
Editas Medicine Reports Sale Of Certain Future License Fees, Other Payments Owed Under Cas9 License Agreement With Vertex To DRI Healthcare Trust Subsidiary For Upfront Cash Payment Of $57M

Editas Medicine Reports Sale Of Certain Future License Fees, Other Payments Owed Under Cas9 License Agreement With Vertex To DRI Healthcare Trust Subsidiary For Upfront Cash Payment Of $57M

Editas Medicine報告銷售其未來特定許可費用,根據與vertex簽訂的Cas9許可協議所欠的其他付款,以5700萬美元現金預付給DRI Healthcare Trust子公司。
Benzinga ·  10/04 06:06

The upfront cash payment brings non-dilutive capital to Editas Medicine, helping enable further pipeline development and related strategic priorities.

這筆預付現金支付爲Editas Medicine帶來了非稀釋性資本,有助於進一步推動管道開發和相關戰略優先事項。

Under the terms of the agreement, Editas Medicine will receive an upfront cash payment of $57 million in exchange for up to 100% of certain future annual license fees payable to Editas Medicine, ranging from $5 million to $40 million per year (inclusive of certain sales-based annual license fees that may become due) and a mid-double-digit percentage of Editas Medicine's portion of a $50 million contingent upfront payment for which Editas Medicine is eligible under the Vertex license agreement.

根據協議條款,Editas Medicine將收到價值5700萬美元的預付現金,作爲交換,可獲得向Editas Medicine支付的未來某些年度許可費的100%,這些費用範圍從500萬美元到4000萬美元不等(包括可能到期的一定銷售量相關年度許可費),以及Editas Medicine有資格在Vertex許可協議下獲得的5000萬美元支出的中兩位數百分比。

In addition to a portion of any such contingent upfront payment, Editas Medicine retains rights to fixed annual license fees for 2024 and a mid-single-digit million-dollar payment due to Editas Medicine in the event of Vertex's achievement of certain annual sales milestones.

除了可能的一部分這種條件成立前的款項外,Editas Medicine保留了2024年的固定年度許可費權益,以及在Vertex實現一定年度銷售里程碑時向Editas Medicine支付的中個位數百萬美元款項。

