
Psychedelics 2.0: Companies Explore Safer, More Targeted Therapies

Psychedelics 2.0: Companies Explore Safer, More Targeted Therapies

Benzinga ·  10/05 03:39

Psychedelics have shown promise in treating various mental health issues, including PTSD and depression, but they've often faced notable challenges. Side effects like nausea, cardiovascular risks, and the potential for "bad trips" have raised concerns among both clinicians and patients. As Time reported, companies like Mindstate Design Labs and Atai Life Sciences (NASDAQ:ATAI) are developing new forms of psychedelics, sometimes called Psychedelics 2.0, designed to offer therapeutic benefits with fewer risks.

致幻劑在治療各種精神健康問題中顯示出了希望,包括創傷後應激障礙和抑鬱症,但它們常常面臨着顯著的挑戰。噁心、心血管風險和"糟糕的旅程"等副作用引起了臨床醫生和患者的擔憂。正如《時代》報道的,Mindstate Design Labs和Atai Life Sciences(納斯達克:ATAI)等公司正在開發新型致幻劑,有時被稱爲致幻劑2.0,旨在提供更少風險的治療益處。

Challenges And Limitations Of Traditional Psychedelics


Traditional psychedelics like psilocybin, MDMA and LSD work by promoting neuroplasticity, which helps the brain form new connections and process trauma. However, these substances can be time-intensive, sometimes requiring patients to endure hours-long sessions under medical supervision. This protocol not only strains mental health resources but can also be daunting for patients.


Dillan DiNardo, CEO of Mindstate Design Labs, describes classic psychedelics as "effective, but they're scary and unpredictable." His company aims to refine psychedelics to retain their mental health benefits while minimizing adverse effects. These novel drugs may also ease the burden on the mental health system, as the reduced risk could potentially allow for fewer monitoring requirements.

Mindstate Design Labs的首席執行官Dillan DiNardo將傳統致幻劑描述爲"有效,但是它們令人恐懼且難以預測"。他的公司旨在完善致幻劑,保留其精神健康益處的同時最小化不良影響。這些新型藥物也可能減輕精神健康系統的負擔,因爲降低的風險可能會讓監測要求減少。

The FDA recently withheld approval of MDMA for PTSD treatment, citing concerns over potential heart risks and the need for constant monitoring. Dr. Srinivas Rao, co-CEO of Atai Life Sciences, explains that these challenges have encouraged companies to find safer alternatives. One such development is R-MDMA, which offers a more introspective experience with fewer side effects.

美國食品藥品監督管理局最近因擔心潛在的心臟風險和需要持續監測而暫停批准MDMA用於治療創傷後應激障礙。Atai Life Sciences的聯席首席執行官Srinivas Rao博士解釋說,這些挑戰鼓勵公司尋找更安全的替代方法。其中一項發展是R-MDMA,其提供更多內省體驗且副作用較少。

Rethinking Psychedelic Therapy


Companies like Enveric Biosciences (NASDAQ:ENVB) are taking a different approach by attempting to strip psychedelics of their hallucinogenic effects altogether. Enveric's CEO Joseph Tucker suggests that a non-hallucinogenic version of psychedelics, if effective, could function much like an antidepressant, providing relief without the need for extensive in-clinic sessions.

Enveric Biosciences(納斯達克:ENVB)等公司採取了不同的方式,試圖完全剝離致幻劑的幻覺效果。Enveric的首席執行官約瑟夫·塔克建議,非幻覺版本的致幻劑如果有效,可能會像抗抑鬱藥一樣發揮作用,提供緩解而無需進行廣泛的門診療程。

This approach has its critics, however, with some researchers arguing that the psychedelic experience itself is essential to therapeutic progress. Studies suggest that feelings of connectedness, common in psychedelic experiences, are linked to improved mental health outcomes.


Selective Psychedelics: Targeted Effects For Improved Safety


Mindstate Design Labs is exploring ways to create psychedelics with more targeted effects on the brain. DiNardo likens psychedelics to "promiscuous molecules" that influence various neural pathways. By honing in on specific effects, Mindstate seeks to reduce the chaotic nature of traditional psychedelics and make the treatment experience more predictable.

Mindstate Design Labs 正在探索如何創造更具針對性效果的迷幻藥物。DiNardo 將迷幻藥物比作影響不同神經通路的「多產分子」。通過專注於特定效果,Mindstate 旨在減少傳統迷幻藥物的混亂性質,使治療體驗更加可預測。

The Future Of Psychedelic Therapy


While these developments offer promising solutions, the path to FDA approval and widespread acceptance remains complex. Whether future psychedelics can provide mental health benefits without the downsides of traditional compounds will depend on ongoing research and clinical trials. As DiNardo notes, "psychedelics do not work for everyone in a positive way." But with advances in Psychedelics 2.0, companies seem to be optimistic about creating more patient-friendly therapies for mental health challenges.

儘管這些進展提供了可喜的解決方案,但獲得 FDA 批准和廣泛接受的道路仍然複雜。未來迷幻藥物能否提供心理健康益處而又避免傳統化合物的不利因素,將取決於持續的研究和臨床試驗。正如 DiNardo 指出的,「迷幻藥物並不對每個人產生積極作用」。但隨着迷幻藥物 2.0 的進步,公司似乎對創造更適合患者的心理健康挑戰療法持樂觀態度。

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