
Carlyle Commodities and Miramis Mining Enter Into Amalgamation Agreement, Carlyle Announces Quesnel Option Agreement and Proposed Sale of Newton Project

Carlyle Commodities and Miramis Mining Enter Into Amalgamation Agreement, Carlyle Announces Quesnel Option Agreement and Proposed Sale of Newton Project

Carlyle Commodities和Miramis Mining達成合並協議,Carlyle宣佈Quesnel選擇協議和擬議出售Newton項目。
newsfile ·  09/28 07:27

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - September 27, 2024) - Carlyle Commodities Corp. (CSE: CCC) (FSE: BJ4) (OTC Pink: CCCFF) ("Carlyle") and Miramis Mining Corp. ("Miramis") are pleased to announce that they have entered into an amalgamation agreement dated September 27, 2024 (the "Amalgamation Agreement") pursuant to which a wholly-owned subsidiary of Carlyle will amalgamate with Miramis and all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Miramis ("Miramis Shares") following the amalgamation will be immediately exchanged for common shares of Carlyle ("Carlyle Shares") on a one-to-one basis (the "Transaction").

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省-(新聞資料公司-2024年9月27日) - Carlyle Commodities Corp. (CSE: CCC) (FSE: BJ4) (OTC Pink: CCCFF) ("Carlyle")和Miramis Mining Corp. ("Miramis")很高興宣佈,它們已於2024年9月27日簽署了一份併購協議(稱爲"合併協議"),根據該協議,Carlyle的全資子公司將與Miramis合併,合併後Miramis的已發行和流通普通股("Miramis股票")將立即以一對一的比例交換爲Carlyle的普通股("Carlyle股票")。("交易")。

Upon completion of the Transaction, the Board of Directors and management of Carlyle will remain the same and it is expected that shareholders of Miramis will hold approximately 28.8% of the issued and outstanding Carlyle Shares.


Morgan Good, Chief Executive Officer of Carlyle and Miramis commented: "The Company is pleased to enter into these various agreements which diversify the current project portfolio by way of the Miramis Amalgamation, and acquisition of rights and title to both the Nicola East Project, as well as the Quesnel Gold Project via the Option Agreement. The proposed sale of Newton will provide $500,000 in hard dollars to the Company, along with equity in Axcap common stock, plus some warrant coverage. Carlyle is optimistic the Axcap team and their corporate and technical expertise presents a strong opportunity to further enhance the value of Carlyle common stock through its holdings of Axcap, as well as provide another pathway to further capitalize the Company."

Carlyle和Miramis的首席執行官Morgan Good評論說:"公司很高興簽訂這些不同協議,通過Miramis的合併,以及通過期權協議獲得尼古拉東區項目和奎內爾黃金項目的所有權和標題,從而使當前項目組合更加多元化。Newton的擬議出售將爲公司提供50萬美元的現金,以及Axcap普通股的股權,以及一些認股權證。Carlyle對Axcap團隊及其公司和技術專業知識表示樂觀,認爲通過持有Axcap股票,Axcap團隊的專業知識可以進一步增強Carlyle普通股價值,同時爲公司提供另一條路徑來進一步增強公司的資本。

Anticipated Benefits of the Transaction


  • Consolidation of the two companies will create a well-capitalized mineral exploration company and will reduce operating and overhead costs;
  • The combined entity is expected to increase shareholder liquidity, trading and capital markets exposure; and
  • The Transaction is expected to provide a diversified asset portfolio in British Columbia, more shareholder distribution by way of the addition of 100 plus new shareholders via Miramis, as well as cash from the Miramis treasury, on closing.
  • 兩家公司的整合將創建一個資本充裕的礦產勘探公司,並將減少運營成本和間接費用;
  • 預計合併後的實體將提高股東流動性、交易和資本市場曝光度;並
  • 預計此交易將在不列顛哥倫比亞省提供一個多樣化的資產組合,通過Miramis增加100多位新股東,以及來自Miramis財政部的現金,當即完成後將推動股東分配。

Anticipated Benefits for Miramis Shareholders


  • Opportunity for Miramis shareholders to hold shares of a larger, more diversified company with a history of stronger access to markets and capital to further development of Miramis' Nicola East property located 24 kilometers from Merritt, British Columbia (the "Nicola East Property");
  • There are limited conditions precedent to closing in the Amalgamation Agreement, including no break fees or expense reimbursements, no required court approval and a short timeline to closing the Transaction; and
  • The Transaction is expected to provide liquidity for Miramis shareholders by way of owning Carlyle shares and access to potential increased shareholder value through Carlyle's larger asset portfolio.
  • Miramis股東有機會持有更大、更多元化的公司股份,該公司具有更強的市場準入和資本歷史,以進一步開發距離英屬哥倫比亞Merritt市24公里的Miramis的Nicola East物業(「Nicola East Property」);
  • 合併協議中需要滿足的先決條件有限,包括沒有違約費或費用補償、不需要法院批准和交易關閉的時間表較短;
  • 預計該交易將通過持有卡萊爾股份和訪問潛在增加的股東價值,爲Miramis股東提供流動性,通過卡萊爾更大的資產組合。

The Nicola East Property

Nicola East Property

Miramis currently holds an option to acquire a 100% interest in certain mineral claims comprising the Nicola East Property (subject to a 2% net smelter return royalty to be retained by the optionors), which is located 24 kilometers northeast of Merritt, British Columbia in an area of high geological potential known as the southern Quesnel Trough. The southern Quesnel Trough hosts numerous copper and gold occurrences associated with porphyry-type deposits including the Highland Valley Copper Complex, the New Afton Mine and the former producing Ajax Deposit, among others.

Miramis目前持有一項選擇權,可以獲取構成Nicola East Property的特定礦權的100%權益(按照礦權讓與人保留的2%淨冶金回報率計算),該物業位於英屬哥倫比亞省Merritt東北24公里處,處於被稱爲南Quesnel槽的具有高地質潛力的地區。南Quesnel槽擁有衆多與斑岩型礦牀相關的銅和金產狀,包括Highland Valley銅礦綜合體、New Afton金礦和曾生產的Ajax礦牀等。

Transaction Details


Pursuant to the terms of the Amalgamation Agreement, the Transaction is expected to be completed by way of a three-cornered amalgamation under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia) whereby 1500285 B.C. Ltd. ("Subco"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Carlyle, will amalgamate with Miramis and all of the issued and outstanding Miramis Shares following the amalgamation will immediately be exchanged for Carlyle Shares on a one-for-one basis. Outstanding warrants of Miramis will become exercisable to purchase Carlyle Shares on a one-for-one basis and on substantially the same terms and conditions. Following completion of the Transaction, the company formed by the amalgamation of Miramis and Subco will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Carlyle which will continue under the name "Miramis Mining Corp." Closing of the Transaction is subject to a number of customary conditions being satisfied or waived by one or both of Carlyle and Miramis, including the receipt of Miramis shareholder approval of the Transaction at the Meeting (as defined below), and the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals.

根據合併協議的條款,預計交易將通過三方合併完成,依據不列顛哥倫比亞省《公司法案》條例,即15002850億.C. Ltd.(「子公司」),卡萊爾的全資子公司,將與Miramis合併,合併後將立即交換Miramis的發行和流通的所有股份數量相等的Carlyle股份。Miramis的未行使認股權將按照相同條款一比一行使以購買Carlyle股份。在定稿此交易後,Miramis與子公司合併形成的公司將成爲卡萊爾的全資子公司,且將繼續使用名稱「Miramis Mining Corp.」。交易的結束取決於Carlyle和Miramis之一或雙方滿足或放棄的一系列慣常條件,包括在會議(如下所定義)上獲得Miramis股東對交易的批准,並獲得所有必需的監管批准。

Carlyle and Miramis are committed to consummating the Transaction in an expedited manner and it is anticipated that a special meeting of Miramis shareholders (the "Meeting") to approve the proposed Transaction will be held in November 2024 and, if approved and all other conditions having been met, it is expected that the Transaction will close shortly thereafter. Implementation of the Transaction will be subject to approval at the Meeting by at least two-thirds of the votes cast by Miramis shareholders at the Meeting.


Further information regarding the Transaction will be contained in a management information circular to be made available to Miramis shareholders in connection with the Meeting. All Miramis shareholders are urged to read the management information circular once available, as it will contain important additional information concerning the Transaction. There can be no assurance that the Transaction will be completed as proposed or at all.


Board Recommendations


The Board of Directors of Miramis (excluding conflicted directors that also serve as directors of Carlyle) unanimously determined that the Transaction is in the best interests of Miramis and recommends the approval of the Transaction by the Miramis shareholders at the Meeting. The Board of Directors of Carlyle have determined that the Transaction is in the best interest of Carlyle and have approved the Transaction.

Miramis董事會(不包括既是有衝突董事也是Carlyle董事的董事)一致決定交易符合Miramis的最佳利益,並建議Miramis股東在會議上通過交易。 Carlyle董事會已確定交易符合Carlyle的最佳利益並已批准該交易。

Additional Information About the Transaction


Further details regarding the terms and conditions of the Transaction are set out in the Amalgamation Agreement, a copy of which will be publicly filed by Carlyle and Miramis under their respective profiles on .


The Quesnel Gold Option Agreement


Carlyle is also pleased to announce that it has entered into an option agreement with Divitiae Resources Ltd. (the "Optionor") dated September 27, 2024 (the "Option Agreement") pursuant to which the Optionor has granted Carlyle an option to acquire a 100% interest in certain mining claims in the Quesnel Terrane in central British Columbia (the "Quesnel Gold Project"), subject to a 2% net smelter return royalty to be retained by the Optionor.

Carlyle還高興地宣佈,已於2024年9月27日與Divitiae Resources Ltd.(「Optionor」)簽訂了一份期權協議(「期權協議」),根據該協議,Optionor授予Carlyle一項選擇權,以獲得英屬哥倫比亞中部Quesnel Terrane中某些礦權項目的100%權益(「Quesnel金項目」),其中Optionor保留2%的淨熔爐返回皇權。

In order to exercise the option, Carlyle must: (ii) make a cash payment of $15,000 and issue 2,000,000 Carlyle Shares to the Optionor within five business days from the date of the Option Agreement; and (ii) issue 2,000,000 Carlyle Shares to the Optionor 65 days from the date of the Option Agreement. Pursuant to the terms of the Option Agreement, Carlyle may, at any time, purchase 1% of the royalty on the Quesnel Gold Project from the Optionor for a cash payment in the aggregate amount of $1,000,000.

根據期權協議,Carlyle必須:(ii)在期權協議簽訂之日起五個工作日內,支付15,000美元現金,並向期權人發行2,000,000股Carlyle股票;以及(ii)在期權協議簽訂之日起65天內,向期權人發行2,000,000股Carlyle股票。根據期權協議的條款,Carlyle可以隨時以1,000,000美元的總額現金支付購買Quesnel Gold項目上1%的權利。

The Quesnel Gold Project is located in the Cariboo Mining Division, 30 kilometers northeast of Quesnel in Central British Columbia covering 1,607.34 hectares, proximal to main highways and power lines facilitating year-round access and workability. The Quesnel Gold Project is situated within the Quesnel Trough within a subdivision of the Intermountain Tectonic Belt, and on trend with the historic "G-South" historical gold resource.


The Newton Project Sale


Carlyle also announces that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent (the "LOI") with Axcap Ventures Inc. ("Axcap") for the sale of Carlyle's Newton gold project (the "Newton Project") located approximately 100 kilometres west of Williams Lake in central British Columbia (the (the "Newton Sale"). Pursuant to the LOI, Carlyle and Axcap have agreed to negotiate in good faith the terms of a definitive agreement for the sale of Carlyle's interest in the Newton Project.

Carlyle還宣佈已與Axcap Ventures Inc.(「Axcap」)簽署了一份非約束性意向書(「LOI」),用於出售位於英屬哥倫比亞中部Williams Lake西約100公里處的Carlyle的Newton黃金項目(「Newton項目」)(「Newton Sale」)。 根據LOI,Carlyle和Axcap已同意善意協商達成有關出售Carlyle對Newton項目的權益的最終協議條款。

Pursuant to the LOI, Axcap will:


  • pay Carlyle a $100,000 cash fee following the signing of the LOI and a $150,000 cash fee upon the signing of a definitive agreement;
  • pay Carlyle a $250,000 cash fee upon Axcap closing an equity financing at a price of $0.20 per security for proceeds of not less than $4,000,000;
  • upon closing the Newton Sale (i) issue to Carlyle 3,750,000 shares of Axcap and 500,000 warrants, each exercisable into one share at a price of $0.20 for a period of three years (subject to Canadian Securities Exchange (the "Exchange") minimum pricing requirements); and (ii) in the event Axcap has not completed the above noted financing, pay Carlyle $125,000, with an additional $125,000 to be paid within 90 days of the closing of the Newton Sale; and
  • on the date that is 12 months following closing of the Newton Sale, issue to Carlyle shares of Axcap with a value of $1,250,000 calculated on the 20-day volume weighted average trading price of the Axcap shares on the Exchange;
  • 簽署LOI後向Carlyle支付10萬美元現金,並在簽署最終協議後支付15萬美元現金;
  • Axcap在以每個證券0.20美元的價格完成總額不低於4,000,000美元的權益融資後,向Carlyle支付25萬美元現金費用;
  • 完成Newton Sale後(i)向Carlyle發行3,750,000股Axcap股票和500,000份認股權證,每份認股權證行權價爲0.20美元,期限爲三年(受加拿大證券交易所最低定價要求的限制);(ii)如果Axcap未完成上述融資,向Carlyle支付12.5萬美元,另外的12.5萬美元將在Newton Sale完成後90天內支付;並
  • 在牛頓銷售結束之後的12個月之日,按照Axcap股票在交易所20日成交量加權平均交易價格計算,發行總值爲$1,250,000的股份給卡萊爾。

The Axcap shares issued to Carlyle will be subject to voluntary escrow periods. Additionally, Axcap will make further cash and share payments to Carlyle upon achievement of certain milestones relating to the Newton Project, as detailed in the LOI. A finder's fee equal to 10% of the total consideration paid to Carlyle in connection with the Newton Sale will be paid by Axcap to Tavros Capital Partners through the issuance of Axcap shares, subject to applicable securities laws and Exchange policies.

發行給卡萊爾的Axcap股份將受到自願限縮期的限制。此外,Axcap將根據牛頓項目相關的特定里程碑達成情況,向卡萊爾進一步支付現金和股份。根據簽署意向書,Axcap將支付給Tavros Capital Partners相當於牛頓銷售總代價的10%的中介費,以Axcap股份的形式支付,須遵守適用證券法律和交易所政策。

Axcap is at arm's length from Carlyle. Completion of the Newton Sale remains subject to a number of conditions, including: the satisfactory completion of due diligence on the Newton Project; the receipt of any required regulatory approvals, including the Exchange; and the negotiation of definitive documentation. The Newton Sale cannot be completed until these conditions have been satisfied. There can be no guarantees that the Newton Sale will be completed as contemplated or at all.


The Newton Project is a 100% owned gold and silver project near Williams Lake, British Columbia, encompassing more than 24,000 hectares. It contains a current National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") compliant mineral resource estimate which utilizes optimized pit shell constraints to fulfil the requirement for reasonable prospects for eventual economic extraction.

牛頓項目是位於不列顛哥倫比亞省威廉姆斯湖附近的100%擁有的黃金和白銀項目,佔地超過24,000公頃。該項目包含符合《金礦產項目披露標準》("NI 43-101"")的目前礦產資源估算,利用經過優化的採礦壕框約束以滿足最終經濟開採的合理可能性要求。

A copy of Carlyle's NI 43-101 compliant "Technical Report on the Updated Mineral Resources Estimate for the Newton Project, British Columbia, Canada" dated June 13, 2022 authored by Michael F. O'Brien, P.Geo., and Douglas Turnbull, P.Geo., which contains the Updated Newton Resource Calculation, is available under Carlyle's profile on .

邁克爾·O·布賴恩(Michael F. O'Brien, P.Geo.)和道格拉斯·特恩布爾(Douglas Turnbull, P.Geo.)撰寫的符合卡萊爾《牛頓項目不列顛哥倫比亞省加拿大礦產資源估算更新技術報告》副本,日期爲2022年6月13日,包含了更新的牛頓資源計算,可在卡萊爾的個人資料中查閱。

Qualified person


Jeremy Hanson, P.Geo., a Qualified Person as defined by NI 43-101, has reviewed the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for this news release and has approved the disclosure herein. Historical information contained in this news release cannot be relied upon as such Qualified Person, as defined under NI 43-101 has not prepared nor verified the historical information.

Jeremy Hanson, P.Geo.,作爲NI 43-101定義的合格人員,已審閱構成本新聞發佈基礎的科學技術信息,並已批准此處所披露的信息。本新聞發佈中包含的歷史信息不能被視爲合格人員,因爲根據NI 43-101的定義,合格人員並未準備或驗證歷史信息。

About Carlyle


Carlyle is a mineral exploration company focused on the acquisition, exploration, and development of mineral resource properties. Carlyle owns 100% of the Newton Project in the Clinton Mining Division of B.C. and is listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the symbol "CCC", on the OTC Market under the ticker "CCCFF" and the Frankfurt Exchange under the ticker "BJ4".


About Miramis


Miramis is a mineral exploration company and a reporting issuer in British Columbia and Alberta. Miramis is focused on acquiring, financing, and developing exploration projects that offer economic upside. Miramis currently holds an option to acquire certain mineral claims known as the Nicola East Property located in British Columbia.


For further information about Carlyle and Miramis please contact:


Morgan Good, Chief Executive Officer
Carlyle Commodities Corp.
Phone: 604-715-4751

首席執行官 Morgan Good
Carlyle Commodities Corp.

Morgan Good, Chief Executive Officer
Miramis Mining Corp.
Phone: 604-715-4751

Morgan Good,首席執行官
Miramis Mining Corp.



This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, including statements regarding future estimates, plans, objectives, timing, assumptions or expectations of future performance, including without limitation, statements regarding, the completion and timing of the Transaction, the expected benefits of the Transaction, the percentage of shares expected to be held by the Miramis shareholders upon completion of the Transaction, Miramis' intention to complete the Meeting in order to approve the Transaction and the timing thereof, Miramis' intention to deliver a management information circular containing further information on the Transaction, the exercise of the Option and the acquisition of the Quesnel Gold Project, the entering into of the Newton Agreement and the completion and timing of the Newton Sale, the benefits of the acquisition of the Quesnel Gold Project and the Newton Sale, and the Exchange's approval of the foregoing transactions are forward-looking statements and contain forward-looking information. Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should" or "would" or occur.

本發佈包含可能構成適用加拿大證券法規定義的前瞻信息的某些聲明和信息。本新聞發佈中的所有聲明,除了歷史事實的聲明外,包括關於未來估計、計劃、目標、時間安排、假設或未來業績預期的陳述,包括但不限於關於交易的完成和時間安排,交易預期好處,Miramis股東預計在交易完成後持有的股份比例,Miramis打算完成會議以批准交易及其時間安排,Miramis打算提供包含有關交易進一步信息的管理層信息通函,行使期權並收購Quesnel金礦項目,簽訂Newton協議和Newton Sale的完成和時間安排,收購Quesnel金礦項目和Newton Sale的好處,以及交易所對上述交易的批准是前瞻性聲明幷包含前瞻信息。通常,前瞻性聲明和信息可以通過使用諸如「打算」或「預計」之類的前瞻性術語,或者諸如「可能」、「可能」、「應該」或「將」之類的行動、事件或結果的陳述的變體來識別。

Forward-looking statements are based on certain material assumptions and analysis made by Carlyle and Miramis and the opinions and estimates of management as of the date of this press release, including, without limitation, that Carlyle and Miramis will be able to complete the Transaction as contemplated, or at all, that the completion of the Transaction will result in the benefits anticipated, that Miramis will hold the Meeting to approve the Transaction as anticipated, or at all, that Carlyle and Miramis will receive all approvals required to complete the Transaction, that the Transaction will be completed within the timeframe expected, that the Amalgamation Agreement will not be terminated early, that the Option Agreement will not be terminated early, that Carlyle will be willing and able to exercise the Option, that Carlyle will be able to negotiate terms to the Newton Agreement satisfactory to Carlyle, that Carlyle will be able to complete the Newton Sale as contemplated, or at all, and that Carlyle will be able to obtain Exchange approval for the foregoing transactions, as applicable.

前瞻性聲明基於Carlyle和Miramis於本新聞發佈日期的某些實質假設和分析以及管理層的意見和估計,包括但不限於,Carlyle和Miramis能夠按照規定完成交易,或根本無法完成,交易的完成將產生預期的好處,Miramis將按照預期舉行審議交易的會議,或者不會舉行,Carlyle和Miramis將獲得完成交易所需的所有批准,交易將如預期的那樣在預期時間內完成,即使協同合併協議不會提前終止,期權協議也不會提前終止,Carlyle願意且有能力行使期權,Carlyle能夠就對Carlyle滿意的Newton協議條款進行談判,Carlyle能夠如規定的那樣完成Newton Sale交易,或者根本無法完成,Carlyle能夠獲得交易所對前述交易的批准,視情況而定。

These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Carlyle and Miramis to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information. Important factors that may cause actual results to vary, include, without limitation: general business, economic and social uncertainties; Carlyle and Miramis may not complete the Transaction as anticipated, or at all; Carlyle and/or Miramis may not be able to receive the required approvals to complete the Transaction; the Transaction may not result in the expected benefits; the Amalgamation Agreement may be terminated early; the Option Agreement may be terminated early; Carlyle may be unwillingly or unable to exercise the Option; Carlyle may not be able to negotiate satisfactory terms for the Newton Agreement; Carlyle may not complete the Newton Sale as anticipated, or at all; Carlyle may not be able to receive Exchange acceptance for the foregoing transactions, as applicable; the loss of key personnel; unanticipated costs; adverse litigation, legislative, environmental, and other judicial, regulatory, political, and competitive developments; and other risks outside of the control of Carlyle and Miramis, as applicable. Further, labour shortages, high energy costs, inflationary pressures, rising interest rates, the global financial climate and the conflict in Ukraine and surrounding regions are some additional factors that are affecting current economic conditions and increasing economic uncertainty, which may impact the operating performance, business plans, financial position and future prospects of Carlyle and Miramis, as applicable. Although management of the of Carlyle and Miramis have attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release and, unless required by applicable law, Carlyle and Miramis assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements.


Neither the CSE nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


