
Northeast Targets RM84 Million From Ace Market IPO

Northeast Targets RM84 Million From Ace Market IPO

Business Today ·  09/26 15:20

Northeast Group Berhad launched the prospectus for its initial public offering in conjunction with its upcoming listing on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad which is slated for 15 October 2024.


Pursuant to the IPO exercise, Northeast is expected to raise approximately RM84.49 million through the public issue of 168,989,000 new shares at an IPO price of RM0.50 per share. Out of the total proceeds raised, the Group has earmarked 47.34% of the proceeds for the construction of a new factory, while 23.67% will be used towards the repayment of bank borrowings. A further 14.65% will be used towards the purchase of new computer numerical control (CNC) machines, followed by 6.53% being allocated towards working capital. The remaining balance will be channelled towards listing related expenses.

根據首次公開募股,東北航空預計將以每股0.50令吉的首次公開募股價格公開發行168,989,000股新股,籌集約8449萬令吉。在籌集的總收益中,集團已將收益的47.34%專門用於建造新工廠,而23.67%將用於償還銀行借款。另外 14.65% 將用於購買新的計算機數控 (CNC) 機器,其次是 6.53% 的撥款將用於 營運資金。剩餘餘額將用於與上市相關的費用。

The application of public issue shares by Malaysian public will start today and close at 5.00 p.m. on Thursday, 3 October 2024.


Affin Hwang Investment Bank Berhad is the principal adviser, sponsor, sole placement agent and sole underwriter for this IPO exercise.

Affin Hwang投資銀行有限公司是本次首次公開募股活動的首席顧問、保薦人、獨家配售代理人和獨家承銷商。

