
AudioEye Acquires ADA Site Compliance, a Digital Accessibility Compliance Company

AudioEye Acquires ADA Site Compliance, a Digital Accessibility Compliance Company

audioeye收購數字無障礙合規公司ADA Site Compliance
PR Newswire ·  09/30 18:00

Announces Accretive Acquisition of ADA Site Compliance and Increases Revenue and Adjusted EBITDA Guidance


TUCSON, Ariz., Sept. 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AudioEye, Inc. (Nasdaq: AEYE) ("AudioEye" or the "Company"), the industry-leading digital accessibility company, today announced it has acquired ADA Site Compliance, an ADA website accessibility compliance solution that provides audits and best practices to help organizations create websites that are accessible and compliant to WCAG standards.

亞利桑那州圖森,2024年9月30日/ PRNewswire/ - AudioEye, Inc。 (納斯達克:AEYE)("audioeye" 或 "公司"),業內領先的數字無障礙公司,今天宣佈已收購ADA網站合規性,一家提供審核和最佳實踐的ADA網站無障礙性合規解決方案,以幫助組織創建符合WCAG標準的無障礙和合規網站。

"ADA Site Compliance has an impressive client list and a talented team with which we see synergy," said David Moradi, CEO of AudioEye. "Scott has built a strong business where we believe we can leverage our products to expand customer relationships further. Our goal is to replicate the success we had integrating our 2022 acquisition of the Bureau of Internet Accessibility, where we materially deepened customer relationships and increased ARR."

"ADA網站合規性擁有令人印象深刻的客戶列表和一個才華橫溢的團隊,我們看到了協同效應,"audioeye的CEO David Moradi表示。"斯科特(Scott)已經建立起了一個強大的業務,我們相信我們可以利用我們的產品進一步擴展客戶關係。我們的目標是複製我們在整合2022年收購互聯網可及性局(Bureau of Internet Accessibility)時取得的成功,那裏我們實質性地加深了客戶關係並增加了年度合同價值。"

"I've been in the digital accessibility industry for eight years and have watched AudioEye emerge as a leading platform after significant investment into their product suite and people. After evaluating all options, I realized that combining with AudioEye is the best solution for our customers. AudioEye's unique approach of using AI automation and human-assisted technology is an extremely effective way to solve digital accessibility at scale, which is why they have such a robust customer base," said Scott Trachtenberg, Founder and CEO of ADA Site Compliance. "I look forward to working closely with David and the executive team at AudioEye and am excited to embark on this new adventure."

"我在數字無障礙行業裏工作了8年,看着audioeye在對產品套件和人員進行大量投資後崛起爲領先平台。在評估所有選擇之後,我意識到與audioeye結合是我們客戶的最佳解決方案。audioeye獨特的使用AI自動化和人工輔助技術的方法是解決數字無障礙問題的一種極其有效的方式,這也是爲什麼他們擁有如此強大的客戶群體,"ADA網站合規性的創始人兼首席執行官Scott Trachtenberg表示。"我期待與David和audioeye的執行團隊密切合作,並很高興踏上這段全新的冒險。"

Financial Outlook


Based on strong organic results in the quarter, AudioEye is increasing its guidance to the upper end of the range previously provided. For the third quarter of 2024, management expects to generate revenue between $8.9 million and $8.95 million, adjusted EBITDA between $1.925 million and $1.95 million, and adjusted EPS between $0.15 and $0.16.


AudioEye is increasing its full-year 2024 revenue guidance to between $35.15 million and $35.25 million, adjusted EBITDA between $6.3 million and $6.45 million, and adjusted EPS between $0.51 and $0.53.


The acquisition of ADA Site Compliance is expected to be accretive in the fourth quarter.

ADA Site Compliance的收購預計將在第四季度帶來增值效應。

Management expects to achieve the 'Rule of 40' in the third quarter of 2024 (using sequential annualized revenue growth in the third quarter). Looking ahead to 2025, management is excited about core business momentum and the platform, which unlocks the potential for additional, similarly accretive "tuck-in" acquisitions.


About AudioEye
AudioEye exists to ensure the digital future we build is inclusive. By combining the latest AI automation technology with guidance from certified experts and direct input from the disability community, AudioEye helps ensure businesses of all sizes — including over 122,000 customers like Samsung, Calvin Klein, and Samsonite — are accessible and usable. Holding 23 US patents, AudioEye helps companies solve every aspect of digital accessibility with flexible approaches that best meet their needs. The comprehensive solution includes 24/7 accessibility monitoring, automated accessibility fixes, expert testing, developer tools, and industry-leading legal protection.

audioeye 是爲了確保我們所建設的數字未來是包容性的。通過將最新的人工智能自動化技術與來自殘疾人社區的認證專家的指導和直接輸入相結合,audioeye幫助確保所有規模的企業(包括超過122,000個客戶,如Samsung、Calvin Klein和新秀麗)是可訪問和可用的。憑藉23項美國專利,audioeye能夠幫助公司解決數字無障礙的方方面面,並採用最靈活的方法來最好地滿足他們的需求。全面的解決方案包括24/7的無障礙監控,自動無障礙修復,專家測試,開發人員工具以及行業領先的法律保護。

Forward-Looking Statements


Any statements in this press release about AudioEye's expectations, beliefs, plans, objectives, prospects, financial condition, assumptions or future events or performance are not historical facts and are "forward-looking statements" as that term is defined under the federal securities laws. Forward-looking statements are often, but not always, made through the use of words or phrases such as "believe", "anticipate", "should", "confident", "intend", "plan", "will", "expects", "estimates", "projects", "positioned", "strategy", "outlook" and similar words. You should read the statements that contain these types of words carefully. Such forward-looking statements contained herein include, but are not limited to, statements regarding future cash flows of the Company and ADA Site Compliance, anticipated contributions from sales generated by the Company or ADA, our expectation that the ADA acquisition will be accretive and synergistic, our ability to integrate ADA into our business and replicate the success we had integrating our 2022 acquisition of the Bureau of Internet Accessibility, our ability to deepen our relationships with ADA customers and increase ARR, our long-term growth prospects, opportunities in the digital accessibility industry, our revenue, adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EPS guidance, our expectation to achieve the 'Rule of 40' in the third quarter of 2024, and our expectation of investments in marketing and sales and acquisitions of accretive businesses. These statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from what is expressed or implied in such forward-looking statements, including the variability of AudioEye's revenue and financial performance; product development and technological changes; the acceptance of AudioEye's products in the marketplace; the effectiveness of our integration efforts, including our ability to integrate ADA and expand our relationships with ADA customers; competition; inherent uncertainties and costs associated with litigation; and general economic conditions. These and other risks are described more fully in AudioEye's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. There may be events in the future that AudioEye is not able to predict accurately or over which AudioEye has no control. Forward-looking statements reflect management's view as of the date of this press release, and AudioEye urges you not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. AudioEye does not undertake any obligation to update such forward-looking statements to reflect events or uncertainties after the date hereof. Information regarding AudioEye's non-GAAP financial measures, including adjusted EBITDA and adjusted earnings per share, is available in its earnings release furnished as Exhibit 99.1 to its Form 8-K filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on July 25, 2024. A reconciliation of the forecasted range for adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EPS for the third quarter of 2024 and full-year 2024 are not included in this press release because AudioEye is currently unable to quantify accurately certain amounts that would be required to be included in the U.S. GAAP measure or the individual adjustments for such reconciliation.

本新聞稿中關於audioeye的期望、信念、計劃、目標、前景、財務狀況、假設或未來事件或業績的任何聲明都不是歷史事實,屬於「前瞻性聲明」的範疇,正如該術語在聯邦證券法中所定義的那樣。前瞻性陳述通常是通過使用諸如「相信」、「預期」、「應該」、「確信」、「打算」、「計劃」、「將」、「期望」、「估計」、「項目」、「定位」、「策略」、「展望」等詞彙或短語而進行的,但又並非總是如此。您應仔細閱讀包含這些類型詞彙的聲明。此處包含的這些前瞻性聲明包括但不限於以下內容:公司和ADA Site Compliance未來現金流、公司或ADA生成的銷售預期貢獻、我們預期ADA收購將和諧並具有協同作用、我們整合ADA到業務中並複製我們在整合Bureau of Internet Accessibility時的成功經驗的能力、我們加深與ADA客戶的關係並增加ARR的期望、我們的長期增長前景、數字無障礙行業的機會、我們的營收、調整後的EBITDA和調整後的每股收益指引、我們預期在2024年第三季度實現「40條規則」的期望、以及我們在營銷、銷售和收購具有增值業務方面的投資預期。這些聲明受到一系列風險、不確定因素和其他因素的影響,這些風險、不確定因素和其他因素可能導致實際結果與這些前瞻性聲明所表達的內容有實質性不同;AudioEye的營收和財務績效的變動性;產品開發和技術變化;市場中對AudioEye產品的接受程度;我們整合努力的有效性,包括我們整合ADA和擴大與ADA客戶關係的能力;競爭;與訴訟相關的固有不確定性和成本;以及一般經濟狀況。對這些風險以及其他風險的更全面描述包括在AudioEye提交給證券交易委員會的文件中。未來可能發生一些AudioEye無法準確預測或無法控制的事件。前瞻性聲明反映了管理層截至本新聞稿日期的觀點,AudioEye建議您不要過度依賴這些前瞻性聲明。AudioEye不承擔更新此類前瞻性聲明以反映本新聞稿日期後事件或不確定性的義務。關於AudioEye的非GAAP財務措施信息,包括調整後的EBITDA和調整後的每股收益,可在其提交給美國證券交易委員會的8-k表格的第99.1附表中查看。未包含2024年第三季度和2024年全年調整後的EBITDA和調整後的每股收益範圍的核對錶,因爲AudioEye目前無法準確量化需要包含在美國通用會計準則措施或用於該覈對的單個調整中的某些金額。

Media Contact
Sierra Thomas
AudioEye PR
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audioeye 公關
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Investor Contact
Tom Colton
Gateway Group, Inc.
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Tom Colton
Gateway Group,Inc。
[email protected]

SOURCE AudioEye, Inc.





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