
Ericsson Recognized as Leader for Core Portfolio in Omdia Market Landscape for Core Vendors 2024

Ericsson Recognized as Leader for Core Portfolio in Omdia Market Landscape for Core Vendors 2024

愛立信 ·  09/26 12:00

Omdia's analysis considered two dimensions – business performance and portfolio – with Ericsson coming out top of the portfolio category, and second placed in the business performance scoring.


For the portfolio dimension, Omdia took several subcategories into consideration, such as the portfolio breadth, cloud native readiness, signaling, automation, core as SaaS, and policy and charging for 5G Core.

在投資組合維度方面,Omdia考慮了幾個子類別,如投資組合廣度、雲原生準備、信令、自動化、作爲SaaS的核心,以及5G Core的策略和計費。

Omdia noted particularly that it believes core portfolio breadth and cloud native readiness are the most important categories. Ericsson achieved the maximum score in core portfolio breadth (which includes both 4G/LTE and 5G network functions), and the highest ranking in cloud native readiness, meaning it is viewed as most advanced in terms of the work done to deliver 5G Core containerized network functions (CNFs).

Omdia特別指出,它認爲核心投資組合廣度和雲原生準備是最重要的類別。愛立信在覈心投資組合廣度(包括4G/LTE和5G網絡功能)方面獲得了最高分,以及在雲原生準備方面排名最高,這意味着在提供5G Core容器化網絡功能(CNFs)方面最爲先進。

Ericsson also scored highest in two additional subcategories. In Automation, Omdia notes that Ericsson "obtained the top position in this category for the work it has done on its product upgrade automation solution." Omdia also awarded Ericsson the top spot in the Policy and Charging subcategory, reflecting the dominant strength of its offerings in these key areas.


In both dimensions evaluated, Ericsson shows strong positive growth from last years analysis – highlighting the focus it has put into portfolio evolution and delivering true value to its Communication Service Provider customers.


Monica Zethzon, Head of Solution Area Core Networks, Ericsson says: "This recognition is a testament to Ericsson's commitment to innovation, high-performance and automation in the 5G era. Ericsson's dual-mode 5G Core, and wider Cloud Core portfolio, is designed to help our CSP customers transform to take advantage of cloud-native and automation technologies so they can operate the best core network possible, delivering superior services and supporting business growth through differentiated connectivity and network APIs."

愛立信解決方案區域核心網絡負責人Monica Zethzon表示:「這一認可證明了愛立信在5G時代創新、高性能和自動化方面的承諾。愛立信的雙模5G核心和更廣泛的雲核心投資組合旨在幫助我們的CSP客戶轉型,利用基於雲原生和自動化技術,以便他們能夠運營最佳的核心網絡,提供卓越服務並通過差異化的連接性和網絡API支持業務增長。」

In its analysis, Omdia noted: "Ericsson is a strong vendor with good business performance in terms of core revenue market share and number of live 5G core deployments. Its strengths in portfolio dimension include cloud native readiness and policy and charging."


Today, Ericsson powers 34 of the 60+ commercially live 5G SA networks with its RAN solutions and its cloud-native dual-mode 5G Core solution, and recently it was recognized as a leader in the 2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for CSP 5G Core Network Infrastructure Solutions. Ericsson's dual-mode 5G core solution is built to offer telecom operators a flexible and dynamic platform for network slicing, service orchestration, and automated management. The company's comprehensive portfolio also supports seamless migration from 4G to 5G, enabling operators to evolve their networks efficiently and cost-effectively.

愛立信憑藉其無線接入網絡解決方案和麪向雲原生的雙模5g核心解決方案,在60+商用5g sa網絡中爲34個網絡供電。最近,愛立信被評爲2024年加特納魔力象限的csp 5g核心網絡基礎設施解決方案領導者。愛立信的雙模5g核心解決方案旨在爲電信運營商提供靈活和動態的網絡切片、服務編排和自動化管理平台。該公司的全面產品組合還支持從4g無縫遷移至5g,使運營商能夠高效、具有成本效益地發展其網絡。

