
Uber for Business and Accommodations Plus International Collaborate on Integration, Streamlining Ground Transportation Booking for Disrupted Passengers

Uber for Business and Accommodations Plus International Collaborate on Integration, Streamlining Ground Transportation Booking for Disrupted Passengers

Uber 業務和住宿加國際合作整合,簡化爲受干擾乘客預訂地面運輸。
PR Newswire ·  00:57

MELVILLE, N.Y., Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Accommodations Plus International, a leader in global travel solutions, has teamed up with Uber for Business to integrate its innovative DPAX (Disrupted Passenger Assistance) application with Uber's Guest Rides API. This integration, which is now live, allows airlines to request Uber rides on behalf of distressed passengers in the event of a flight cancellation or delay.

紐約梅爾維爾,2024年10月2日/資訊/——全球旅行解決方案領導者Accommodations Plus International與Uber for Business合作,將其創新的DPAX(Disrupted Passenger Assistance)應用程序與Uber的客座乘車API集成。這一現已上線的集成允許航空公司代表發生航班取消或延誤的困擾乘客請求Uber乘車。

Accommodations Plus International's DPAX platform automates travel disruption management, enhancing passenger satisfaction by providing real-time accommodation and communication solutions. Key features include automated disruption processing, real-time SMS and email notifications, virtual credit cards for seamless hotel check-in, and 24/7/365 global support.

Accommodations Plus International的DPAX平台自動化旅行中斷管理,通過提供實時住宿和溝通解決方案,提升乘客滿意度。關鍵功能包括自動化的中斷處理,實時短信和電子郵件通知,用於無縫酒店入住的虛擬信用卡,以及全天候全球支持。

The new feature enables users to request Uber rides for passengers through the DPAX application—taking the stress off finding a ride between the airport and home base while passengers wait for their flight. Airlines will have access to their ride history so they can easily keep track of spend and data for all rides they've arranged. The integration streamlines the entire ground transportation booking process for greater efficiency.


"Collaborating with Uber for Business to integrate our DPAX application with Uber's Guest Rides API is a significant milestone for us," said Jason Leone, SVP of Product at Accommodations Plus International. "This new feature will enhance our airline customers' experience by allowing them to request Uber rides for their passengers via our DPAX platform, view the airline's ride history seamlessly, and access detailed reports without switching between apps. Our goal is to simplify travel management and provide a smooth experience for our clients."

"通過與Uber for Business合作,將我們的DPAX應用程序與Uber的客座乘車API集成是我們的重要里程碑,"Accommodations Plus International產品高級副總裁Jason Leone表示。"這一新功能將通過允許航空公司通過我們的DPAX平台爲乘客請求Uber乘車,無縫查看航空公司的乘車歷史,訪問詳細報告而無需在應用程序之間切換,改善我們的航空公司客戶的體驗。我們的目標是簡化旅行管理,爲客戶提供平穩的體驗。"

"We know flight disruptions are stressful for everyone involved," said Josh Butler, Global GM, Uber for Business. "Through this integration with Accommodations Plus International, we're making it easier for passengers to get from point A to point B in the event of a cancellation or delay—alleviating the burden for the passengers scrambling to figure out their next move and the gate agents trying to bring calm to the chaos."

"我們知道航班中斷對所有人都是一種壓力,"Uber for Business全球總經理Josh Butler表示。"通過與Accommodations Plus International的集成,我們使乘客在取消或延誤的情況下更容易從A點到B點,減輕了乘客匆忙尋找下一步行動的負擔,以及試圖爲混亂帶來平靜的登機口代理。"

The integration of Accommodations Plus International's DPAX with Uber's Guest Rides API is poised to transform how travelers and operations teams manage transportation needs, offering unprecedented convenience and efficiency.

Accommodations Plus International的DPAX與Uber的Guest Rides API集成將徹底改變旅行者和運營團隊管理運輸需求的方式,提供前所未有的便利和效率。

For more information about Accommodations Plus International and its integration with Uber's Guest Rides API, please contact [email protected].

有關Accommodations Plus International及其與Uber的Guest Rides API集成的更多信息,請聯繫[email protected]。

About Accommodations Plus International (API)

關於Accommodations Plus International (API)

Accommodations Plus International is the leading provider of crew accommodations and logistics services to commercial travel clients. API offers an innovative and powerful combination of crew accommodation services delivered through a state-of-the-art technology platform, unique software solutions, and a highly experienced team of service professionals. Additional information is available at .

Accommodations Plus International是爲商業旅行客戶提供機組住宿和物流服務的領先提供商。API通過最先進的技術平台、獨特的軟件解決方案和經驗豐富的服務團隊提供創新而強大的機組住宿服務組合。更多信息請訪問。

About Uber for Business

關於Uber for Business

Uber for Business brings the best of Uber to organizations around the globe with a seamless platform built to help them better support and engage those they employ and serve. With global scale, integrated solutions and exceptional service, Uber for Business empowers organizations to streamline business travel, reimagine employee wellbeing, and elevate the customer experience – all while enabling employees to effortlessly leverage the Uber they love and trust in their professional lives. Since launching in 2014, Uber for Business has scaled to 60+ countries and 10,000 cities, and helped 200,000 organizations bring flexibility and efficiency into their operations. For more, visit our website.

Uber for Business爲全球組織帶來Uber的最佳服務,通過一個無縫平台幫助它們更好地支持和吸引僱員和服務對象。憑藉全球規模、綜合解決方案和卓越服務,Uber for Business賦予組織簡化商務出行、重新構想員工福祉和提升客戶體驗的能力,同時讓員工可以輕鬆地在職業生活中信任並利用他們熱愛的Uber。自2014年推出以來,Uber for Business已擴展到60多個國家和10,000多個城市,幫助20萬家組織將靈活性和效率引入他們的業務中。了解更多,請訪問我們的網站。

SOURCE Accommodations Plus International

來源:Accommodations Plus International




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