
Power Sustainable Appoints Bruce Heyman as CEO to Lead Expansion

Power Sustainable Appoints Bruce Heyman as CEO to Lead Expansion

Power Sustainable任命Bruce Heyman爲首席執行官,以領導擴張
PR Newswire ·  01:30

Mr. Heyman brings tremendous experience, with over three decades in wealth and asset management as a former partner at Goldman Sachs, and as former U.S. Ambassador to Canada.


Olivier Desmarais, who started Power Sustainable in 2019, will remain Chairman of the Board.

Olivier Desmarais,Power Sustainable的創始人(2019年起),將繼續擔任董事會主席。

MONTREAL, Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Power Sustainable, a leading sustainability-focused alternative asset manager, today announced the appointment of Bruce Heyman, former Goldman Sachs partner and U.S. Ambassador to Canada, as its new Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Heyman is joining Olivier Desmarais and his team, in order to accelerate growth, particularly in the U.S. market, and to further establish Power Sustainable as a global leader in sustainable investments. Mr. Desmarais will remain Chairman of the Board.

2024年10月2日,蒙特利爾/PRNewswire/-- Power Sustainable,一家領先的以可持續性爲重點的另類資產管理公司,今日宣佈任命前高盛合夥人和美國駐加拿大大使Bruce Heyman爲新任首席執行官。海曼先生將與Olivier Desmarais及其團隊合作,以加速增長,特別是在美國市場,並進一步確立Power Sustainable作爲全球可持續性投資領軍者。Desmarais先生將繼續擔任董事長。

Mr. Heyman has served as a Senior Advisor to Mr. Desmarais and the Power Sustainable team since 2021, and has played a key role in shaping the company's strategy.

海曼先生自2021年以來一直擔任Desmarais先生和Power Sustainable團隊的高級顧問,並在塑造公司戰略方面發揮了關鍵作用。

"Bruce is the perfect person to lead Power Sustainable as we enter this growth phase. His track record and leadership in both the private and public sectors, combined with his conviction in the opportunity of sustainable economic growth, make him ideally suited to help us expand our footprint, particularly in the U.S. market," said Mr. Desmarais. "I look forward to partnering with Bruce and working closely with him to continue driving growth at Power Sustainable," added Mr. Desmarais.

"Bruce是領導Power Sustainable進入增長階段的完美人選。他在私營和公共領域的領導力和經驗,再加上對可持續經濟增長機會的信仰,使他成爲幫助我們擴大業務版圖的最佳人選,特別是在美國市場,"Desmarais先生表示。"我期待與Bruce合作,並與他密切合作,繼續推動Power Sustainable的增長," Desmarais先生補充道。

With 33 years of experience in wealth and asset management at Goldman Sachs, Mr. Heyman brings extensive financial sector expertise and a focus on long-term value creation. Moreover, having served as U.S. Ambassador to Canada from 2014 to 2017, Mr. Heyman has a deep appreciation of the importance and vast potential of the US-Canada economic relationship. As CEO, Mr. Heyman will enhance Power Sustainable's operational capabilities and elevate its brand across the North American financial industry.

海曼先生在高盛擁有33年的財富和資產管理經驗,爲Power Sustainable帶來了豐富的金融板塊專業知識和長期價值創造的專注。此外,作爲2014年至2017年美國駐加拿大大使,海曼先生深知美加經濟關係的重要性和巨大潛力。作爲首席執行官,海曼先生將增強Power Sustainable的運營能力,並提升該公司在北美金融行業中的品牌價值。

"I am honoured by the opportunity to work with Olivier and continue building on the incredible foundation that he has laid. Power Sustainable is uniquely positioned to accelerate capital deployment in pursuit of both competitive returns and positive sustainability impacts." said Mr. Heyman.

"有機會與Olivier共事並繼續建立他所打下的不可思議基礎,我感到榮幸。Power Sustainable在資本部署加速方面處於獨特地位,以追求競爭回報和積極可持續影響,"海曼先生表示。

Mr. Heyman's top priorities as CEO will include scaling Power Sustainable's reach, working with the investment teams to deploy capital, and building the firm's leadership in sustainability.

Heyman先生作爲首席執行官的首要任務將包括擴大Power Sustainable的影響力,與投資團隊合作部署資金,並建立公司在可持續性方面的領導地位。

Since its founding five years ago, Power Sustainable has grown rapidly and currently has CAD 3.9B in assets under management (as of June 30, 2024). Backed by its shareholders and strategic partners – Power Corporation of Canada and Canada Life – the company has become a standout player in the alternative asset management space, employing several complementary investment strategies focused on targeting sustainable outcomes and competitive financial returns:

自成立五年以來,Power Sustainable迅速發展,目前在2024年6月30日管理的資產達到39億加拿大元。在Power Corporation of Canada和Canada Life的股東和戰略合作伙伴的支持下,該公司已成爲另類資產管理領域的傑出參與者,採用幾種互補的投資策略,專注於追求可持續的成果和競爭性的財務回報:

  • Power Sustainable Energy Infrastructure (PSEI), based in Montreal: PSEI invests in, develops, and operates renewable energy projects across North America. It launched in 2021 and has CAD 1.8B in capital commitments from its limited partners. It is led by Pierre-Olivier Perras and John Pires.
  • Power Sustainable Lios (PSL), based in Toronto: PSL is a specialized North American agri-food private equity investment platform. PSL invests in mid-market food companies and is led by Jonathan Belair, Craig Hanna, and James Rickert.
  • Power Sustainable Infrastructure Credit (PSIC), based in Miami: PSIC invests in a broad range of sustainable infrastructure projects, from hyperscale data centers to community solar. Last year, it announced a USD 600M commitment to the strategy. It is led by Tom Murray.
  • Power Sustainable Decarbonization (PSD), based in NYC: PSD recently launched, and seeks to invest in mid-market companies that contribute to the decarbonization of the North American economy. It is led by Martin Aares and Karine Khatcherian.
  • 總部位於蒙特利爾的Power Sustainable能源基礎設施(PSEI):PSEI在北美投資、開發和運營可再生能源項目。它於2021年成立,獲得有限合夥人180億加拿大元的資金承諾。由Pierre-Olivier Perras和John Pires領導。
  • 總部位於多倫多的Power Sustainable Lios(PSL):PSL是一家專門的北美農業食品私募股權投資平台。PSL投資於中型食品公司,由Jonathan Belair,Craig Hanna和James Rickert領導。
  • 總部位於邁阿密的Power Sustainable基礎設施信用(PSIC):PSIC投資於從超大規模數據中心到社區太陽能等各種可持續基礎設施項目。去年,宣佈對該策略承諾了6千萬美元。由Tom Murray領導。
  • 總部位於紐約的Power Sustainable脫碳(PSD):PSD最近成立,並尋求投資於有助於實現北美經濟脫碳的中型公司。由Martin Aares和Karine Khatcherian領導。

About Power Sustainable
Power Sustainable is a sustainability-focused alternative asset manager which finances companies and projects that aim for both competitive returns and positive sustainability outcomes. The firm offers institutional investors exposure to alternative assets, which aim to accelerate and scale sustainable solutions across multiple industries.

關於Power Sustainable
Power Sustainable是一家專注於可持續發展的另類資產管理公司,爲旨在實現競爭回報和積極可持續成果的公司和項目提供資金。該公司爲機構投資者提供對另類資產的投資機會,旨在加速並擴大跨多個行業的可持續解決方案。

Power Sustainable is a subsidiary of Power Corporation of Canada (TSX: POW) (TSX: POW.PR.E), an international management and holding company that focuses on financial services in North America, Europe, and Asia.

Power Sustainable是加拿大Power Corporation (TSX: POW) (TSX: POW.PR.E)的子公司,是一家國際管理和控股公司,專注於北美、歐洲和亞洲的金融服務。

With CAD 3.9B in assets under management (as of June 30, 2024), Power Sustainable's mission is to catalyze capital towards clean global solutions. Learn more on Power Sustainable's LinkedIn and Website.

Power Sustainable的資產管理規模達到390億加元(截至2024年6月30日),其使命是推動資金流向清潔的全球解決方案。了解更多關於Power Sustainable的 LinkedIn和頁面。網站.

For more information, contact:
Ian Cameron
Director of Communications
438 308-7697
[email protected]

Ian Cameron
438 308-7697
[email protected]

SOURCE Power Sustainable





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