
Fresh Dog Food Company, Ollie, Announces Acquisition of AI-Powered Diagnostic Company, DIG Labs, and Rollout of New Foodback Loop to Continue Elevating Health Services

Fresh Dog Food Company, Ollie, Announces Acquisition of AI-Powered Diagnostic Company, DIG Labs, and Rollout of New Foodback Loop to Continue Elevating Health Services

新鮮狗糧公司Ollie宣佈收購人工智能診斷公司DIG Labs,並推出新的反饋循環服務以繼續提升健康服務
PR Newswire ·  10/03 23:05

Ollie Will Harness New Data for Various Industry Enhancements – Defined As The Foodback Loop – Including Recipe Refinement and Development, Advanced Health Screenings, Weight Management, and More

Ollie將利用新數據進行各種行業增強,稱爲Foodback Loop,包括食譜的改進和開發、先進的健康篩查、體重管理等。

NEW YORK, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ollie, an industry-leading subscription fresh dog food company dedicated to helping dogs thrive, announces the acquisition of DIG Labs, an AI-powered diagnostic company providing real-time image-based pet health screenings across stool, weight management, skin and coat, dental care, and more. In tandem, Ollie introduces the rollout of its new Foodback Loop, a revolutionary, closed-loop, and proprietary process that leverages over 20 million first-party data points–and counting–to improve product development, recipe formulation, and feeding algorithms, ultimately leading to healthier dogs. As part of the acquisition, DIG Labs co-founder Tara Zedayko joins the Ollie team serving as Chief Scientific Officer where she will lead the Foodback Loop initiative, specifically science, research, product development, and Ollie's proprietary portioning and recommendation algorithms.

紐約,2024年10月3日/美通社/ -- Ollie,作爲一家業內領先的定期提供新鮮狗糧的公司,致力於幫助狗狗茁壯成長,宣佈收購 DIG Labs,這是一家提供基於圖像的實時寵物健康篩查的人工智能診斷公司,涵蓋糞便、體重管理、皮膚和毛髮、口腔護理等。與此同時,Ollie推出了全新的Foodback Loop,這是一個革命性、閉環且專有的流程,利用超過2000萬條第一手數據不斷改進產品開發、食譜配方和飼餵算法,最終使狗狗更健康。作爲收購的一部分,DIG Labs的聯合創始人Tara Zedayko加入Ollie團隊擔任首席科學官,她將領導Foodback Loop倡議,主要涉及科學、研究、產品開發以及Ollie自有的分配和推薦算法。

Fresh Dog Food Company, Ollie, Announces Acquisition of AI-Powered Diagnostic Company, DIG Labs

新鮮狗糧公司Ollie宣佈收購人工智能診斷公司DIG Labs

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Ollie, an industry-leading subscription fresh dog food company dedicated to helping dogs thrive, announces the acquisition of DIG Labs, an AI-powered diagnostic company providing real-time image-based pet health screenings across stool, weight management, skin and coat, dental care, and more.
Ollie,作爲業內領先的訂閱新鮮狗食公司,致力於幫助狗狗茁壯成長,宣佈收購DIG Labs,一家提供實時基於圖像的寵物健康篩查的人工智能診斷公司,涵蓋糞便、體重管理、皮膚和毛髮、口腔護理等領域。

Last fall, Ollie partnered with DIG Labs to launch free app-enabled Health Screenings, which prompted members to submit photos to receive expert analysis and guidance within 24 hours about their dog's digestion, weight, skin and coat, and oral health. These screenings, having been enormously well-received by the Ollie community, prompted interest in the acquisition of DIG Labs and have become an integral part of the Ollie member experience. Since introducing additional Health Screening benefits over the last year, 89% of members strongly agree that screenings are valuable features in their Ollie membership, while 86% of members strongly agree that Ollie health screenings give them more confidence in their decision to feed Ollie.1 With this core technology in-house, Ollie is building world-class machine learning models and AI applications to deliver a lasting impact for dogs across health screenings, food R&D, recipe improvements, and evolutions to Ollie's portion-feeding algorithms.

去年秋天,Ollie與DIG Labs合作推出了免費應用程式的健康篩查,促使會員提交照片以在24小時內獲得關於他們狗狗消化、體重、皮膚和毛髮以及口腔健康的專業分析和指導。這些篩查在Ollie社區受到極大歡迎,引發了對DIG Labs的收購興趣,並已成爲Ollie會員體驗的重要組成部分。在過去一年內推出的額外健康篩查優惠中,89%的會員強烈認爲篩查是他們Ollie會員資格中有價值的功能,同時86%的會員強烈認爲Ollie健康篩查增強了他們對餵養Ollie的決定的信心。擁有這一核心技術,Ollie正在建立世界一流的機器學習模型和人工智能應用,以在健康篩查、食品研發、食譜改進和Ollie分餐算法的發展中產生持久影響。

Leveraging millions of data points, Ollie is capturing the most real-time pet-level data and using it to design and improve its recipes for maximum effectiveness, turning unique learnings into personalized experiences that recommend the right food and portions for each dog, better serving Ollie members individually and collectively. Through direct relationships with Ollie members, their pet-level data, and Ollie's proprietary Foodback Loop research and development process, Ollie empowers parents to confidently feed their dogs the right food and exact portions, giving dogs a much-needed voice in their healthcare. The Ollie consumer will see improvements to their membership experience like portion control, diet transition screenings, and recipe development and refinement, and will be introduced to new initiatives including weight programs, customized experiences for puppies, recipe optimization for ideal stool health, and more.


Initial learnings from Ollie's Foodback Loop have yielded significant findings. Of note, only 58% of dogs have healthy stool before joining Ollie, however, according to Ollie Digestion Screening results, 75% of dogs attain healthy stool just 1-2 weeks after feeding Ollie. In regards to weight, Ollie has determined that dog parents tend to underestimate their dog's need for weight management support. Ollie Weight Screening results have shown that dogs are 18% more likely to be overweight than dog parents think and 28% less likely to be underweight than dog parents think. Overall results from the program show that all five of Ollie's Fresh Plans increase healthy weight scores for dogs by 10-12% within the first few weeks of feeding Ollie. Insights like these have already helped Ollie prioritize its product roadmap, including digitizing healthy weight programs to help dogs achieve and maintain ideal weight and identifying the biggest opportunities to iterate upon its food recipes to create the optimal experience for dogs.

從奧利的Foodback Loop的初始學習中得出了重要發現。值得注意的是,在加入奧利之前,只有58%的狗狗有健康的大便,然而根據奧利消化篩查結果,只需1-2周餵食奧利,75%的狗狗就能獲得健康的大便。在體重方面,奧利已經確定狗狗父母往往低估了狗狗對體重管理支持的需求。奧利體重篩查結果顯示,狗狗超重的可能性比狗狗父母認爲的要高出18%,而體重偏輕的可能性則比狗狗父母認爲的要低28%。該項目的總體結果顯示,奧利的所有五種新鮮計劃在狗狗吃奧利的頭幾周內可以使狗狗的健康體重得分提高10-12%。這些見解已經幫助奧利優先考慮了其產品路線圖,包括將健康體重計劃數字化,以幫助狗狗達到並保持理想體重,並確定改進食譜的最大機會,以爲狗狗創造最佳體驗。

"Pet parent demographics are shifting to younger generations, and with the acquisition of DIG Labs, we are meeting their demand for tech-enabled and personalized products to improve the quality of life for their pets and themselves," explains Nick Stafford, Ollie CEO. We are the only pet food company creating a direct data-led link between what we are feeding our dogs and their health outcomes through individual pet data on stool, weight, skin and coat, and teeth and gums".

「寵物父母的人口統計數據正在向年輕一代轉變,通過收購DIG Labs,我們正在滿足他們對技術支持和個性化產品的需求,以提高他們寵物和自己生活質量,」奧利CEO尼克·斯塔福德解釋說。我們是唯一一家通過個體寵物數據關聯我們餵養狗狗的食物與其健康結果之間直接數據驅動聯繫的寵物食品公司,包括大便、體重、皮膚和毛髮、牙齒和牙齦方面的數據。”

Since Ollie's pioneering start in 2016, the business has been determined to help pet parents see the benefits of healthy, human-grade fresh pet food so that every dog can receive the nutrition and care they deserve. Ollie's vet professionals have helped more than 25,000 dogs with health screenings while utilizing AI classification models trained with over 100,000 images to quickly evaluate a dog's health based on its skin, coat, stool, dental, and weight. The global pet industry is poised to grow at a healthy rate, and Ollie is growing at a rate 10x the industry average.2 Following the acquisition of DIG Labs and its new data-driven capabilities, Ollie will continue expanding upon its brand mission by helping members provide the individualized love and care each dog deserves.

自2016年奧利的創始開始,該企業一直致力於幫助寵物父母看到健康、人類級新鮮寵物食品的好處,以便每隻狗狗都能獲得他們應得的營養和關懷。奧利的獸醫專業人員利用人工智能分類模型對超過100,000張圖片進行訓練,快速評估狗狗的健康狀況,包括皮膚、毛髮、大便、牙齒和體重,幫助超過25,000只狗狗進行健康篩查。全球寵物行業有望以健康速度增長,而奧利的增長速度是行業平均水平的10倍。在收購DIG Labs及其新數據驅動能力後,奧利將繼續擴大其品牌使命,幫助其會員爲每隻狗狗提供個性化的愛與關懷。

"We are thrilled to join Ollie to help carry our shared vision forward, stewarding new applications of our technology to empower people with greater insights about their pets' health," said DIG Labs co-founder and Ollie Chief Scientific Officer, Tara Zedayko. "We look forward to applying these technologies to improve pet health and improve their quality of life, which is so significantly impacted by their diet."

「我們很高興加入Ollie,以幫助實現我們共同的願景,推動技術的新應用,讓人們更深入了解寵物健康的見解,」DIG Labs聯合創始人兼Ollie首席科學官Tara Zedayko說。「我們期待將這些技術應用到改善寵物健康,提高寵物生活質量,這些因飲食受到明顯影響而被顯著提高。」

About Ollie
Ollie believes our pups deserve better than the poor quality, one-size-fits-all pet food pet parents have been unknowingly feeding their pups for years. That's why we made it our mission to provide the highest quality, human-grade food in personalized portions that lead to lean, healthy, happy pups and longer, more active lives. Our recipes are developed by experts in pets, food science, and vet nutritionists - and Ollie uses pet parent feedback and diagnostic data from hundreds of thousands of their dogs to continuously improve our formulations and deliver the healthiest outcomes.
Follow Ollie on Instagram @ollie or visit .

Ollie認爲我們的小狗應該得到比多年來無意間餵養他們的品質低劣、一刀切的寵物食品更好的待遇。這就是爲什麼我們使命是提供最優質的、人類級別的食物,以個性化的方式供應,從而導致苗條、健康、快樂的小狗,以及更長壽、更積極的生活。我們的食譜由寵物、食品科學和獸醫營養師的專家開發 - Ollie利用大量小狗的寵主反饋和診斷數據,持續改進我們的配方,並提供最健康的結果。
在Instagram關注Ollie @ollie或訪問 .

About Ollie Health Screenings


About DIG Labs
DIG Labs is an AI-enabled technology startup co-founded by Tara Zedayko and Jessica Chu to bring world-class image-based machine learning models and AI applications to caregivers in pet care and human health. DIG Labs enables real-time insights across research, clinical, operational, and consumer use cases. Most recently, DIG Labs partnered with some of the world's leading pet care and baby care brands to provide its patented real-time image analysis tools for real-time health insights and action plans.

關於DIG Labs
DIG Labs是由Tara Zedayko和Jessica Chu共同創立的人工智能技術初創公司,旨在將世界一流的基於圖像的機器學習模型和人工智能應用帶給寵物護理和人類健康的護理者。DIG Labs爲研究、臨床、運營和消費者使用案例提供實時見解。最近,DIG Labs與一些世界領先的寵物護理和嬰兒護理品牌合作,爲實時健康見解和行動計劃提供其獲得專利的實時圖像分析工具。

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1 Survey statistics are from April 2024. Ollie distributes membership satisfaction surveys on an ongoing basis every three months.









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