
Blizzard's History With StarCraft Shooters 'Is Not Good': Will Third Attempt Succeed?

Blizzard's History With StarCraft Shooters 'Is Not Good': Will Third Attempt Succeed?

Benzinga ·  03:45

Microsoft Corp.'s (NASDAQ:MSFT) Blizzard Entertainment is once again setting its sights on developing a StarCraft shooter, with the project being helmed by former Far Cry executive producer Dan Hay.


This marks the third time Blizzard has attempted to branch out the StarCraft franchise into the first-person shooter (FPS) genre, a goal that has eluded the developer for nearly two decades.


StarCraft's Past Attempts And Challenges


Blizzard's first foray into a StarCraft shooter dates back to 2002 with the announcement of StarCraft: Ghost, a tactical-action game where players would take on the role of a Ghost operative.


Despite high anticipation, the project suffered multiple delays and was ultimately canceled in 2006. The second attempt, codenamed Ares, emerged in 2019 and was described as "Battlefield in the StarCraft universe." Like Ghost, Ares was also shelved as Blizzard shifted focus to titles like Diablo 4 and Overwatch 2.


Now, Blizzard appears determined to make the StarCraft FPS a reality under Hay's leadership, hoping the third time's the charm.


StarCraft Shooter In Expert Hands


Hay, who joined Blizzard in 2022, brings with him a wealth of experience from his time at Ubisoft, where he made his mark on the Far Cry franchise.


While no official details have emerged about this new StarCraft shooter, Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier confirmed the game is currently in development during an appearance on IGN's Podcast Unlocked.

儘管關於這款新的星際爭霸射擊遊戲還沒有官方細節披露,但彭博社記者傑森·施雷爾(Jason Schreier)在出現在IGN的《Podcast Unlocked》節目中確認了該遊戲目前正在開發中。

Schreier, who has extensively covered Blizzard in his book "PLAY NICE: The Rise, Fall, and Future of Blizzard Entertainment," said, "Yes, that is a project that as far as I know is in development, or at least as of the time that I wrote this book was in development. They are working on a StarCraft shooter, StarCraft is not dead at Blizzard."

施雷爾在他的書《PLAY NICE: 暴雪娛樂的興衰與未來》中對暴雪進行了廣泛報道,他表示:「是的,據我所知,這是一個正在開發的項目,或者至少在我寫這本書的時候是在開發中。他們正在開發一款星際爭霸射擊遊戲,星際爭霸在暴雪那裏並沒有消失。」

A Legacy Of Unfinished StarCraft Shooters


Blizzard's turbulent history with StarCraft shooters looms large over the project. As Schreier pointed out during the podcast: "Their history with StarCraft shooters is not good."


Phil Spencer, head of Xbox, recently fueled speculation about StarCraft's return when he wore a StarCraft-themed t-shirt during Microsoft's Tokyo Game Show 2024 broadcast.

微軟Xbox負責人菲爾·斯賓塞(Phil Spencer)最近在微軟2024年東京遊戲展的直播中穿着一件星際爭霸主題T恤,引發了有關星際爭霸回歸的猜測。

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