
Garmin Recognizes Innovative Digital Health Solutions and Celebrates 10th Anniversary During 2024 Garmin Health Summit

Garmin Recognizes Innovative Digital Health Solutions and Celebrates 10th Anniversary During 2024 Garmin Health Summit

佳明 ·  09/26 13:00

OLATHE, Kan./September 26, 2024/PR Newswire – Garmin (NYSE: GRMN) today announced the winners of the 2024 Garmin Health Awards. The awards were presented at the annual Garmin Health Summit in Prague and recognize cutting-edge solutions that combine the power of Garmin smartwatch and fitness tracker technology within health and wellness programs to create long-term benefits for businesses, patients and population health.

佳明(紐交所:GRMN)今天宣佈了2024年Garmin Health Awards的獲獎者。 這些獎項是在布拉格舉行的年度Garmin Health Summit上頒發的,表彰將Garmin智能手錶和健身追蹤器技術的力量與健康和健康計劃相結合,爲企業、患者和人口健康創造長期利益的前沿解決方案。

"We are thrilled to celebrate this year's Garmin Health Awards entrants. Over 75 leading providers from 35 countries worldwide submitted their innovative solutions. We were so impressed by the diversity and level of innovation demonstrated in these solutions and we offer a huge congratulations to this year's winners and to all who participated." —Jörn Watzke, Senior Director Garmin Health

「我們很高興慶祝今年的Garmin Health Awards參賽者。來自全球35個國家的75多家領先提供商提交了他們的創新解決方案。我們對這些解決方案中展示的多樣性和創新水平印象深刻,我們向今年的獲獎者和所有參與者表示衷心的祝賀。」— 佳明健康高級董事Jörn Watzke

The 2024 Garmin Health Awards winners are:

2024年Garmin Health Awards的獲獎者是:

Expert's Choice winner


VigiLife, Inc.


VigiLife's intelligent guardian platform, SafeGuard, helps enterprises and their people stay efficient, demonstrate labor sustainability commitments, and collect the data required to ensure stable labor operations by using SafeGuard's environmental sensors to detect noise, radiation, certain chemicals and particulates. By using Garmin smartwatches and fitness trackers in combination with the SafeGuard environmental sensors, SafeGuard has successfully helped protect workers from heat stress and has helped ensure that workers make it home each day.


People's Choice winner




Metluma's new model of care combines technology with compassionate doctors and nurses. They support women over 40 as they embark on the next chapter of their lives navigating perimenopause and menopause, plus conditions like ADHD, mental health, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Informed by individual preferences & symptoms, wearable technology data, behavioral science and remote monitoring, Metluma facilitates timely connections with peri-/menopause trained medical practitioners.


This year's winners received Garmin smartwatches and fitness trackers worth up to $10,000.


How the winners were selected


This year's finalists presented their solutions to two different panels of judges – one made up of industry experts and the other of Summit attendees. Each submission was evaluated on customer benefit, scalability, uniqueness, innovation and performance, as well as how they aligned with Garmin Health's key areas of focus: healthcare and research, insurance and employee well-being, and fitness and wellness.

今年的決賽選手向兩個不同的評委小組展示了他們的解決方案 - 一個由行業專家組成,另一個由峯會與會者組成。每個提交作品都根據客戶效益、可擴展性、獨特性、創新性和表現,以及它們與Garmin Health的重點領域:醫療保健和研究、保險和僱員福利、健康與健身的契合度進行評估。

Garmin Health celebrates accomplishments on 10-year anniversary

Garmin Health在十週年紀念活動上慶祝成就

During the Summit, Garmin Health celebrated its 10th anniversary with a look back at how much it has changed over the years. From its beginnings in corporate wellness, Garmin Health is proud to now supply high-quality sensor data and extensive smartwatch battery life for applications in healthcare, patient monitoring, population wellness and insurance markets worldwide.

在峯會期間,Garmin Health慶祝其成立10週年,回顧多年來的變化。從最初的企業健康開始,Garmin Health自豪地爲全球醫療、患者監測、人群健康和保險市場提供高質量的傳感器數據和廣泛的智能手錶電池壽命應用。

Reaching a big milestone


The Garmin Health team also celebrated a big research milestone during the Summit. The team has supported over 1,000 research studies conducted worldwide in areas such as sleep, well-being, rehabilitation, physical activity and disease management.

Garmin Health團隊在峯會期間也慶祝了重要的研究里程碑。該團隊支持全球範圍內進行的超過1000項研究,涵蓋睡眠、健康、康復、體力活動和疾病管理等領域。

Keynote highlights population and digital health sciences


Professor Josip Car, the Head of King's College School of Life Course and Population Sciences presented the event keynote titled "Exploring the Future Potential of Wearables as Sensor Platforms for Digital Health and Research"

Josip Car教授,生命過程和人口科學王子學院院長,進行了題爲「探究可穿戴設備作爲數字健康和研究傳感平台未來潛力」的活動主題演講。

Car offered insights into how to transform smartwatches into robust medical tools to help revolutionize health monitoring, significantly improve outcomes and make medical-grade insights accessible to a broad population. He explored the necessary steps to achieve this during his presentation through a look at regulatory approvals, technological advancements and clinical validations. Car also discussed the integration of advanced sensors, data accuracy and secure data management, as well as the collaboration required between tech companies, healthcare providers and policymakers.


Garmin fitness trackers expand innovation in India


An initial agreement between Garmin and Apollo Health Axis, a subsidiary of Apollo Hospitals – the largest hospital chain in India – was signed during the Summit. The new collaboration allows Apollo to offer a Garmin fitness tracker as part of select Apollo Health Plans. Additionally, customers who purchase select Garmin fitness trackers can gain access to Apollo ProHealth, a personalized program crafted by doctors and AI to capture patient data, predict risks of disease and guide them on a path to wellness.1 Also as part of the agreement, a social responsibility program will allow the two companies to work together to bring innovative health services to communities in rural India.

Garmin和Apollo Health Axis(Apollo Hospitals集團的子公司,印度最大醫院連鎖機構)之間的初步協議是在峯會期間簽署的。這一新的合作使Apollo可以在特定Apollo健康計劃中提供Garmin健身追蹤器。此外,購買指定Garmin健身追蹤器的客戶可以獲取Apollo ProHealth,這是一項由醫生和人工智能共同打造的個性化計劃,用於收集患者數據、預測疾病風險並指引他們踏上健康之路。作爲協議的一部分,一個社會責任計劃將允許這兩家公司合作將創新的衛生服務帶給印度鄉村社區。

The invitation-only Garmin Health Summit provides valuable networking and learning opportunities, with expert sessions that educate and inform attendees about a range of topics, including the Garmin Health connected ecosystem, research, insurance, fitness and employee wellness benefits—all while connecting them with peers and respected industry leaders. Visit the Garmin Health Summit webpage to learn more.

邀請制的Garmin Health Summit爲參與者提供了寶貴的社交和學習機會,專家會話向參與者教育和提供關於Garmin Health連接生態系統、研究、保險、健身和員工福祉等一系列話題的信息,同時讓他們與同行和受尊敬的行業領袖聯繫在一起。請訪問Garmin Health Summit網頁以了解更多信息。

Garmin Health provides custom enterprise business solutions that leverage the extensive Garmin wearable portfolio and high-quality sensor data for applications in the corporate wellness, population health, and patient monitoring markets. The Garmin Health API allows third parties to ask customers to share their data in accordance with their specific privacy policies. As part of a global company that designs, manufactures and ships products worldwide, Garmin Health supports its customers' commerce and logistics needs, allowing enterprises to scale with a single, trusted collaborator. For more information, email our press team, connect with us on LinkedIn, or visit us online at

Garmin Health提供定製的企業解決方案,利用廣泛的Garmin可穿戴產品系列和高質量傳感器數據,應用於企業健康、人群健康和患者監測市場。Garmin Health API允許第三方根據其具體的隱私政策要求客戶共享數據。作爲一家全球設計、製造和發貨產品的公司,Garmin Health支持其客戶的商務和物流需求,讓企業與一家值得信賴的合作伙伴合作。欲了解更多信息,請發送電子郵件至我們的新聞團隊,與我們在LinkedIn上連接,或訪問我們的網站。

1 Garmin smartwatches and fitness trackers are not medical devices and are not intended for use in the diagnosis or monitoring of any medical condition; see

1 Garmin智能手錶和健身追蹤器不是醫療設備,也不適用於診斷或監測任何醫療狀況;請參閱。

