
Unpacking the Latest Options Trading Trends in Riot Platforms

Unpacking the Latest Options Trading Trends in Riot Platforms

揭示riot platforms中最新的期權交易趨勢
Benzinga ·  02:31

High-rolling investors have positioned themselves bearish on Riot Platforms (NASDAQ:RIOT), and it's important for retail traders to take note.\This activity came to our attention today through Benzinga's tracking of publicly available options data. The identities of these investors are uncertain, but such a significant move in RIOT often signals that someone has privileged information.

高投資者仍持這股空頭看淡立場(NASDAQ: RIOT),重要性重要。\我方今天通過對Benzinga的公開期權市場數據追蹤,發現了這一動態。這些投資者的身份不確定,但是Riot平台的重要動向通常暗示某些人獲取了內幕信息。

Today, Benzinga's options scanner spotted 16 options trades for Riot Platforms. This is not a typical pattern.

今天,Benzinga的期權掃描器發現了16筆針對riot platforms的期權交易。這不是一個典型的模式。

The sentiment among these major traders is split, with 12% bullish and 87% bearish. Among all the options we identified, there was one put, amounting to $43,925, and 15 calls, totaling $983,247.


Projected Price Targets


Analyzing the Volume and Open Interest in these contracts, it seems that the big players have been eyeing a price window from $5.0 to $12.0 for Riot Platforms during the past quarter.

分析這些合同中的成交量和未平倉量,看起來大玩家在過去一個季度一直在關注riot platforms的價格區間從$5.0到$12.0。

Volume & Open Interest Trends


Looking at the volume and open interest is an insightful way to conduct due diligence on a stock.

這些數據可以幫助您跟蹤Coinbase Glb期權的流動性和利益,以給定的行權價格爲基礎。

This data can help you track the liquidity and interest for Riot Platforms's options for a given strike price.

這些數據可以幫助您追蹤riot platforms期權在特定行權價上的流動性和興趣。

Below, we can observe the evolution of the volume and open interest of calls and puts, respectively, for all of Riot Platforms's whale activity within a strike price range from $5.0 to $12.0 in the last 30 days.

以下是在過去30天中,針對Riot Platforms所有的大宗交易活動,我們可以觀察到看漲期權和看跌期權的成交量和未平倉量隨着行權價格範圍從5.0美元到12.0美元的演變。

Riot Platforms Option Activity Analysis: Last 30 Days

Riot Platforms期權活動分析:過去30天


Largest Options Trades Observed:


Symbol PUT/CALL Trade Type Sentiment Exp. Date Ask Bid Price Strike Price Total Trade Price Open Interest Volume
RIOT CALL SWEEP BEARISH 01/16/26 $2.09 $2.0 $2.0 $12.00 $100.1K 6.6K 502
RIOT CALL SWEEP BEARISH 01/16/26 $3.8 $3.75 $3.75 $5.00 $75.0K 3.0K 821
RIOT CALL SWEEP BEARISH 10/18/24 $1.17 $1.15 $1.15 $6.00 $74.9K 5.3K 1.3K
RIOT CALL SWEEP BEARISH 10/18/24 $1.17 $1.15 $1.15 $6.00 $74.9K 5.3K 687
RIOT CALL TRADE BEARISH 01/16/26 $3.8 $3.7 $3.74 $5.00 $74.8K 3.0K 409
標的 看跌/看漲 交易類型 情緒 到期日 賣盤 買盤 價格 執行價格 總交易價格 未平倉合約數量 成交量
RIOT 看漲 SWEEP 看淡 01/16/26 $2.09 $2.0 $2.0 12.00美元 $100.1K 6,600份 502
RIOT 看漲 SWEEP 看淡 01/16/26 $3.8 $3.75 $3.75 $5.00。 $75.0K 3.0K 821
RIOT 看漲 SWEEP 看淡 10/18/24 $1.17 $1.15 $1.15 $6.00 $74.9K 5.3K 1.3K
RIOT 看漲 SWEEP 看淡 10/18/24 $1.17 $1.15 $1.15 $6.00 $74.9K 5.3K 687
RIOT 看漲 交易 看淡 01/16/26 $3.8 $3.7 $3.74 $5.00。 $74.8K 3.0K 409

About Riot Platforms

關於Riot Platforms

Riot Platforms Inc is a vertically integrated Bitcoin mining company focused on building, supporting, and operating blockchain technologies. The company's segments include Bitcoin Mining; Data Center Hosting and Engineering. It generates maximum revenue from the Bitcoin Mining segment which generates revenue from the Bitcoin the company earns through its mining activities.

Riot Platforms Inc是一家垂直整合的比特幣挖礦公司,專注於構建、支持和運營區塊鏈技術。該公司的業務包括比特幣挖礦、數據中心託管和工程。它從比特幣挖礦業務中獲得最大收入,通過挖礦活動獲得比特幣併產生收入。

Having examined the options trading patterns of Riot Platforms, our attention now turns directly to the company. This shift allows us to delve into its present market position and performance

在研究了riot platforms的期權交易模式之後,我們現在將注意力直接轉向該公司。這種轉變使我們能夠深入了解其當前的市場定位和表現

Riot Platforms's Current Market Status


  • Currently trading with a volume of 11,214,983, the RIOT's price is down by -4.65%, now at $7.08.
  • RSI readings suggest the stock is currently may be approaching overbought.
  • Anticipated earnings release is in 35 days.
  • 目前RIOT的交易量爲11214983,價格下跌了-4.65%,目前爲7.08美元。
  • RSI讀數表明該股目前可能接近超買水平。
  • 預計業績發佈還有35天。

What Analysts Are Saying About Riot Platforms


In the last month, 2 experts released ratings on this stock with an average target price of $19.0.


Turn $1000 into $1270 in just 20 days?


20-year pro options trader reveals his one-line chart technique that shows when to buy and sell. Copy his trades, which have had averaged a 27% profit every 20 days. Click here for access.* An analyst from Cantor Fitzgerald downgraded its action to Overweight with a price target of $23. * Reflecting concerns, an analyst from Macquarie lowers its rating to Outperform with a new price target of $15.

20年期權交易老手揭示了他的一行圖表技術,顯示何時買入和賣出。跟隨他的交易,平均每20天獲利27%。點擊這裏進行訪問。* Cantor Fitzgerald分析師將其評級調降爲超配,目標價爲23美元。* 反映擔憂,麥格理分析師將評級降低爲表現良好,並設定新目標價爲15美元。

Options trading presents higher risks and potential rewards. Astute traders manage these risks by continually educating themselves, adapting their strategies, monitoring multiple indicators, and keeping a close eye on market movements. Stay informed about the latest Riot Platforms options trades with real-time alerts from Benzinga Pro.

期權交易存在較高風險和潛在回報。精明的交易員通過不斷學習,調整策略,監控多個因子,並緊密關注市場走勢來管理這些風險。通過Benzinga Pro實時警報了解最新的riot平台期權交易情況。

