
Apple Bowing Out Of OpenAI Funding Round, iPhone 16's Camera Ranking, And More: This Week In Appleverse

Apple Bowing Out Of OpenAI Funding Round, iPhone 16's Camera Ranking, And More: This Week In Appleverse

蘋果退出OpenAI融資輪,iPhone 16的相機排名等:本週Appleverse
Benzinga ·  19:00

The past week was a whirlwind for Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), with news ranging from the tech giant's withdrawal from OpenAI's funding round to the iPhone 16 Pro Max's camera failing to top global rankings. Here's a quick recap of the top stories.

過去一週對蘋果公司(納斯達克:AAPL)來說是個多事之秋,從科技巨頭退出OpenAI融資輪到iPhone 16 Pro Max攝像頭未能登頂全球排名的新聞。以下是最熱門新聞的快速回顧。

Apple Bows Out of OpenAI Funding Round


In a surprising turn of events, Apple has reportedly withdrawn from negotiations to invest in OpenAI's funding round, which is expected to raise between $6.5 billion and $7 billion. The decision was made at the eleventh hour, with the funding round set to close next week. However, Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT) and Nvidia Corp. (NASDAQ:NVDA) are still in talks to join the round.


Read the full article here.


iPhone 16 Pro Max Camera Falls Short in Global Rankings

iPhone 16 Pro Max攝像頭在全球排名中表現不佳

Despite high expectations, the iPhone 16 Pro Max's camera has been ranked fourth globally in overall score. However, it does lead the pack in video capabilities. This ranking comes following various tests conducted on the iPhone 16 series' features and components.

儘管期望值較高,iPhone 16 Pro Max的攝像頭在全球綜合得分中排名第四。然而,它在視頻功能方面處於領先地位。這一排名是在對iPhone 16系列的功能和元件進行多種測試之後得出的。

Read the full article here.


iOS 18 Rolls Out New Passwords App

iOS 18推出新的密碼應用

Apple's iOS 18 update includes a new Passwords app, serving as a comprehensive password manager for iPhone users. The app provides a secure location for all passwords, protected by Face ID, and aids in creating robust, unique credentials. It also alerts users if their details have been compromised.

蘋果的iOS 18更新包含一個新的密碼應用,爲iPhone用戶提供了一個全面的密碼管理器。該應用提供了一個安全的位置存儲所有密碼,通過面容ID保護,並幫助創建強大、獨一無二的憑證。它還會提醒用戶,如果他們的詳細信息遭到泄露。

Read the full article here.


Marques Brownlee Reviews iPhone 16 and Launches New App

馬克斯·布朗利評測了iPhone 16並推出了新應用

Tech YouTuber Marques Brownlee, also known as MKBHD, has shared his insights on the new iPhone 16 and iPhone 16 Pro models. Brownlee, who has been testing the phones for about two weeks, stated, "This is the most unfinished I've ever seen a new iPhone launch." He also announced the launch of his new app, Panels.

科技YouTuber馬克斯·布朗利,也被稱爲MKBHD,分享了他對新iPhone 16和iPhone 16 Pro型號的見解。布朗利,已經測試了這兩款手機約兩週時間,表示:「這是我見過的新iPhone發佈中最不完善的。」他還宣佈推出他的新應用Panels。

Read the full article here.


Apple Discontinues iPhone 15 Pro Models and iPhone 13

蘋果停產iPhone 15 Pro型號和iPhone 13

As part of its annual product streamlining, Apple has discontinued the iPhone 15 Pro, iPhone 15 Pro Max, and iPhone 13 models. However, these models can still be found in stock at online and third-party retail stores for a limited time.

作爲年度產品優化的一部分,蘋果已經停產了iPhone 15 Pro、iPhone 15 Pro Max和iPhone 13型號。然而,這些型號在網上和第三方零售店中仍然可以找到,供應時間有限。

Read the full article here.


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Photo courtesy: Apple


This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Rounak Jain

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Rounak Jain

