
Apono Raises $15.5M Series A Funding for AI-driven, Least Privilege Solution Set to Disrupt Traditional Access Security

Apono Raises $15.5M Series A Funding for AI-driven, Least Privilege Solution Set to Disrupt Traditional Access Security

PR Newswire ·  09/30 21:00

New capital fuels growth and innovation for company's cloud access management solution


NEW YORK, Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Apono, the leader in privileged access for the cloud, today announced the successful completion of its Series A funding round, raising $15.5 million. The funding round was led by New Era Capital Partners, with participation from Mindset Ventures, Redseed Ventures, Silvertech Ventures, initial seed investors, and more.

紐約,2024 年 9 月 30 日 /PRNewswire/-- 阿波諾雲特權訪問領域的領導者今天宣佈成功完成其A輪融資,籌集了1,550萬美元。本輪融資由新時代資本合夥人牽頭,參與者包括Mindseed Ventures、Redseed Ventures、Silvertech Ventures、初始種子投資者等。

The newly secured funds will be used to advance Apono's mission of providing AI-driven, simple, innovative, and secure solutions that organizations need to manage access in complex, distributed cloud environments. Additionally, these newly secured funds will be used to accelerate product development and enable Apono to continue its growth, deliver unparalleled value to its customers, and solidify its position as a leader in the identity security space. This latest round brings the total investment from new and current investors to $20.5 million, underscoring strong investor confidence in Apono's vision and capabilities.


Apono is a next-gen solution for cloud access governance. The company is committed to delivering capabilities that meet the dynamic needs of modern enterprises and support the development, operations and security teams responsible for securing and maintaining cloud environments they depend on. Apono's innovative approach provides organizations with a deep understanding of privileged access within their cloud environments, enforces robust security guardrails, and leverages AI-driven least privilege and anomaly detection capabilities to enhance security measures while providing a frictionless experience for end-users.

Apono 是用於雲訪問管理的下一代解決方案。該公司致力於提供滿足現代企業動態需求的功能,並支持負責保護和維護他們所依賴的雲環境的開發、運營和安全團隊。Apono的創新方法使組織能夠深入了解其雲環境中的特權訪問,實施強大的安全防護措施,並利用人工智能驅動的最低權限和異常檢測功能來增強安全措施,同時爲最終用戶提供順暢的體驗。

"Today, more than ever, we are seeing a shift in the identity space," said Apono's Co-Founder and CEO Rom Carmel. "Privileged access management and identity governance are converging, driving the need for more holistic identity and access security solutions, particularly within today's dynamic cloud environments in which modern businesses operate. As we continue our rapid growth, this funding will enable us to maintain our momentum and continue delivering cutting-edge solutions to our clients. Our investors were drawn to Apono's unique AI-driven product offering, innovative approach, and its swift adoption by enterprises, recognizing the company's potential to lead the identity security market."


With this investment, Apono is set to significantly expand its US sales and marketing teams, while also expanding investments in research and development. After the company recorded a 300% increase in revenue the last 3 quarters, Apono has welcomed several key industry executives, further bolstering its market position and enhancing its ability to support a rapidly growing customer base. Customers can anticipate new AI-based access product offerings and improved support from Apono's sales engineering and customer success teams, which have tripled in size in the US. Additionally, to meet the needs of new enterprise customers, the company has added enterprise support teams who will deliver the scale of service today's enterprises require. These strategic developments will ensure seamless onboarding and continuous support for Apono's expanding clientele.


"We are thrilled to support Apono in their mission to revolutionize identity and access security," said Ziv Conen, Partner at New Era Capital Partners. "Apono's innovative solution addresses critical challenges in the cloud access management space, providing organizations with robust, scalable solutions. This investment reflects our confidence in Apono's vision and their ability to lead the market with cutting-edge technology and exceptional customer focus. We look forward to supporting Apono's continued growth and success as they redefine how businesses manage and secure access in today's dynamic environments."


"We were able to self-service Apono in minutes, which significantly enhanced customer trust in our global multi-cloud platform. This seamless integration allows our teams to work without friction, ensuring efficiency and productivity. Moreover, it helps us maintain a least-privilege cloud environment, which is crucial for our security and compliance standards," said Arthur Goren, Director of Cloud Engineering at Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

「我們能夠在幾分鐘內對Apono進行自助服務,這極大地增強了客戶對我們全球多雲平台的信任。這種無縫集成使我們的團隊能夠不受摩擦地工作,從而確保效率和生產力。此外,它可以幫助我們維護最低權限的雲環境,這對於我們的安全和合規標準至關重要。」 惠普企業雲工程董事亞瑟·戈倫說。

Apono is devoted to addressing the evolving needs of the identity and access security landscape, particularly as it has grown to play a more significant role in today's modern cloud environment. Apono's solution was built from the ground up to empower organizations to deliver just-in-time, just-enough access management at scale by bridging the security-operational gap in identity and access management. With a focus on innovation and customer success, Apono is poised to redefine how organizations manage and secure access, ensuring robust protection and seamless operations in an ever-changing digital world.


"In response to the growing complexity and security threats associated with cloud adoption, forward-thinking organizations are increasingly aligning the goals and workflows of their security and engineering teams," said Katie Norton, Research Manager, DevSecOps and Software Supply Chain Security at IDC. "Cloud identity and privilege management are central to these alignment efforts. Apono's approach to cloud privileged access management aligns with these goals and helps bridge the gap between security and engineering teams."

他說:「爲了應對與採用雲相關的日益增長的複雜性和安全威脅,具有前瞻性思維的組織越來越多地調整其安全和工程團隊的目標和工作流程。」 凱蒂諾頓,IDC開發安全運營和軟件供應鏈安全研究經理。「雲身份和權限管理是這些協調工作的核心。Apono的雲特權訪問管理方法符合這些目標,有助於彌合安全團隊和工程團隊之間的差距。」

For more information visit the Apono website here: .io.

欲了解更多信息,請訪問此處的Apono網站: .io

About Apono:


Founded in 2022 by Rom Carmel (CEO) and Ofir Stein (CTO), Apono leadership leverages over 20 years of combined expertise in Cybersecurity and DevOps Infrastructure. Apono's Cloud Privileged Access Platform offers companies Just-In-Time and Just-Enough privilege access, empowering organizations to seamlessly operate in the cloud by bridging the operational-security gap in access management. Today, Apono's platform serves dozens of customers across the US, including Fortune 500 companies, and has been recognized in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Privileged Access Management.

Apono的領導層由羅姆·卡梅爾(首席執行官)和奧菲爾·斯坦(首席技術官)於2022年創立,其領導層利用了在網絡安全和開發運營基礎設施方面超過20年的綜合專業知識。 Apono 的雲特權訪問平台 爲公司提供 Just-In-Time 和 Just-Enough 權限訪問權限,通過彌合訪問管理中的運營安全漏洞,使組織能夠在雲端無縫運營。如今,Apono的平台爲包括財富500強公司在內的美國數十家客戶提供服務,並獲得了Gartner特權訪問管理魔力象限的認可。

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