
Top 3 Risk Off Stocks That May Explode This Month

Top 3 Risk Off Stocks That May Explode This Month

Benzinga ·  10/04 19:00

The most oversold stocks in the consumer staples sector presents an opportunity to buy into undervalued companies.


The RSI is a momentum indicator, which compares a stock's strength on days when prices go up to its strength on days when prices go down. When compared to a stock's price action, it can give traders a better sense of how a stock may perform in the short term. An asset is typically considered oversold when the RSI is below 30, according to Benzinga Pro.

RSI指標是一種動量指標,它比較了股票在價格上漲時的強度與在價格下跌時的強度。與股票的價格走勢進行比較,可以給交易者更好的了解股票短期內表現的良好程度。當RSI低於30時,資產通常被認爲是超賣的,根據Benzinga Pro的數據。

Here's the latest list of major oversold players in this sector, having an RSI near or below 30.


Farmer Bros Co (NASDAQ:FARM)

Farmer Bros 公司(納斯達克股票代碼:FARM)

  • On Sept. 12, Farmer Bros reported better-than-expected fourth-quarter financial results. "This past year was a transformative one for Farmer Brothers," said President and Chief Executive Officer John Moore. "The decision to sell our direct ship business and focus on our more profitable DSD business helped significantly improve our gross margins and drive adjusted EBITDA profitability and overall operational efficiency." The company's stock fell around 30% over the past month and has a 52-week low of $1.85.
  • RSI Value: 27.27
  • FARM Price Action: Shares of Farmer Bros fell 2.1% to close at $1.89 on Thursday.
  • Benzinga Pro's real-time newsfeed alerted to latest FARM news.
  • 9月12日,Farmer Bros 報告了超出預期的第四季度財務結果。總裁兼首席執行官約翰·摩爾表示:「過去一年是Farmer Bros 的轉型之年。我們決定賣出直接船舶業務,專注於更具利潤的直銷零售運營業務,有助於顯著提高我們的毛利率,推動調整後的息稅前利潤和整體運營效率。」公司股價在過去一個月內下跌約30%,52周最低價爲1.85美元。
  • RSI數值:27.27
  • Farmer Bros 股價動向:週四,Farmer Bros 的股價下跌了2.1%,收於1.89美元。
  • Benzinga Pro 的實時新聞提醒您獲悉最新的 Farmer Bros 新聞。

British American Tobacco PLC (NYSE:BTI)


  • On July 25, British American Tobacco posted H1 adjusted EPS of 169.3p down from 181.6p in the year-ago period. The company's stock fell around 6% over the past five days. It has a 52-week low of $28.25.
  • RSI Value: 24.49
  • BTI Price Action: Shares of British American Tobacco fell 2.4% to close at $35.11 on Thursday.
  • Benzinga Pro's charting tool helped identify the trend in BTI stock.
  • 7月25日,英美菸草發佈了H1調整後的每股收益爲169.3便士,低於去年同期的181.6便士。該公司股價在過去五天下跌了約6%。股價已觸及52周低點$28.25。
  • RSI數值:24.49
  • BTI價格走勢:英美菸草股價下跌2.4%,週四收盤價爲$35.11。
  • Benzinga Pro的圖表工具幫助識別了BTI股票的趨勢。

Conagra Brands Inc (NYSE:CAG)


  • On Oct. 2, ConAgra Brands reported worse-than-expected first-quarter financial results. Conagra Brands reaffirmed its fiscal 2025 guidance, projecting organic net sales to be between a decline of 1.5% and flat compared to fiscal year 2024, and expects adjusted earnings per share (EPS) to be between $2.60 and $2.65, compared to an estimated $2.61. The company's shares fell around 10% over the past five days and has a 52-week low of $25.16.
  • RSI Value: 25.52
  • CAG Price Action: Shares of Conagra Brands fell 2.4% to close at $29.35 on Thursday.
  • Benzinga Pro's signals feature notified of a potential breakout in CAG shares.
  • 康尼格拉於10月2日發佈了低於預期的第一季度財務業績。康尼格拉重申其2025財年的指引,預計有機淨銷售額將與2024財年相比下降1.5%至持平,並預計調整後每股收益(EPS)將介於2.60美元至2.65美元之間,而不是預估的2.61美元。該公司股價在過去五天下跌約10%,並且52周最低價爲25.16美元。
  • RSI值:25.52
  • CAG股價行動:康尼格拉股價週四下跌2.4%,收於29.35美元。
  • 貝寧扎Pro的信號特性通知了CAG股票潛在突破的可能性。
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