
Private Sector Job Gains Outpace Forecasts In September As US Adds 143,000 Jobs

Private Sector Job Gains Outpace Forecasts In September As US Adds 143,000 Jobs

Benzinga ·  20:30

The U.S. private sector added 143,000 jobs in September, surpassing expectations of 124,000 jobs and reflecting a rebound in job creation following a five-month slowdown, according to the latest ADP National Employment Report released on Wednesday.


Pay growth for both job-stayers and job-changers continued to slow, indicating a cooling labor market. Notably, the manufacturing sector added jobs for the first time since April, while job losses were confined to the information sector.


"Stronger hiring didn't require stronger pay growth last month," said Nela Richardson, ADP's chief economist. "Typically, workers who change jobs see faster pay growth. But their premium over job-stayers shrank to 1.9 percent, matching a low we last saw in January."


The ADP report is often viewed as a preview of the government's official jobs data, set to be released on Friday.


ADP National Employment Report: Key Highlights


  • Private employers added 143,000 jobs in September.
  • Goods-producing sectors added 42,000 jobs, with 14,000 in natural resources/mining and 26,000 in construction.
  • Service-providing sectors saw 101,000 new jobs, with 34,000 added in leisure/hospitality and 20,000 in professional/business services.
  • Job-stayers' annual pay growth slowed to 4.7%, while job-changers' pay gains fell to 6.6%.
  • The South led all U.S. regions, adding 61,000 jobs, while small establishments (1-19 employees) lost 13,000 jobs.
  • Large establishments (500+ employees) saw the most growth, with 86,000 jobs added.
  • 私營企業在9月增加了14.3萬個工作崗位。
  • 貨物生產部門增加了4.2萬個工作崗位,其中有1.4萬個在自然資源/採礦行業,2.6萬個在施工行業。
  • 服務業新增了10.1萬個新工作崗位,其中休閒/酒店行業增加了3.4萬個,專業/商業服務行業增加了2萬個。
  • 工作穩定者的年薪增長放緩至4.7%,而換工作者的薪資增幅下降至6.6%。
  • 南方地區領先於所有美國地區,新增了61,000個工作崗位,而小型企業(1-19名員工)則減少了13,000個工作崗位。
  • 大型企業(500名員工以上)實現了最高增長,增加了86,000個工作崗位。

Market Reactions


  • The U.S. Dollar Index (DXY), as tracked by the Invesco DB USD Index Bullish Fund ETF (NYSE:UUP), rose 0.12%.
  • Gold, as tracked by the SPDR Gold Trust (NYSE:GLD), fell 0.45%.
  • Futures on U.S. equity indices fell during the premarket trading Wednesday. Contracts on the Nasdaq 100 and the S&P 500 were down by 0.07% and 0.23%, respectively, by 8:20 a.m. ET.
  • On Tuesday, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (NYSE:SPY) closed 0.9% lower, while the tech-heavy Invesco QQQ Trust (NASDAQ:QQQ) was down 1.39%.
  • 美元指數(DXY)由景順Db美元指數看漲基金ETF(NYSE:UUP)躍升0.12%。
  • 黃金,由spdr金etf(紐交所:GLD)跌落0.45%。
  • 美股大盤指數型期貨週三盤前交易下跌。納斯達克100和標普500的合約分別於早上8:20以0.07%和0.23%的跌幅。
  • 週二,標普500etf trust(紐交所:SPY)收於0.9%的下跌,而科技重組的納斯達克100etf(納斯達克:QQQ)下跌了1.39%。
  • Billionaire Investor Who Predicted 2000, 2008 Crashes Says Market Euphoria Will Top Soon, Warns Of 'Black Swan Event'
  • 預測2000年、2008年股市崩潰的億萬富翁投資者表示,市場狂熱將很快達到頂峯,並警告可能出現'黑天鵝事件'

Image created using artificial intelligence via Midjourney.


