
Google Search Set For 'Pretty Dramatic Shift' With Gemini AI Integration, Says Executive

Google Search Set For 'Pretty Dramatic Shift' With Gemini AI Integration, Says Executive

谷歌搜索準備通過Gemini 人工智能集成進行"相當大的轉變",高管表示
Benzinga ·  17:56

Google by Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOGL) (NASDAQ:GOOG) is preparing to revolutionize its search experience with a host of new features powered by its Gemini AI models. These changes, announced on Friday, are set to take Google Search beyond its traditional format.

Alphabet Inc的Google(納斯達克:GOOGL)(納斯達克:GOOG)正準備通過其Gemini人工智能模型提供一系列新功能,以徹底改變其搜索體驗。這些變化於週五宣佈,旨在將Google搜索推向超越傳統格式的新高度。

What Happened: The most notable update involves an AI-driven layout that organizes search results, giving prominence to videos, forum links, and widgets. Rhiannon Bell, Google's vice president of user experience, described this as a "pretty dramatic shift" from previous designs. Initially, this will be applied to open-ended queries like recipe searches, with plans to expand to other topics.

發生了什麼:最引人注目的更新涉及由人工智能驅動的佈局,組織搜索結果,突出顯示視頻、論壇鏈接和小部件。Google用戶體驗副總裁Rhiannon Bell描述這是與以往設計「有着相當大的變革」。最初,這將應用於類似配方搜索的開放式查詢,計劃擴展到其他話題。

The revamped search page will first be available on mobile devices, with expectations for future desktop integration. Bell emphasized that the new experience is designed for exploration and inspiration, particularly when no definitive answer exists.


Google will also enhance its Lens feature, allowing users to interact with their environment using their phone's camera. Lens will now provide detailed information, including reviews and price comparisons, for shopping-related searches, which account for 20% of all Lens queries, as noted by product director Lou Wang.

Google還將增強其Lens功能,允許用戶使用手機攝像頭與環境互動。Lens現在將爲購物相關搜索提供詳細信息,包括評論和價格比較,這類搜索佔所有Lens查詢的20%,如產品董事Lou Wang所指出。

Why It Matters: The introduction of these AI-driven features comes at a crucial time for Google. Google's Gemini AI additions were unveiled at its I/O Conference earlier this year, marking a strategic move to fend off rising competition from OpenAI's SearchGPT. This new AI-driven search engine is poised to challenge Google's longstanding dominance in the market.


Former Google engineer Arvind Jain, now CEO of Glean, has pointed out that Google's focus on profitability has led to a decline in user experience, particularly on mobile devices where ads have become overwhelming. This has opened the door for new competitors, making Google's latest AI innovations a timely response to maintain its competitive edge.

前Google工程師Arvind Jain,現爲Glean的CEO,指出Google對盈利的關注導致了用戶體驗的下降,特別是在移動設備上,廣告變得壓倒性。這爲新競爭對手打開了大門,使Google最新的人工智能創新成爲保持競爭優勢的及時回應。

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Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Pooja Rajkumari

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Pooja Rajkumari編輯

