
EVolving Clean Transportation: PG&E Celebrates National Drive Electric Week

EVolving Clean Transportation: PG&E Celebrates National Drive Electric Week

PR Newswire ·  09/28 01:44

PG&E Helping Customers Transition to Electric Vehicles, Preparing the Grid & Advancing EV Technology to Support a Clean Energy Future


OAKLAND, Calif., Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In recognition of National Drive Electric Week (Sept. 27 - Oct. 6, 2024), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E) is highlighting the many ways it is helping to make electric vehicle (EV) ownership more affordable for customers. PG&E is also preparing the grid and increasing access to charging infrastructure, while partnering with the automotive industry to advance technology that will enable EVs to support California's clean energy future.

加利福尼亞州奧克蘭,2024年9月27日/PRNewswire/ - 爲了紀念國家新能源汽車周(2024年9月27日-10月6日),太平洋煤氣與電力公司(PG&E)正在突出顯示其幫助客戶更加經濟地擁有新能源汽車的方法。PG&E還在準備電網並增加充電樁的使用率,同時與汽車行業合作推動技術的發展,以使新能源汽車能夠支持加利福尼亞州的清潔能源未來。

PG&E is prioritizing grid readiness and building grid capacity to accommodate new EV demand through a multiyear grid investment plan. The company is partnering with innovators across the EV industry to build the large-scale electric infrastructure needed to incorporate EV charging systems into the grid, including deploying chargers to support customers, planning to fund programs for underserved communities, and providing personalized solutions.


Residential Customer Programs and Incentives


PG&E's Pre-Owned EV Rebate Program provides income-qualified customers with up to $4,000 when buying or leasing a used EV. In just over a year-and-a-half since the program's launch, PG&E has distributed more than 6,900 rebate payments, and more than $60 million in funding is still available. The rebate will be available through 2026 or until funding runs out.


"We serve a diverse population and want to ensure all of our customers have the resources they need to make EV ownership an attainable goal," said Lydia Krefta, Director, Clean Energy Transportation for PG&E. "The Pre-Owned EV Rebate Program is a great resource that has already helped many of our underserved customers transition to electric vehicles, and we offer a number of other programs and incentives designed to help accelerate EV adoption for our residential and commercial customers."

「我們爲各種人群提供服務,希望確保所有客戶都擁有他們需要的資源,以使新能源汽車的擁有成爲一個可以實現的目標,」太平洋煤氣與電力公司(PG&E)潔淨能源交通總監Lydia Krefta表示。「二手新能源車折扣計劃是一個已經幫助許多我們的弱勢客戶轉向新能源汽車的很好的資源,我們還提供其他旨在幫助加速居民和商業客戶採用新能源汽車的計劃和激勵措施。」

PG&E offers a variety of tools, rebates and resources that are available to customers in multiple languages. Customers are invited to check out PG&E's EV Savings Calculator, an online resource to browse vehicles, discover incentives, locate charging stations and more. PG&E also offers an EV Rate Comparison tool to help customers find the best rate plan for them. Other programs/incentives include:


  • Empower EV program offers income-eligible customers up to $2,500 in incentives to help cover the cost of installing EV-charging equipment at their single-family residences. PG&E provides a free Level 2 charger, valued at $500, to customers who meet eligibility requirements and covers up to $2,000 per eligible household for panel upgrades completed by the program's approved electrician. Eligible customers are encouraged to enroll in the program before it closes at the end of 2024.
  • Multifamily Housing and Small Business EV Charger Program installs Level 1 and Level 2 EV chargers at multifamily housing units, nonprofit organizations and small businesses in select communities. For qualified customers, the charging units are installed at no cost to property owners and the program covers two years of networking and software fees. Priority communities include low-income, rural, tribal and other priority populations defined by the California Public Utilities Commission and California Air Resources Board.
  • Residential Charging Solutions pilot provides income-qualified customers with a $700 post-purchase rebate on approved Level 2 residential charging equipment that can utilize existing 240-volt outlets and eliminate the need for costly electrical upgrades.
  • Customers can reduce the total cost of EV ownership through innovative rate structures, like PG&E's Electric Home Rate Plan for residential customers.
  • Empower EV計劃爲符合收入條件的客戶提供高達$2,500的激勵,以幫助支付在其單戶住宅安裝EV充電設備的費用。PG&E爲符合條件的客戶提供價值$500的免費Level 2充電器,併爲通過該計劃認可的電工完成的面板升級每個符合條件的家庭提供最高$2,000的費用補償。鼓勵符合條件的客戶在2024年底計劃關閉之前加入該計劃。
  • 多戶住宅和小型企業EV充電樁計劃在選定社區的多戶住宅單位、非營利組織和小型企業安裝Level 1和Level 2 EV充電樁。對符合條件的客戶,充電設備將免費安裝在物業所有者那裏,並且該計劃覆蓋兩年的網絡和軟件費用。優先社區包括低收入、農村、部落和由加州公用事業委員會和加州空氣資源委員會定義的其他重要人群。
  • 住宅充電解決方案試點計劃爲符合收入資格的客戶提供$700的購買後墊付,在批准的Level 2住宅充電設備上,可以利用現有的240伏特插座,並消除昂貴的電氣升級需求。
  • 客戶可以通過創新的費率結構降低EV擁有成本,例如PG&E爲居民客戶提供的Electric Home費率計劃。

Programs for Businesses, Communities and Schools


This year, PG&E's EV Fleet Program helped to electrify the Oakland Unified School District's (OUSD) fleet of electric school busses, becoming the first major school district in the nation to deploy a fully electric fleet of busses. OUSD's EV bus fleet, converted to electric by Zum, is equipped with groundbreaking vehicle-to-grid technology that enables the buses to return energy to the grid at scale when not in use.


The EV Fleet Program, which is also partnering with the Angel Island-Tiberon Ferry Company to support the electrification of The Angel Island vessel, helps customers with medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in their fleets to install cost-effective charging infrastructure to save money, reduce tailpipe emissions and simplify maintenance.

EV車隊計劃還與安吉爾島(Angel Island)-蒂伯倫(Tiberon)渡輪公司合作,支持安吉爾島(Angel Island)船隻的電氣化,幫助擁有中型和重型車隊的客戶安裝具有成本效益的充電基礎設施,以節省成本、減少尾氣排放和簡化維護。

In addition to working with businesses and schools to help them power up their existing and future EVs, PG&E is helping to expand public charging access throughout its service area.


  • Through its EV Fast Charge Program, PG&E is funding and installing infrastructure at qualifying customer sites to support the expansion of publicly available fast charging stations for light-duty vehicles.
  • PG&E's EV Charge Schools Pilot is installing level 2 charging stations at school facilities and educational institutions for staff, parents and students to charge their EVs. PG&E helps fund the costs of purchasing and installing the EV charging equipment and networking fees at participating schools, as well as ongoing maintenance and operations.
  • 通過其新能源車快速充電計劃,PG&E正在爲符合資格的客戶現場基礎設施進行資助和安裝,以支持輕型車輛的公共快速充電站擴展。
  • PG&E的新能源車充電學校試點項目正在學校設施和教育機構安裝二級充電站,供員工、家長和學生充電。PG&E幫助資助購買和安裝新能源車充電設備和網絡費用,並支付參與學校的持續維護和運營成本。

Coming soon, PG&E will launch its fleet advisory services program aimed at providing comprehensive support to medium- and heavy-duty fleet operators to transition to electric vehicles.


Advancing EV Technology


Currently, one in eight electric vehicles in the nation plug into PG&E's grid, representing over 600,000 EVs with a combined battery storage capacity (6 GW) almost three times more than the Diablo Canyon Power Plant's generation capacity. That battery storage capacity will increase significantly as EV adoption grows in the decades ahead. PG&E is preparing the grid to quickly and safely power at least 3 million EVs by 2030, and is collaborating to pioneer technology that can harness clean energy from solar and wind generation to help power the electric grid and offset a portion of the 70% load growth projected over the next 20 years.

目前,全國八分之一的新能源車連接到PG&E的電網,代表超過60萬輛新能源車,其組合電池儲存容量(6 GW)幾乎是迪亞布羅峽谷發電廠的發電能力的三倍。隨着新能源車的普及,該電池儲存容量將顯著增加。PG&E正在準備電網,以便在2030年之前快速安全地爲至少300萬輛新能源車提供電力,併合作開發能夠利用太陽能和風能的清潔能源來供電並抵消未來20年預計70%的負載增長的技術。

"EVs are front and center in California's exciting energy transformation. We are working closely with automakers and some of the world's top innovators to advance technology that will allow EV batteries to serve as a grid resource to support peak electricity demand periods and decarbonize the economy at the lowest societal cost," said Jason Glickman, PG&E Executive Vice President, Engineering, Planning & Strategy.

「新能源車成爲加利福尼亞充滿活力的能源變革的中心。我們正與汽車製造商和一些世界頂尖的創新者緊密合作,推動技術進步,使新能源車電池能夠作爲電網資源,支持高峰期電力需求,以最低社會成本脫碳經濟,」 PG&E執行副總裁兼工程、規劃和戰略負責人傑森·格利克曼表示。

PG&E is collaborating with BMW of North America, Ford Motor Company and General Motors to test cutting-edge vehicle-grid-integration (VGI) applications, and is executing the nation's first large-scale bidirectional charging pilots which are testing multiple technologies to enable a wide range of services and study the cost-effectiveness of VGI. The bidirectional charging pilots offer upfront and ongoing participation-based incentives and provide higher upfront incentives to help reduce the affordability barrier for underserved communities.


Leading by Example


PG&E has committed to electrify its vehicle fleet in compliance with California's Advanced Clean Fleets regulation with the goal to electrify 3,800 vehicles in its fleet by 2030.


"This is an exciting transition and an outstanding opportunity for us to lead by example. New EVs in our fleet help us better serve our planet and provide significant cost savings for our customers over time," said Glickman.

「這是一次令人激動的轉變,也是我們以身作則的絕佳機會。我們車隊中的新EV車輛有助於更好地服務地球,並隨着時間的推移爲客戶提供顯著的成本節省,」 Glickman表示。

Currently, approximately 11% of PG&E's fleet of roughly 9,200 on-road vehicles are powered by alternative fuels including electricity.


About PG&E


Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a subsidiary of PG&E Corporation (NYSE:PCG), is a combined natural gas and electric utility serving more than 16 million people across 70,000 square miles in Northern and Central California. For more information, visit / and .


SOURCE Pacific Gas and Electric Company





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