
Jabil Inc. (JBL) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

Jabil Inc. (JBL) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  09/27 01:44  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Jabil Inc. (JBL) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Jabil reported Q4 revenue of $7 billion, which was $364 million above the midpoint of the guidance range.

  • Core operating income for Q4 was $401 million, or 5.8% of revenue, a solid improvement of 20 basis points compared to last year.

  • Net interest expense was better than expected, coming in at $65 million due to strong working capital management.

  • GAAP diluted earnings per share was $1.18, with core diluted earnings per share at $2.30, $0.07 above the midpoint of guidance.

  • The adjusted free cash flow for the fiscal year was north of $1 billion, with cash balances at approximately $2.2 billion.

  • Jabil報告第四季度營業收入爲70億美元,高於指導範圍中點36400萬美元。

  • 第四季度核心營業收入爲40100萬美元,佔營業收入的5.8%,較去年相比點子提高20個百分點,表現穩健。

  • 由於強勁的營運資本管理,淨利息支出優於預期,爲6500萬美元。

  • 根據美國通用會計準則,每股攤薄收益爲1.18美元,核心攤薄每股收益爲2.30美元,比指導範圍中點高0.07美元。

  • 本財政年度調整後的自由現金流超過10億美元,現金餘額約爲22億美元。

Business Progress:


  • Jabil divested its Mobility business for $2.2 billion and returned the majority of these proceeds to shareholders through a buyback program.

  • The company restructured organizationally to focus on three new segments: Regulated Industries, Intelligent Infrastructure, and Connected Living & Digital Commerce.

  • Strong annual free cash flow and management's commitment to investment grade credit profile were highlighted.

  • 捷普科技將其移動業務出售了22億美元,並通過回購計劃將其中大部分收益返還給股東。

  • 公司在組織上進行了重組,專注於三個新業務領域:受監管行業、智能基礎設施和聯網生活與數字商務。

  • 強勁的年度自由現金流和管理層對投資級信用等級承諾得到強調。



  • Jabil has transitioned its financial reporting structure to better reflect its operation and enhance growth focusing on Regulated Industries, Intelligent Infrastructure, and Connected Living & Digital Commerce.

  • Newly appointed CEO Mike Dastoor highlighted plans to maintain focus on profitable growth, leveraging global capacity and network of factories for recovery.

  • 捷普科技已經過渡其財務報告結構,以更好地反映其操作並專注於受監管行業、智能基礎設施和聯網生活與數字商務的增長。

  • 新任首席執行官邁克·達斯圖爾強調了繼續專注於盈利增長的計劃,利用全球產能和工廠網絡來實現復甦。



  • Some end markets like automotive and renewable energy noticed softness, affecting expectations slightly lower in certain segments.

  • 一些終端市場,如汽車和可再生能源,出現了疲軟現象,影響了某些領域的預期略有下調。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


