
The Launch of the Vectra AI Clarity Program for MSSPs Meets Demand for Top-Tier Comprehensive Cybersecurity Services

The Launch of the Vectra AI Clarity Program for MSSPs Meets Demand for Top-Tier Comprehensive Cybersecurity Services

Vectra AI Clarity計劃爲MSSP提供的推出,滿足了對頂級綜合網絡安全概念服務的需求
PR Newswire ·  09/26 21:00

Focused on business innovation and its dedication to channel strategy, Vectra AI enhances its program offerings for the MSSP community to help partners deliver best-in-class XDR solutions


SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Vectra AI, Inc., the leader in AI-driven XDR (extended detection and response), today announced the launch of its Vectra AI Clarity Program for Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP), to help MSSP providers meet the increased demand they're seeing from customers for XDR solutions and customized cybersecurity services to address today's hybrid attack landscape. Through this formalized, scalable program, Vectra AI offers flexibility across security solutions, and predictability among profit margins that can be tailored based on the individual needs of the end user.

2024年9月26日,美國加利福尼亞州聖何塞/美通社-- Vectra人工智能公司Vectra人工智能,作爲AI驅動的XDR(擴展檢測和響應)領導者,今天宣佈推出Vectra AI Clarity計劃,爲託管安全服務提供商(MSSP)提供幫助,幫助MSSP提供商應對客戶對XDR解決方案和定製網絡安全服務的增加需求,以應對當今的混合攻擊格局。通過這個正規、可擴展的計劃,Vectra人工智能提供安全解決方案的靈活性,以及根據最終用戶的個體需求定製的可預測的利潤率。

MSSP providers are becoming increasingly important as more organizations turn to industry experts to provide comprehensive cybersecurity services rather than choosing to manage their own suite of solutions. As the attack landscape evolves, organizations are partnering with MSSP providers to enhance their security measures while reducing the burden on their internal IT teams.


The Vectra AI Clarity Program for MSSPs is designed to address the challenges of the ever-changing threat landscape while also meeting the evolving needs of end users. Unlike other programs, this one avoids offering any preset bundles or packages, and instead allows customers to customize an XDR platform by sizing out the Network Detection and Response (NDR) and Identity Threat Detection and Response (ITDR) solutions that matter most to their business. This allows partners to drive predictable margin levels at scale based on individual environments, enabling MSSPs to allocate resources more effectively and to streamline planning initiatives. The partner can also retain the title and license on their technology stack and represent their brand of services within the market.

Vectra AI專供MSSP的Clarity計劃旨在解決不斷變化的威脅格局的挑戰,同時滿足最終用戶不斷演變的需求。與其他計劃不同,該計劃避免提供任何預設的捆綁套餐,而是允許客戶通過調整對其業務最重要的網絡檢測響應(NDR)和身份威脅檢測響應(ITDR)解決方案的大小來定製XDR平台。這使合作伙伴可以根據個別環境在規模上推動可預測的利潤水平,使MSSP能夠更有效地分配資源並簡化規劃舉措。合作伙伴還可以在其技術棧上保留頭銜和許可,並在市場上代表其服務品牌。

By offering extended Service Level Agreements (SLAs) for multi-year, multi-platform benefits across solutions, the program maximizes touchpoints between MSSP providers and customers, enhancing services and strengthens customer retention. Additional premium support services include expedited warranties, back-to-back escalation, provision and deployment, as well as operational and analyst support. This means Vectra AI helps to build cybersecurity services from the start, continues with day-to-day monitoring and maintenance, and addresses any service issues that then may arise.


"The potential of our MSSP partnerships cannot be overstated as they become an essential part of our growth strategy here at Vectra AI," said Randy Schirman, VP of Worldwide Channels and Alliances of Vectra AI. "To expand our reach even further, the launch of the Vectra AI Clarity Program for MSSPs demonstrates the company-wide commitment made to delivering the next generation services that best support our channel partners. By enhancing our program offerings to the MSSP partner community, we recognize the need to keep pace with the rapid speed of change the cybersecurity industry is constantly under, supplying the flexible and customizable solutions end users require to combat today's hybrid cyberattacks."

「Vectra AI的MSSP合作伙伴關係的潛力不可低估,因爲它們已成爲Vectra AI在增長策略中不可或缺的一部分,」 Vectra AI全球渠道與聯盟副總裁Randy Schirman表示。 「爲了進一步擴大我們的影響力,推出Vectra AI Clarity Program for MSSPs展示了公司全面致力於提供最佳支持我們渠道合作伙伴的下一代服務的承諾。通過加強我們的MSSP合作伙伴社區的計劃提供,我們認識到需要與網絡安全行業不斷變化的快速變化步調保持一致,提供靈活和可定製的解決方案,以滿足終端用戶應對今日混合網絡攻擊所需。」

"The Vectra AI Clarity Program for MSSPs offers the support and flexibility we need to deliver exceptional value to our customers," said Stephen Juteram, vice president of sales, Caribbean region, Hitachi Systems Security. "By combining the best expertise and resources across the cybersecurity market, we can offer the innovative solutions needed to stay one step ahead of today's hybrid attacks. Together, we are committed to driving the success of our clients, which requires providing them with the best solutions available."

「Vectra AI Clarity Program爲MSSPs提供了我們需要的支持和靈活性,以向我們的客戶提供卓越價值,」 Hitachi Systems Security加勒比地區銷售副總裁Stephen Juteram表示。 「通過整合網絡安全市場上最優秀的專業知識和資源,我們可以提供創新解決方案,以領先一步應對今日混合攻擊。我們將共同致力於推動客戶的成功,這需要爲他們提供最優質的方案。」

The Vectra AI Platform enables partners to provide top-tier detection and response security solutions, enhancing ROI and supporting secure digital transformation for their customers. With over 35 patents in AI and threat detection, Vectra AI utilizes advanced machine learning and AI technologies to both identify attacker behavior and assess the severity of threats. This means equipping security operations centers (SOCs) with Vectra AI's exclusive Attack Signal Intelligence, delivering XDR to address complex hybrid attacks at speed and scale.

本基金尋求於東歐地區註冊的主要權益關聯發行人的長期升值投資。Vectra AI平台 使合作伙伴能夠提供一流的檢測和響應安全解決方案,增強回報率並支持客戶的安全數字轉型。Vectra AI在人工智能和威脅檢測領域擁有35多項專利,利用先進的機器學習和人工智能技術來識別攻擊者行爲並評估威脅的嚴重性。這意味着爲安全運營中心(SOCs)提供Vectra AI的獨家「攻擊信號情報」,提供XDR以應對複雜的混合網絡攻擊,速度和規模。” 攻擊信號情報,以迅速和規模化的方式解決複雜的混合攻擊。

Through the Vectra AI Clarity Program, MSSP providers can offer customers versatile pricing models, designed per IP or on an account basis. Annual or multi-year subscription options are also available.

通過Vectra AI Clarity Program,MSSP提供商可以提供靈活的定價模型,根據IP或帳戶設計。還提供年度或多年訂閱選項。

To dive further into Vectra AI's partner program visit here, and click here for more information on Vectra Attack Signal Intelligence.

深入了解Vectra AI的合作伙伴計劃 訪問這裏點擊這裏 獲取關於Vectra攻擊信號情報的更多信息。

Learn more about how Vectra AI is setting the new standard for extended detection and response (XDR) by visiting our blog and following along on LinkedIn and X.

了解更多關於Vectra AI如何通過訪問我們的博客,根據 並在 上關注。 LinkedIn和頁面。X.

About Vectra AI, Inc.
Vectra AI, Inc. is the leader in AI driven extended detection and response (XDR). The Vectra AI Platform delivers integrated signal across public cloud, SaaS, identity, and data center networks in a single platform. Vectra AI's patented Attack Signal Intelligence empowers security teams to rapidly detect, prioritize, investigate and stop the most advanced hybrid cyber-attacks. With 35 patents in AI-driven detection and the most vendor references in MITRE D3FEND, organizations worldwide rely on the Vectra AI Platform and MDR services to move at the speed and scale of hybrid attackers. For more information, visit .

關於Vectra AI公司。
Vectra AI公司是AI驅動的XDR(擴展檢測與響應)領導者。Vectra AI平台在一個平台上跨公共雲、SaaS、身份和數據中心網絡提供集成信號。Vectra AI的專利攻擊信號智能賦予安全團隊快速檢測、優先級確定、調查和阻止最先進的混合網絡攻擊。憑藉35項人工智能驅動檢測專利和在MITRE D3FEND中具有最多供應商參考,全球組織依賴Vectra AI平台和MDR服務以應對混合攻擊者的速度和規模。欲了解更多信息,請訪問.

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