
VS Industry Mitigating Potential Impact Of Rising Ringgit

VS Industry Mitigating Potential Impact Of Rising Ringgit

Business Today ·  09/26 11:39

V.S. Industry Bhd (VSI) recently held its FY24 post-results briefing, during which analysts revised their earnings forecasts for FY25, FY26, and FY27 downwards by 12%, 19%, and 21%, respectively. This adjustment reflects growing concerns over export and foreign exchange risks, particularly with USD-denominated sales facing pressure amid a slowing growth outlook for key customers. Consequently, the target price has been lowered by 14% to RM1.28 from RM1.49, using an unchanged price-to-earnings ratio of 20.5 times for CY25, which is positioned at +0.5 standard deviations above the five-year mean. Despite these challenges, Maybank Stock Broking House maintain a BUY recommendation for the stock.

V.S. Industry Bhd(VSI)最近舉行了24財年業績發佈會,分析師在會上將25財年、26財年和27財年的收益預測分別下調了12%、19%和21%。這一調整反映了人們對出口和外匯風險的擔憂與日俱增,尤其是在主要客戶增長前景放緩的情況下,以美元計價的銷售面臨壓力。因此,目標價格從1.49令吉下調了14%至1.28令吉,維持不變 市盈率 25財年爲20.5倍,比五年平均值高出0.5個標準差。儘管面臨這些挑戰,但馬來亞銀行股票經紀公司維持對該股的買入建議。

In terms of customer performance, VSI noted a quarter-on-quarter increase in orders from Customer X during 4QFY24, contributing significantly to strong sales and margins in the second half of FY24. The company anticipates that volume from this key customer will remain stable as it heads into FY25. Orders from other significant clients, including US-based coffee brewers and pool cleaning manufacturers, are also expected to hold steady, buoyed by the launch of new models. Following the discontinuation of production for Customer Y in March 2024, VSI reported a reduction in losses that positively impacted its bottom line. The company has plans to partially repurpose its facilities to accommodate a new customer by the end of CY24.

在客戶業績方面,VSI 指出,在 4QFY24 期間,客戶 X 的訂單同比增長,這爲24財年下半年的強勁銷售和利潤率做出了重大貢獻。該公司預計,在進入25財年之際,該關鍵客戶的交易量將保持穩定。受新車型推出的推動,包括總部位於美國的咖啡沖泡商和泳池清潔製造商在內的其他重要客戶的訂單預計也將保持穩定。繼客戶 Y 於 2024 年 3 月停產後,VSI 報告虧損減少,對其利潤產生了積極影響。該公司計劃在24財年末之前對其設施進行部分重新利用,以容納新客戶。

Despite the sharp strengthening of the Malaysian Ringgit, which poses a threat to VSI's earnings—given that approximately two-thirds of its sales are denominated in USD—the company remains cautiously optimistic about its future. Analysts estimate that a 10% appreciation of the MYR against the USD could reduce VSI's revenue by approximately 7% to 10% on a full-year basis, leading to potential margin compression. While VSI is currently negotiating to pass on some of the higher foreign exchange costs to customers, there may be a three to six-month period during which these costs will need to be absorbed before price adjustments are reflected, particularly in value-added services.


Looking ahead, VSI's management is hopeful that its ongoing streamlining and expansion efforts will enhance margins and help offset potential challenges related to export earnings and foreign exchange exposure. The company's new operations in the Philippines, along with a prospective customer anticipated to be secured by the end of CY24, are expected to contribute positively from FY26 onwards. As it stands, VSI's share price is currently at RM1.05, with a projected 12-month price target of RM1.28, indicating a potential upside of 24%. With a strong market capitalisation of RM4.1 billion, V.S. Industry remains a prominent player in the electronics manufacturing services sector, ranked as the 26th largest EMS provider globally by revenue.

展望未來,VSI管理層希望其持續的精簡和擴張工作將提高利潤率,並有助於抵消與出口收入和外匯敞口相關的潛在挑戰。預計從26財年起,該公司在菲律賓的新業務以及預計將在24財年末獲得保障的潛在客戶將做出積極貢獻。目前,VSI的股價目前爲1.05令吉,預計12個月的目標股價爲1.28令吉,表明潛在的上漲空間爲24%。憑藉41令吉的強勁市值,V.S. Industrie仍然是電子製造服務領域的重要參與者,按收入計算,V.S. Industrie是全球第26大EMS提供商。

Source: Maybank
Title: Post-results briefing


