AI]還提供了基於鏈上的親身體驗。與會者通過在Telegram上使用TMRWDAO的Votigram機器人爲音樂流派投票,將去中心化融入娛樂中。客人還收集了加密盒子,獎勵爲$ELF代幣和來自Project schrodinger的$SGR代幣,展示了區塊鏈能夠無縫整合到現實體驗中,並通過去中心化技術提供切實獎勵的能力。

aelf's Vision for a Decentralised, AI-Enhanced Future


Hello [AI] kickstarted this year's TOKEN2049 and signified aelf's pivotal role in advancing decentralised AI and blockchain technologies. The success of Hello [AI] sets the stage for aelf's role as a pioneer in AI and blockchain convergence. "We are excited by the collective brilliance and shared vision within our community," said Brian Liang. "As we continue to evolve, we invite more innovators to help us shape the future of Web3." As aelf continues to lead the way in AI-blockchain integration, Hello [AI] underscored the network's commitment to building a decentralised, AI-enhanced future for the global Web3 ecosystem.

Hello [AI]開啓了今年的TOKEN2049,並標誌着elf在推進去中心化人工智能和區塊鏈技術方面的關鍵作用。Hello [AI]的成功爲elf在人工智能和區塊鏈融合中的開拓者角色奠定了基礎。「我們對社區內共同的智慧和願景感到興奮,」Brian Liang說。「隨着我們不斷髮展,我們邀請更多創新者幫助我們塑造Web3的未來。」隨着elf繼續引領人工智能和區塊鏈的整合,Hello [AI]強調了網絡致力於爲全球Web3生態系統構建去中心化、人工智能增強的未來。

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About aelf


aelf, an AI-enhanced Layer 1 blockchain network, leverages the robust C# programming language for efficiency and scalability across its sophisticated multi-layered architecture. Founded in 2017 with its global hub in Singapore, aelf is a pioneer in the industry, leading Asia in evolving blockchain with state-of-the-art AI integration and modular Layer 2 ZK Rollup technology, ensuring an efficient, low-cost, and highly secure platform that is both developer and end-user friendly. Aligned with its progressive vision, aelf is committed to fostering innovation within its ecosystem and remains dedicated to advancing Web3 and AI technology adoption.

aelf,一種增強人工智能Layer 1區塊鏈網絡,利用強大的C#編程語言,實現了其複雜的多層架構的效率和可擴展性。aelf成立於2017年,總部位於新加坡,是行業的先驅,在亞洲領先於以先進人工智能集成和模塊化Layer 2 Zk Rollup技術推動區塊鏈的發展,確保了高效、低成本和高度安全的平台,同時對開發者和最終用戶友好。與其進步的願景一致,aelf致力於在其生態系統內培育創新,並致力於推動Web3和人工智能技術的採用。

For more information about aelf, please refer to our Whitepaper V2.0:


About Gaia

關於Gaia Gaia是一個由會員支持的全球視頻流媒體服務和社區。Gaia通過四個主要頻道——追求真理、轉型、替代療法和瑜伽,以四種語言(英語、西班牙語、法語和德語)爲185個國家的會員制作和策劃有意識的媒體。Gaia的圖書館涵蓋了超過10,000個標題,涉及多個類別,包括轉型和精神成長、療愈和替代療法、瑜伽和冥想、古代隱藏曆史、玄學和未解之謎。Gaia可以在Apple TV、iOS、Android、Roku、Chromecast上使用,並通過Amazon Prime Video和康卡斯特Xfinity出售。有關Gaia的更多信息,請訪問網站。

Gaia is a pioneering decentralized AI platform dedicated to transforming knowledge into a dynamic, secure, and collaborative ecosystem. By bridging the gap between centralized AI solutions and open-source models, Gaia offers a unique network of living knowledge organisms that adapt and grow continuously. Our platform empowers knowledge holders to protect and monetize their intellectual property while enabling developers to build innovative, smarter applications on top of a secure, evolving foundation. With a commitment to privacy, adaptability, and collaboration, Gaia is redefining the future of AI, making knowledge a vibrant, protected, and accessible resource for all.


Disclaimer: The information provided in this press announcement is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal, financial, or investment advice. aelf makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided in this press announcement. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk. Blockchain technology and cryptocurrency involve inherent risks, including but not limited to market volatility, regulatory changes, and potential security vulnerabilities. By accessing and using the information provided in this press announcement, you agree to indemnify and hold aelf, its officers, directors, employees, and agents harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses arising out of or in connection with your use of the information. aelf reserves all rights not expressly granted in this press announcement.



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