
D-Wave and Japan Tobacco Collaborate on Quantum AI-Driven Drug Discovery Project

D-Wave and Japan Tobacco Collaborate on Quantum AI-Driven Drug Discovery Project

Benzinga ·  19:15

D-Wave Quantum Inc. (NYSE:QBTS) ("D-Wave" or the "Company"), a leader in quantum computing systems, software, and services and the world's first commercial supplier of quantum computers, and the pharmaceutical division of Japan Tobacco Inc. ("JT") today announced plans to collaborate on a joint proof-of-concept project that will leverage quantum computing technology and artificial intelligence ("AI") in the drug discovery process, i.e., "Quantum AI-driven Drug Discovery."

紐交所量子計算之領導者D-Wave Quantum Inc.(NYSE: QBTS)(「D-Wave」或「公司」),是量子計算系統、軟件和服務的領軍者,也是世界上第一家商業供應量子計算機的公司,以及日本菸草(adr)的藥品部門今天宣佈合作,共同進行利用量子計算技術和人工智能(「AI」)進行藥物發現過程中的聯合概念驗證項目,即「量子AI驅動藥物發現」

Supported by D-Wave's team of professional services experts, the AI team in JT's pharmaceutical division will utilize D-Wave's annealing quantum computing solutions as accelerators in the speed and quality of training JT's novel AI-driven analysis systems, aiming to extend the applicable range of such AI systems in the drug discovery field (AI-driven Drug Design). The goal of the project is to pioneer a new process for discovering 'first-in-class' pharmaceutical small compounds.


"In our development of AI-driven drug discovery systems, we have been focusing on and researching quantum computing technologies as a speed and quality accelerator in the drug design process," said Dr. Masaru Tateno, Chief Scientific Officer (CSO) of JT's Pharmaceutical Research Center. "In this context, we examine our novel theory and systems in our joint proof-of-concept project, and thus we have high expectations for the effectiveness of D-Wave's annealing quantum computing solutions. By utilizing D-Wave's quantum technology, we aim to pioneer a new standard that significantly accelerates the speed and quality of drug discovery and expands the exploration space for pharmaceutical small compounds."

「在我們開發的AI驅動藥物發現系統中,我們一直專注於並研究量子計算技術作爲藥物設計過程中的速度和質量加速劑,」日本菸草(adr)藥品研究中心首席科學官塔田正博士表示。 「在這種情況下,我們在聯合概念驗證項目中檢驗我們的新型理論和系統,因此我們對D-Wave的退火量子計算解決方案的有效性寄予厚望。通過利用D-Wave的量子技術,我們旨在開創一個顯著加快藥物發現速度和質量並擴大藥品小分子探索空間的新標準。」

"Pharmaceutical companies need to maintain competitiveness while addressing the challenges of difficulty, uncertainty, and duration in new drug development, creating an environment that is accelerating the speed and quality for AI drug discovery," said Dr. Alan Baratz, CEO of D-Wave. "D-Wave is committed to supporting JT's pharmaceutical division in maximizing the capabilities of AI through quantum computing technology, with the goal of expanding the exploration space for pharmaceutical small compounds."

「藥品公司需要在應對新藥開發中的困難、不確定性和週期性挑戰的同時,保持競爭力,創造了一個加速人工智能藥物發現速度和質量的環境,」 D-Wave首席執行官艾倫·巴拉茲博士表示。 「D-Wave致力於通過量子計算技術支持JT的藥品部門,旨在通過擴大探索藥品小分子的空間來最大限度地發揮人工智能的能力。」

Following the proof-of-concept project, JT's pharmaceutical division plans to further advance the developed, Quantum AI-driven Drug Discovery analysis systems and eventually move the application of quantum computing technology into production operations.


