
'Safety Disaster:' Tesla FSD 'Galaxies Away From Being Anywhere Close To Competition,' Says Bearish Analyst, As He Assigns Zero Valuation To The Tech

'Safety Disaster:' Tesla FSD 'Galaxies Away From Being Anywhere Close To Competition,' Says Bearish Analyst, As He Assigns Zero Valuation To The Tech

「安全災難:」 特斯拉全自動駕駛系統「與競爭相去甚遠」,一位看淡分析師將該技術價值定爲零。
Benzinga ·  09/26 21:27

With just two weeks to go for Tesla, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:TSLA) Robotaxi unveil event, an analyst painted a bleak picture of the company's self-driving technology.


What Happened: Tesla's FSD, which is now promoted as fully-supervised FSD, is a "safety disaster" and "galaxies away from being anywhere close to the competition," said GLJ Research's Gordon Johnson in a note. Tesla's competitors in this arena are Alphabet, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:GOOGL) (NASDAQ:GOOG) Waymo and General Motors Corp.'s (NYSE:GM) Cruise.

事件經過:特斯拉的全自動駕駛(現在被宣傳爲完全監督的全自動駕駛)被GLJ研究公司的Gordon Johnson稱爲「安全災難」,並指出與競爭對手相比相距甚遠。在一份備忘錄中他說:特斯拉在這一領域的競爭對手有谷歌的子公司Alphabet公司(納斯達克股票代碼:GOOGL)(NASDAQ:GOOG)的Waymo和通用汽車公司(紐約證券交易所股票代碼:GM)的Cruise。

With Tesla eyeing the rollout of its Fully Supervised FSD in China, the Elon Musk-led company would be up against domestic player Baidu, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:BIDU) Apollo Go.

特斯拉正準備在中國推出其全面監督的全自動駕駛技術,這將使這家由埃隆·馬斯克領導的公司面臨國內競爭對手百度公司(納斯達克股票代碼:BIDU)的Apollo Go。

Johnson referenced reviews by two sources to make his case. Independent lab AMCI Testing, which tried the technology, said the overall performance of Tesla's camera-enabled autonomous-driving software is "suspect." In a report released on Tuesday, the firm said its evaluation showed how often human intervention was required for safe operation. "In fact, our drivers had to intervene over 75 times during the evaluation; an average of once every 13 miles," it said.

約翰遜提到了兩個來源的評論來支持他的觀點。獨立實驗室AMCI Testing試用了該技術,表示特斯拉的攝像頭驅動自動駕駛軟件的整體性能「令人懷疑」。該公司在週二發佈的一份報告中稱,他們的評估顯示了人類干預爲確保安全操作所需的頻率。報告稱:「事實上,在我們的評估中,我們的駕駛員不得不超過75次干預;平均每13英里干預一次。」

While the FSD 12.5.1 was impressive, it is incredibly dangerous for drivers operating with FSD to drive with their hands in their laps or away from the steering wheels, it said. "The most critical moments of FSD miscalculation are split-second events that even professional drivers, operating with a test mindset, must focus on catching," it added.

儘管FSD 12.5.1令人印象深刻,但對於與FSD一起駕駛的司機來說,將雙手放在膝蓋上或遠離方向盤是極其危險的,報告稱。「FSD錯誤計算最關鍵的時刻是瞬息萬變的事件,即使專業司機操作時,也必須集中注意力。」

Johnson also referred to data from, which aggregates TSLA FSD driving experiences/data, in real-time from users, which shows that the latest iteration of FSD has a critical disengagement every 130 miles and every 72 miles when driven in a city.

約翰遜還提到了Teslafsdtracker.com的數據,該網站實時彙總來自用戶的TSLA FSD駕駛經驗/數據,顯示最新版本的FSD在每行駛130英里時會發生關鍵性退位,而在城市行駛時則爲每72英里。

Data reported by competitors to the California Department of Motor Vehicles show that miles to disengagement data for various players are as follows:


  • Waymo: 17,311 miles
  • Amazon, Inc.'s (NASDAQ:AMZN) Zoox: 177,602 miles
  • Pony.Ai (startup): 17,077 miles
  • WeRide (startup): 21,191 miles
  • Waymo:17,311英里
  • 亞馬遜公司(納斯達克: AMZN)的Zoox: 177,602英里
  • Pony.Ai(初創公司): 17,077英里
  • WeRide(初創公司): 21,191英里

The metric for Tesla is 13 miles, based on AMCI's statistics, Johnson said, although Tesla doesn't yet report data to California DMV, given its FSD tech is only Level 2.


Why It's Important: Johnson noted that many sell-side analysts assign a valuation of $300 billion to $600 billion for Tesla's FSD technology. In real-time, the value is close to zero, he said, adding that it could be negative, given the "liability of putting something this dangerous on roads."


According to Ark's valuation model, by 2029, robotaxis, which has FSD as its core technology, would account for 63% of Tesla's revenue and 86% of EBITDA.


Future Fund LLC Managing Partner Gary Black, a Tesla bull, said in a recent post on X that Tesla's FSD is not yet close to the 99.99% efficacy needed for unsupervised autonomy.

Future Fund LLC管理合夥人Gary Black,一位特斯拉支持者,在最近向X發帖中表示,特斯拉的FSD尚未接近99.99%的無監督自主性所需的水平。

In premarket trading on Thursday, Tesla rose 2.05% to $262.30, according to Benzinga Pro data.

根據Benzinga Pro數據,週四盤前交易中,特斯拉股價上漲2.05%,至262.30美元。

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