
Gates Says Microsoft Antitrust Threats Are 'Going To Happen' While Reflecting On 1998 Case: 'Whichever Part Of The Company I Went With Would Have Thrived'

Gates Says Microsoft Antitrust Threats Are 'Going To Happen' While Reflecting On 1998 Case: 'Whichever Part Of The Company I Went With Would Have Thrived'

Benzinga ·  09/27 22:23

Gates Says Microsoft Antitrust Threats Are 'Going To Happen' While Reflecting on 1998 Case: 'Whichever Part of the Company I Went With Would Have Thrived'


Billionaire Bill Gates helped power Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ:MSFT) into one of the largest companies in the world during his time leading the company.


Gates wouldn't change anything today and isn't ready to question what might have been if the company was broken up.


Gates on Microsoft: Gates is a co-founder of Microsoft and served as its CEO from 1975 to 2000 before stepping down. Since then, He has worked on philanthropic and other ventures as he doesn't believe in retirement.


Gates was recently asked if he would have done anything differently while he was in charge of Microsoft.


"Well, I learned all the time when I was running Microsoft. And on balance, I feel great about the company and the work that was done," Gates told The Verge.

"嗯,我在微軟-t工作時不斷學****的來說,我對公司的工作感到非常滿意,"蓋茨告訴The Verge。

Since Gates stepped down as CEO, Microsoft has had only two CEOs. Steve Ballmer served as CEO from 2000 to 2014 and Satya Nadella has been CEO since 2014.

自蓋茨辭去CEO職務以來,微軟-t只有兩位CEO。史蒂夫·鮑爾默(Steve Ballmer)於2000年至2014年擔任CEO,薩蒂亞·納德拉(Satya Nadella)自2014年起擔任CEO。

"I feel very lucky that my successors carried on the work so it's still a great company today."


Gates attributes his work and learning experiences at Microsoft as key factors in advancing his efforts in health and education.


The billionaire now serves as an advisor to Microsoft, helping with areas such as the OpenAI investment and AI initiatives.


"I really value the fact Satya gives me that opportunity."


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Gates on Antitrust: During the interview, Gates was asked about antitrust concerns for big technology companies and what could have happened if Microsoft had been broken up.


"These antitrust suits, I don't know what will come of them. When you get companies this successful, they ought to assume it's going to happen," Gates said.


Gates added that technology companies can see what Microsoft did well and didn't do well.


The Department of Justice pursued antitrust action against Microsoft, arguing that bundling Internet Explorer with the Windows operating system established a monopoly. A decision to split up the company into two was later reversed in an appeals court.

美國司法部對微軟-t提起反壟斷訴訟,稱將Internet Explorer與Windows操作系統捆綁銷售建立了壟斷地位。將公司分拆爲兩部分的決定後來在上訴法庭上被推翻。

When speculating on how Microsoft might have performed if it had been split up, Gates toots his own horn a bit.


"It's hard to speculate on those things. I mean, whichever part of the company I went with would have thrived, I think."


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