
Carnival Corporation & Plc (CCL) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Carnival Corporation & Plc (CCL) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

嘉年華存託憑證有限公司(Carnival Corporation & Plc)2024年第三季度業績會交流摘要
富途資訊 ·  02:04  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Carnival Corporation & Plc (CCL) Q3 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Carnival Corporation reported exceptionally strong financial results in Q3 2024, with revenues reaching an all-time high of nearly $8 billion, up by $1 billion from the previous year's record.

  • EBITDA for the quarter exceeded records at $2.8 billion, an increase of $600 million over the previous year and $160 million above guidance.

  • Net income surged by more than 60% compared to the same period last year, with double-digit Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) achieved by the end of Q3.

  • Full-year earnings guidance was revised upwards to a record $1.76 billion in net income, influenced by robust yield growth and operational efficiencies.

  • Record customer deposits reached nearly $7 billion, with high pre-cruise and onboard spending levels contributing to financial performance.

  • 嘉年華存託憑證報告,2024年第三季度財務業績異常強勁,營收達到近800億美元的歷史最高水平,比去年同期的紀錄增加了100億美元。

  • 本季度的息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤(EBITDA)超過紀錄,達到280億美元,比上一年增加了6000萬美元,高出指引1600萬美元。

  • 淨利潤同比增長超過60%,並於第三季度結束時實現兩位數投入資本回報率(ROIC)。

  • 全年盈利指引上調至創紀錄的176億美元淨利潤,受益於強勁的收益增長和運營效率提高。

  • 創紀錄的客戶存款達到近700億美元,高額的郵輪前和船上消費水平推動了財務業績。

Business Progress:


  • Successful initiatives for new-to-cruise and repeat guests have driven double-digit increases in both categories, strengthening the customer base.

  • The North American Premier of Sun Princess and plans to introduce its sister ship, Star Princess, indicate ongoing fleet enhancements.

  • Announcement of a new Bahamian destination, Celebration Key, expected to launch in July 2025, alongside major modernization programs like AIDA evolution, signal continued brand and capacity expansion.

  • Carnival Corporation has consolidated its booked position for 2025 at historical highs regarding both occupancy and price, demonstrating effective demand management strategies.

  • 成功的新遊客和回頭客項目推動了兩個類別的兩位數增長,加強了客戶基礎。

  • Sun Princess在北美的首映和計劃推出其姐妹船-科創板,表明船隊不斷升級。

  • 宣佈新的巴哈馬目的地——嘉年華存託憑證預計將於2025年7月推出,同時還有如AIDA evolution等重大現代化項目,表明品牌和產能持續擴張。

  • 嘉年華企業已經鞏固了其2025年的預訂位置,佔用率和價格均達歷史高位,展示了有效的需求管理策略。



  • Expected strong demand through 2024 and into 2025 powered by innovations such as the Sun Princess and the new destination Celebration Key.

  • Future deployment of new berths at Half Moon Cay and the subsequent introduction of phase 2 developments stands as strategic growth opportunities.

  • 預計2024年到2025年期間將會有強勁的需求,這得益於Sun Princess和新目的地——嘉年華存託憑證等創新。

  • 未來在Half Moon Cay部署新的泊位,並隨後推出第2階段發展,將爲戰略增長機會。



  • Gradual growth of AI services and new ship introductions poses risks relating to scalability and market reception.

  • Volatility in fuel costs and potential economic fluctuations might impact operational costs and overall profitability.

  • 人工智能服務的逐漸增長和新船舶的推出帶來了與規模可擴展性和市場接受度相關的風險。

  • 燃料成本的波動和潛在的經濟波動可能會影響運營成本和整體盈利能力。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


