
What's Going On With Fangdd Network Group Stock?

What's Going On With Fangdd Network Group Stock?

Benzinga ·  09/30 22:58

Fangdd Network Group Ltd. (NASDAQ:DUO) shares surged Monday as U.S.-traded Chinese stocks rally following the announcement of additional stimulus measures aimed at reviving the Chinese economy.


The Details:


China's markets posted their largest single-day gains in 16 years on Monday following the announcement of additional stimulus measures over the weekend.


China's central bank will tell banks to lower mortgage rates for existing home loans before Oct. 31. as one of the newly introduced policies. Fangdd Network Group may benefit from the stimulus and lower mortgage rates because it provides real estate information services through its online platform serving individual customers, real estate developers, and agents in China.

中國央行將要求銀行在10月31日之前降低現有房屋貸款的抵押利率,這是新引入的政策之一。 房多多網絡集團可能受益於刺激措施和房貸利率的降低,因爲它通過其在線平台爲中國個人客戶、房地產開發商和經紀人提供房地產信息服務。

Fangdd shares are moving on heavy trading volume Monday with more than 49 million shares already traded, according to data from Benzinga Pro.


How To Buy DUO Stock:


Besides going to a brokerage platform to purchase a share – or fractional share – of stock, you can also gain access to shares either by buying an exchange traded fund (ETF) that holds the stock itself, or by allocating yourself to a strategy in your 401(k) that would seek to acquire shares in a mutual fund or other instrument.


For example, in Fangdd Network Group's case, it is in the Communication Services sector. An ETF will likely hold shares in many liquid and large companies that help track that sector, allowing an investor to gain exposure to the trends within that segment.

例如,在房多多網絡集團的案例中,它屬於通信服務板塊。 一隻etf可能持有許多液體和大型公司的股票,這些公司有助於跟蹤該板塊,使投資者能夠接觸到該領域內的趨勢。

DUO Price Action: According to Benzinga Pro, Fangdd Network Group shares are up 147% at $3.11 at the time of publication Monday.

根據Benzinga Pro的消息,房多多網絡集團股票在週一出版時上漲了147%,報3.11美元。

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