
PC Financial Brings Savings Feature to the PC Money Account, With 4.25% Everyday Interest Rate

PC Financial Brings Savings Feature to the PC Money Account, With 4.25% Everyday Interest Rate

PC Financial爲PC Money帳戶增加了儲蓄功能,每日利率爲4.25%
Loblaw Companies Ltd ·  10/03 12:00

The PC Money Account now offers a more complete everyday banking solution with no monthly fee, no minimum balance and no minimum term.

PC Money帳戶現在提供了更完整的日常銀行解決方案,無月費,無最低餘額和最低存款期限。

(TORONTO, ON) Oct 3, 2024 – Today, PC Financial announced a new savings feature for the PC Money Account, offering Canadians even more ways to earn and now save. Available as an optional add-on to any new or existing PC MoneyTM Account, the savings feature offers serious value with a 4.25% everyday interest rate* and no honeymoon period or post-promotion plummet.

(多倫多,安大略省) 2024年10月3日 - 今天,PC Financial宣佈了PC Money帳戶的新儲蓄功能,爲加拿大人提供了更多賺取和現在儲蓄的方式。 作爲任何新的或現有PC MoneyTm帳戶的可選附加功能,儲蓄功能提供了嚴肅的價值,享有4.25%的日常利率*,並且沒有蜜月期或後期促銷暴跌。

With this new feature, cardholders can enhance their rewards, earning interest on funds added to their savings. This is in addition to the PC OptimumTM points they already earn on their everyday banking and spending, including paying bills, direct payroll deposit and on every dollar spent when they shop.

有了這個新功能,持卡人可以增加獎勵,賺取存入儲蓄基金的利息。 這是在他們已經通過日常銀行和支出賺取的PC OptimumTm積分之外,包括支付賬單,直接工資存款以及在購物時每花費一元。

The PC Money Account savings feature offers:

PC Money帳戶儲蓄功能提供:

  • No monthly fee

  • No minimum balance

  • Interest earned from day one

  • Free transfers within account & free e-transfers

  • Auto-save functionality

  • Up to $700 in average annual value**

  • 無月費

  • 無最低餘額

  • 從第一天起獲得利息

  • 帳戶內免費轉賬和免費電子轉賬

  • 自動保存功能

  • 平均年價值高達700美元**

"Canadians can rest easy knowing there are no catches or surprises in the fine print when they add the new savings feature on their PC MoneyTM Account," said Carola Corti, SVP & General Manager of Payments at PC Financial. "With this new feature, we're offering a simple and straightforward way for Canadians to earn incredible value on their day-to-day banking. Unlike rates you might see elsewhere, our savings rate is not a promotion - Canadians can expect our best rate today and every day."

「加拿大人可以放心地知道,在他們PC Money™帳戶上添加新的存款功能時,細則中沒有任何陷阱或意外。」,支付部門SVP兼總經理Carola Corti表示。「通過這一新功能,我們爲加拿大人提供了一種簡單明瞭的方式,在他們日常銀行業務中獲得難以置信的價值。與其他地方可能看到的利率不同,我們的存款利率並非促銷 - 加拿大人可以期待我們今天和每一天的最佳利率。」

PC Financial is committed to providing Canadians more opportunities to earn and save with their everyday banking. For a limited time, cardholders get a welcome offer of $200 in PC OptimumTM points. With $200 in PC OptimumTM points earned from everyday banking & shopping, an average of $300 earned in interest, and savings of up to $200 in banking fees, customers can see up to $700 in average value in their first year**.

PC Financial致力於爲加拿大人提供更多通過日常銀行業務賺錢和節省的機會。限時,持卡人可獲得PC Optimum™積分價值200美元的歡迎獎勵。通過日常銀行業務和購物獲得的200美元PC Optimum™積分,平均賺取的300美元利息,以及高達200美元的銀行費用節省,客戶可在首年獲得高達700美元的平均價值**。

"We've put customer needs at the centre to make PC MoneyTM Account a true win-win for Canadians. We know the ability to earn PC OptimumTM points on spending and interest on savings provides unmatched value," explains Barry Columb, President, PC Financial. "At PC Financial, it's important to us to have simple and transparent offerings that help Canadians get the most of every dollar. With the new savings feature, the PC MoneyTM Account now offers a more complete solution to grow your money, every day."

「我們把客戶的需求放在中心位置,使PC Money™帳戶成爲加拿大人真正雙贏的選擇。我們知道,在支出和儲蓄上賺取PC Optimum™積分及利息提供了無可比擬的價值」,PC Financial總裁Barry Columb解釋說。「對於PC Financial來說,我們的目標是提供簡單透明的產品,幫助加拿大人充分利用每一筆支出。有了新的存款功能,PC Money™帳戶現在提供了一個更完整的解決方案,使您的資產每天增值。」

Canadians can learn more or sign up for the PC MoneyTM Account and add the new savings feature for free at

加拿大人可了解更多信息或註冊PC Money™帳戶,免費享受新的存款功能

Note: the savings feature is currently unavailable to residents of Quebec.


About President's Choice Financial

關於PC Financial主席優選金融

PC Financial services provide unprecedented value to customers, simplifying financial products to help Canadians Live Life Well. Through the PC Mastercard and the PC MoneyTM Account, customers save on banking fees and have earned more than $1 billion worth of PC OptimumTM points to redeem for beauty, groceries, gas, apparel, and other products at participating stores. The company is committed to being one of Canada's most diverse and inclusive employers and makes it a priority to reflect this in its people and culture.

PC金融服務爲客戶提供空前的價值,簡化金融產品,幫助加拿大人過上美好生活。通過PC萬事達卡和PC MoneyTm帳戶,客戶可以節省銀行費用,並賺取價值超過10億加元的PC OptimumTm積分,用於在參與商店兌換美容、食品雜貨、燃料幣、服裝和其他產品。該公司致力於成爲加拿大最多元化和包容性的僱主之一,並將反映在其人員和文化中。

Established in 1998, PC Financial is a part of Loblaw Companies Limited. For more information, visit

成立於1998年,PC金融是Loblaw Companies Limited的一部分。欲了解更多信息,請訪問。

Conditions apply to all benefits and offers.


*Interest is calculated daily at the current rate on the total closing savings balance in the PC MoneyTM Account and paid monthly to the savings balance. It is a simple interest calculation. Interest rates are annual and subject to change without notice. Visit for current rates and more information.

*利息按照當前利率每日計算PC MoneyTm帳戶的總結存餘額,並按月支付給存款餘額。這是一種簡單的利息計算。利率是年度計算,可能隨時變化而無需通知。請訪問pcfinancial.ca了解當前利率和更多信息。

**Average annual value of up to $700 includes up to $200 saved on monthly fees versus competitors' accounts with monthly fees, along with up to $200 in PC OptimumTM points earned from everyday banking & shopping with PC MoneyTM Account as a primary spending account and an estimated $300 in interest earned on your savings balance, calculated using a simple interest calculation and assuming a minimum annual interest rate of 3.35% and a daily closing savings balance of $8,950. For illustrative purposes only; results will vary based on individual spending and funds added to savings. Savings feature is not currently available in Quebec.

**每年最高價值高達700美元,其中包括與有月度費用的競爭對手帳戶相比每月節省高達200美元,以及從日常銀行和購物中用PC MoneyTm帳戶作爲主要支出帳戶賺取的高達200美元的PC OptimumTm積分,以及您儲蓄餘額所賺取的約300美元的利息,該利息是利用簡單的利息計算,並假設最低年利率爲3.35%,每天的結束儲蓄餘額爲8950美元。僅供說明目的;結果將根據個人支出和存入資金不同而變化。儲蓄功能目前在魁北克不可用。

