
Boeing 737 Max Jets Face New Safety Concerns Over Jamming Pedals As Investigators Point Out Moisture Leakage Risks

Boeing 737 Max Jets Face New Safety Concerns Over Jamming Pedals As Investigators Point Out Moisture Leakage Risks

波音737 Max噴氣式飛機面臨新的安全問題,調查人員指出踏板卡滯以及溼氣滲漏風險。
Benzinga ·  09/27 10:49

Safety investigators have recently issued urgent recommendations to Boeing Co (NYSE:BA) and the Federal Aviation Administration following the discovery of a potential safety issue with the 737 Max jets. The issue pertains to the pedals used by pilots to steer the aircraft on runways, which can reportedly become jammed due to moisture leakage.

安全調查人員最近向波音公司(紐交所: 波音)和聯邦航空管理局發出緊急建議,因爲他們發現737 Max飛機存在潛在的安全問題。問題涉及飛行員用於在跑道上駕駛飛機的踏板,據稱可能由於水分泄漏而卡住。

What Happened: The National Transportation Safety Board has discovered that moisture can seep into the rudder assembly and freeze, causing the pedals to jam. This finding was the result of an investigation into an incident involving a United Airlines Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:UAL) plane earlier this year.

發生了什麼:國家運輸安全委員會發現水分可以滲入方向舵總成並結冰,導致踏板卡住。這一發現是對今年早些時候涉及聯合航空控股公司(納斯達克: 聯合航空)飛機事件的調查結果。

The NTSB has found that the faulty work affected at least 353 actuators installed on some Max jets and older 737s. The NTSB has advised Boeing to modify flight manuals to eliminate advice that pilots use maximum pedal force to overpower a jammed rudder, as this could cause sudden rudder movement and potentially lead the plane to go off the runway.


Why It Matters: This latest safety concern adds to the list of issues that have plagued the 737 Max jets. The aircraft were grounded worldwide in March 2019 following two fatal crashes that claimed 346 lives. The planes were allowed to return to service in November 2020 after Boeing made significant changes to the flight control system.

爲什麼重要:這一最新的安全問題增加了困擾737 Max飛機的問題清單。在2019年3月發生導致346人死亡的兩起致命事故之後,這些飛機在全球範圍內停飛。在波音對飛行控制系統進行重大更改後,這些飛機於2020年11月被允許重新投入服務。

Price Action: Boeing Co's stock closed at $154.58 on Thursday, up 1.55% for the day. In after-hours trading, the stock slightly increased 0.0065%. However, year to date, Boeing's stock has decreased by 38.60%, according to data from Benzinga Pro.


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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

本報道使用Benzinga Neuro生成,並由Kaustubh Bagalkote

