
Policy Changes Have Minimal Impact As Indicated By Latest PPI: MIDF

Policy Changes Have Minimal Impact As Indicated By Latest PPI: MIDF

Business Today ·  09/27 11:10

Malaysia's producer price index (PPI) growth eased to 0.3% year-on-year (y-o-y) in August, down from 1.3% in the previous month, according to data released by the Department of Statistics Malaysia (DOSM). This marks the slowest increase in six months.


MIDF Research (MIDF) noted that the moderation in PPI inflation can largely be attributed to falling commodity prices, particularly Brent crude oil, which saw a significant year-on-year decline of 7.3%, bringing prices down to USD78.88 per barrel. As a result, the mining sector's PPI experienced deflation of -8.3% y-o-y, a stark contrast to the +2.2% growth recorded in July, and its first decline in seven months. This also marked the steepest drop since July 2023.

MIDF Research(MIDF)指出,PPI通脹放緩主要歸因於大宗商品價格的下跌,尤其是布倫特原油,同比大幅下跌7.3%,使價格跌至每桶78.88美元。結果,採礦業的PPI同比下降了-8.3%,與7月份的+ 2.2%的增長形成鮮明對比,這是七個月來的首次下降。這也標誌着自2023年7月以來的最大跌幅。

Other sectors also saw a slowdown in PPI growth. The agriculture sector's PPI eased to 2.7% y-o-y (July: +3.4%), while the water supply sector's PPI growth slowed to 8.0% y-o-y (July: +9.0%). Conversely, producer prices for the manufacturing sector rose slightly faster, at 1.0% y-o-y compared to 0.9% in July. The electricity and gas supply sector saw an acceleration in PPI growth, climbing to 1.0% y-o-y from 0.3% in July.

其他行業的生產者物價指數增長也有所放緩。農業部門的生產者物價指數同比下降至2.7%(7月:+ 3.4%),而供水行業的PPI同比增長放緩至8.0%(7月:+ 9.0%)。相反,製造業的生產者價格上漲速度略快,同比上漲1.0%,而7月份爲0.9%。電力和天然氣供應行業的PPI增長加速,同比增長從7月份的0.3%攀升至1.0%。

Breaking down the PPI by the stage of processing, the index for crude materials for further processing dropped by 3.5% y-o-y, compared to a 1.5% rise in July. Meanwhile, the growth for intermediate goods slowed to 0.2% y-o-y from 0.6% in the previous month. However, the PPI for finished goods rose at its fastest pace in 17 months, climbing 3.5% y-o-y, driven by higher prices for finished capital goods and finished goods in the non-manufacturing sectors.


MIDF noted that the easing of PPI inflation indicates that recent policy changes, such as the diesel subsidy rationalisation, have had a limited impact on local production costs. With inflation remaining under control, MIDF does not foresee any adjustments to the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR) for the remainder of the year.


Source: MIDF
Title: Growth in Malaysia's producer price index down to 0.3% y-o-y in August


