
Mark Zuckerberg Says, Orion 'Is Probably Going To Be The Next Major Platform After Phones' — Meta's New AR Wearables Real-Life Tony Stark Glasses In The Making?

Mark Zuckerberg Says, Orion 'Is Probably Going To Be The Next Major Platform After Phones' — Meta's New AR Wearables Real-Life Tony Stark Glasses In The Making?

馬克·扎克伯格表示,奧利安「可能是繼手機之後的下一個重要平台」 — 元宇宙的新AR可穿戴設備正在打造中?
Benzinga ·  09/30 11:12

In an interaction with YouTuber Cleo Abram, Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META) CEO Mark Zuckerberg spoke about various subjects including the company's latest innovation, the Orion AR Glasses.

在與YouTuber Cleo Abram的互動中,meta platforms(納斯達克:META)的CEO馬克·扎克伯格談到了各種主題,包括公司最新的創新——Orion AR眼鏡。

What Happened: During the interview which was posted on YouTube last week, Zuckerberg described the Orion AR Glasses as the first-ever full holographic augmented reality glasses.

事件經過:在上週發佈在YouTube上的採訪中,扎克伯格將Orion AR眼鏡描述爲有史以來第一款全息增強現實眼鏡。

He said that the glasses are a result of a decade of research and development. They aim to miniaturize all the computing needed for glasses to project full holograms into the world.


When asked about the intention behind building such a gadget, the Meta CEO said that he believes that these glasses will be the next major computing platform.

當被問及構建這樣一款小工具背後的意圖時,meta platforms的CEO表示,他相信這些眼鏡將成爲下一個主要計算平台。

"I think that the trend in computing is it gets more ubiquitous, it gets more natural, and it just gets more social right, so you want to be able to interact with people in the world around you, and I think that this is probably going to be the next major platform after phones," he stated.

「我認爲計算的趨勢是變得更加普遍,更加自然,而且變得更加社交,所以你希望能夠與周圍的人以及世界互動,我認爲這可能會成爲繼手機之後的下一個主要平台,」 他說。

While the Orion AR Glasses are currently in the prototype stage, Zuckerberg expressed hope that the next version will be a consumer product available to a wide audience.

儘管Orion AR眼鏡目前仍處於原型階段,但扎克伯格表達了希望下一個版本將成爲面向廣大消費者的產品。

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Why It Matters: The new Orion prototype AR Glasses were unveiled at the Meta Connect 2024 event last week.

意義何在:新的Orion原型AR眼鏡是在上週的Meta Connect 2024活動上揭曉的。

Following the event, analysts re-rated Meta, expressing increased confidence in Meta's hardware and XR product roadmap.

事件發生後,分析師重新評估了meta platforms,並對meta platforms的硬件和XR產品路線表達了增強的信懇智能。

They noted that the tech giant is at the forefront of a new computing platform and highlighted the possibility of Orion representing the next primary consumer computing platform.


When a user highlighted the stark difference between the praises today versus the criticism in 2022, the Meta CEO said that he remains focused on the long-term plan.

當一位用戶強調了今天的讚美與2022年的批評之間明顯的差異時,meta platforms的CEO表示他依然專注於長期計劃。

He also spoke about the importance of maintaining this perspective in the face of fluctuating market sentiment: "You're never as good as they say when you're up, and you're never as bad as they say when you're down."


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