
OpenAI CEO Says Leadership Shakeup Aims to Flatten Structure, Elevate New Leaders

OpenAI CEO Says Leadership Shakeup Aims to Flatten Structure, Elevate New Leaders

OpenAI CEO表示,領導層重組旨在簡化結構,培養新領導者
Benzinga ·  01:37

On Wednesday, Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT)-backed OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, announced a shift from a non-profit to a for-profit benefit corporation to make the AI startup more appealing to potential investors.


CEO Sam Altman may receive equity in the for-profit company, which could be valued at $150 billion after restructuring.

首席執行官Sam Altman可能會在這家盈利公司中獲得股權,重組後該公司的估值可能達到1500億美元。

While the non-profit board will no longer oversee the company, the non-profit entity is expected to retain a minority stake in the new for-profit structure.


On Wednesday, Mira Murati, OpenAI's chief technology officer, released a written statement stating that, after much reflection, she has "made the difficult decision to leave OpenAI."

OpenAI首席技術官Mira Murati週三發佈書面聲明,表示經過深思熟慮,她「作出了離開OpenAI的艱難決定」。

Also Read: Sam Altman's OpenAI Pushes Biden Administration For Massive 5GW Data Centers Equivalent To Output Of 5 Nuclear Reactors, Enough To Power Nearly 3M Homes: Report.

另請參閱:Sam Altman的OpenAI向拜登政府施壓,要求建設相當於5核反應堆輸出的5GW數據中心,足以爲近300萬棟房屋提供電力。

Last year, Mira Murati served as an interim CEO when Sam Altman had to step down from his CEO position. The decision for this leadership change comes after the board's intensive review process.

去年,當Sam Altman不得不辭去CEO職務時,Mira Murati擔任代議CEO。在董事會進行了激烈的審查過程後,做出了這一領導層變動的決定。

Concerns were raised regarding Altman's transparency in communications with the board, ultimately leading to a loss of confidence in his leadership.


Within five days, he was reinstated as CEO, and the board that fired Altman was almost entirely replaced following employee rebellion, cementing his position at the firm's helm.


Two other top OpenAI executives, Chief Research Officer Bob McGrew and another research leader, Barret Zoph, also left the AI Startup.

另外兩位OpenAI高管,首席研究官鮑勃·麥格魯和另一位研究領袖Barret Zoph,也離開了這家人工智能創業公司。

In a social media post, CEO Sam Altman said all the executives' decisions were made "independently of each other and amicably."

在社交媒體上發帖,CEO Sam Altman表示所有高管的決定都是"相互獨立的,友好的。"

As per a Bloomberg report, Altman said the executive departures were unrelated to the company's shift to a profit-for-organization model.


The report highlighted that Altman said he would use the shakeup to "flatten" OpenAI's structure, naming several employees who'd start reporting directly to him, and promote a "new generation of leaders."

報道強調Altman表示將利用這次重組"壓平" OpenAI 的結構,任命幾名員工直接向他彙報,推動"新一代領導者"。

"I saw some stuff that this was related to a restructure; that's totally not true," Bloomberg noted, citing Altman's comments at the Italian Tech Week in Turin on Thursday."

"我看到一些關於重組的報道;這完全不是事實,"彭博社在週四引用Altman在都靈意大利Tech Week上的言論。

"This is just about people being ready for new chapters in their lives."


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