
Independent Living And Safety: How LogicMark's Innovations Are Helping To Address The Needs Of An Aging America

Independent Living And Safety: How LogicMark's Innovations Are Helping To Address The Needs Of An Aging America

LogicMark ·  09/23 12:00

In America, more than 10,000 Baby Boomers reach the milestone age of 65 each day. By 2040, 25% of the American population will be over the age of 65. Meanwhile, senior citizens are choosing to live life independently more than ever before, a shift that has gained momentum in the wake of the pandemic.


These days, nearly three-quarters (70%) of Americans shudder at the thought of being admitted into a nursing home, a Gallup poll revealed. Additionally, almost two-thirds of families would hesitate to admit a loved one to a nursing home facility. However, living independently introduces a host of other challenges that must be overcome.


While emergency and safety needs have evolved over the past several decades, personal safety solutions often lag behind and don't keep pace with modern technological standards. This has an impact on vulnerable communities, as well as the "sandwich generation" – many of whom are caring both for their own children as well as their aging parents.


Why Seniors Are Vulnerable To Falling


In reality, the leading cause of injury and death for senior citizens over the age of 65 is falling, and with more of the aging population living independently, the trend is only getting worse, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In fact, of the roughly 58 million Americans age 65 or older, one in four report experiencing a fall, based on historical data from the CDC, a growing problem they admit can be prevented.


Dr. Esiquio Casillas, Senior Vice President and Chief Medical Officer for the AltaMed Health Services Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, explained the cause, saying, "That's because aging affects our muscle strength and flexibility, making it more challenging to maintain balance and stability. Older adults are also more likely to have chronic conditions that can affect their mobility, coordination and overall stability. Plus, age-related vision changes and hearing loss can make it harder to navigate and identify potential hazards."

艾爾塔醫療健康全包護理高級醫療官兼首席醫療官Dr. Esiquio Casillas解釋了導致這種情況的原因,稱:"這是因爲年齡增長影響了我們的肌肉力量和靈活性,使保持平衡和穩定更具挑戰性。老年人更有可能患有影響他們的行動能力、協調能力和整體穩定性的慢性疾病。此外,與年齡相關的視力變化和聽力喪失會使人更難以瀏覽和識別潛在的危險。

Recognizing these concerns, LogicMark with nearly two decades in the personal safety products market, has developed an entire suite of solutions, including personal emergency response systems (PERS), health communications devices and internet-of-things (IoT) technologies for a connected care platform.


LogicMark says its technology harnesses data to identify risks while anticipating needs and protecting data privacy. It carries the potential to reverse a troubling and dangerous trend of death from accidental falls. Considering the growth that the senior medical alerts/PERS market is set to experience, with the market opportunity projected to reach $17.26 billion by 2028 – reflecting a compound annual growth rate of 10.6% – LogicMark could be strategically positioned to capitalize on this trend.

LogicMark表示,其技術利用數據來識別風險,預測需求並保護數據隱私。它有潛力扭轉一種令人擔憂和危險的從意外摔倒中死亡的趨勢。考慮到老年醫療警報/PERS市場即將經歷的增長,市場機會預計到2028年將達到172.6億美元,反映出複合年增長率爲10.6% - LogicMark可能會戰略性地利用這一趨勢。

LogicMark's Business Evolution


Since its founding in 2006, LogicMark has become a leader in personal safety. Early in its inception, the company relied heavily on reactive medical alert hardware, products that generated one-time revenue and were predominantly targeting the business-to-government (B2G) market, which LogicMark says it has not only penetrated but is strong in despite fierce barriers to entry. Since 2021, the company's transformation has been in full gear, coinciding with the appointment of CEO Chia-Lin Simmons, who remains at the helm.

自2006年創立以來,LogicMark已成爲個人安全領域的領導者。 在創立初期,公司主要依靠反應式醫療警報硬件,即一次性收入產品,並且主要針對政府之間的業務市場,LogicMark表示,儘管存在強大的准入障礙,但公司不僅已進入這一市場,而且在這一領域表現強勁。 自2021年以來,公司的轉型一直在進行中,恰逢首席執行官Chia-Lin Simmons的任命,他依然坐鎮指揮。

LogicMark reports that it has since expanded from a one-time revenue model to one that includes recurring subscription revenue with a very good lifetime value. Its latest products exist in white-hot areas such as AI, software-as-a-service and mobile applications, while it has also broadened its reach to include business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) channels.

LogicMark報告稱,公司已從一次性收入模型擴展到包括具有非常好生命週期價值的經常性訂閱收入模型。 其最新產品存在於人工智能、軟件即服務和移動應用等炙手可熱的領域,同時還擴大了其影響力,包括了業務對業務(B2B)和業務對消費者(B2C)渠道。

The LogicMark ecosystem integrates proprietary AI and machine learning technologies, facilitating ongoing connectivity and scalability.


How LogicMark's Products Can Be A Lifeline In Distress


LogicMark has no shortage of products and solutions from which senior citizens and others can choose that could serve as a lifeline in times of distress. While LogicMark offers numerous products and services, here are a couple that are uniquely fit for seniors:

LogicMark有各種產品和解決方案供老年人和其他人選擇,在困難時期可能會作爲生命線。 雖然LogicMark提供了多種產品和服務,以下是幾種特別適合老年人的產品:

Freedom Alert Mini: The newest in its line of mobile medical alert devices, Freedom Alert Mini brings revolutionary technology to medical alert devices. 24/7 monitoring means this device will always reach help and ensure wearers receive critical assistance. Fall detection will alert emergency services even when the fallen can't speak. GPS location services allow caregivers to monitor device location at all times. Caregivers can set geofencing boundaries to receive alerts when those under their care may wander. The Care Village app provides ultimate reassurance as a hub for emergency alerts, device status and geofencing boundary management.
Guardian Alert 911 Plus: Guardian Alert 911 Plus is a 4G LTE technology that gives wearers peace of mind to travel anywhere within range of a cellular network. An industry-leading battery life means Guardian Alert 911 Plus only needs to be charged every 3-6 months, based on battery monitoring settings. LogicMark brought two-way voice communication to medical alert device technology. Guardian Alert 911 Plus can be worn on a lanyard, in a belt clip or on a wrist strap. This device is a one-time purchase, requiring no monthly monitoring fees.
Aster: For aging adults who have a cell phone and are not ready for a traditional medical alert device, LogicMark offers Aster, a personal safety app that connects directly to a monitoring service to ensure the user's safety. In an emergency, a swipe will immediately connect them to monitoring professionals who will stay on the line and dispatch emergency services to help. A press and hold will allow all aging adults to arm the app when they don't feel safe and call help when they release. The follow me feature allows users to schedule events or appointments that they would like a check-in after, to make sure they have left safely. The Bluetooth button can be clipped to a keychain or purse to call emergency services immediately when help is needed.

Freedom Alert Mini:作爲移動醫療警報設備系列中最新的產品,Freedom Alert Mini爲醫療警報設備帶來了革命性的科技。24/7 監控意味着該設備總能聯絡到幫助,確保佩戴者獲得關鍵援助。跌倒檢測將在摔倒者無法言語時警報急救服務。GPS 定位服務允許護理人員隨時監控設備位置。護理人員可以設定地理圍欄邊界,當被照顧者可能走失時接收警報。Care Village 應用程序作爲緊急警報、設備狀態和地理圍欄邊界管理的中心,提供了最高安心保證。
Guardian Alert 911 Plus:Guardian Alert 911 Plus 是 4G LTE 技術,讓佩戴者放心在蜂窩網絡覆蓋範圍內任意旅行。業內領先的電池壽命意味着 Guardian Alert 911 Plus 只需根據電池監控設置每 3-6 個月充電一次。LogicMark 將雙向語音通信帶到了醫療警報設備技術。Guardian Alert 911 Plus 可以佩戴在吊繩上、腰帶夾上或手腕帶上。這個設備只需一次購買,無需支付月度監控費用。
Aster:LogicMark 爲擁有手機但尚未準備好使用傳統醫療警報設備的老年人提供了 Aster,一款可直接連接到監控服務以確保用戶安全的個人安全應用。在緊急情況下,輕掃屏幕將立即將他們連接到專業監控人員,後者將在線上並派發緊急服務以提供幫助。長按屏幕將允許所有老年人在感到不安全時武裝該應用,並在釋放後撥打求助。跟隨我的功能允許用戶安排事件或預約,希望在之後進行檢查,以確保他們安全離開。藍牙按鈕可以夾在鑰匙鏈或手袋上,當需要幫助時立即呼叫緊急服務。

Freedom Alert Plus: Freedom Alert Plus is an in-home, Wi-Fi-powered medical alert device. LogicMark reports that it is the first of its kind with a touch screen and fall detection, making the device the ultimate safety companion for around the home and yard. 24/7 monitoring means emergency professionals are always available to dispatch help when wearers need it. Care Village provides caregivers with peace of mind, knowing they will always receive alerts when their loved one needs assistance. They can monitor device battery life and Wi-Fi connection to make sure Freedom Alert Plus will connect to emergency services.

Freedom Alert Plus:Freedom Alert Plus 是一種在家使用、由 Wi-Fi 提供動力的醫療警報設備。LogicMark 報告稱,它是首款具備觸摸屏和跌倒檢測功能的產品,使該設備成爲家庭和庭院周圍的終極安全伴侶。24/7 監控意味着應急專業人員隨時可以調度幫助給佩戴者。Care Village 爲護理人員提供安心,他們知道他們的所愛需要幫助時總會收到警報。他們可以監控設備電池壽命和 Wi-Fi 連接,確保 Freedom Alert Plus 能夠連接到緊急服務。

The issues around personal safety and independence are not going to disappear by themselves. Investors who are interested in participating in this digitization of the personal safety market can check out LogicMark's investment deck here.


