
LuxUrban Hotels Inc. (LUXH) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

LuxUrban Hotels Inc. (LUXH) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript Summary

富途資訊 ·  09/26 07:16  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the LuxUrban Hotels Inc. (LUXH) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是LuxUrban Hotels Inc.(LUXH)2024年第二季度業績會記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • LuxUrban Hotels Inc. reported a significant decrease in net rental revenue, down 43% year-over-year from $31.9 million to $18.2 million.

  • The gross profit decreased by 318%, resulting in a loss of $22.2 million.

  • The company's working capital deficit increased significantly, from $13.4 million at the end of 2023 to $62.6 million as of June 2024.

  • Total cash and cash equivalents drastically reduced from $752,848 in December 2023 to $61 in June 2024.

  • LuxUrban Hotels Inc.報告淨租賃收入大幅下降,同比減少43%,從3190萬美元降至1820萬美元。

  • 毛利潤減少了318%,導致2200萬美元的虧損。

  • 公司的流動資本赤字顯著增加,從2023年底的1340萬美元增至2024年6月的6260萬美元。

  • 現金及現金等價物總額從2023年12月的752,848美元大幅減少至2024年6月的61美元。

Business Progress:


  • LuxUrban Hotels has initiated a restructuring plan known as Lux 2.0, aiming to enhance management effectiveness and reduce non-performing assets.

  • The company has reshaped its strategic approach by downsizing its portfolio to focus on higher potential properties maintaining nine properties across strategic locations.

  • New experienced executives and board members were introduced to support turnaround efforts and strategic refocusing.

  • LuxUrban Hotels已啓動一項名爲Lux 2.0的重組計劃,旨在提高管理效率並減少不良資產。

  • 該公司通過縮減投資組合以專注於潛力更大的物業,保持了在戰略佈局地點分佈的九個物業,重塑了其戰略方針。

  • 引入了經驗豐富的新高管和董事會成員,以支持業務扭虧和戰略調整。



  • Anticipated improvement in average room rates from advanced sales expiration at the end of 2024.

  • Strategic narrowing of the hotel portfolio focusing on properties with a high potential to deliver better results and profitable operations.

  • 預計2024年底前愛文思控股的高級銷售失效將提高平均房價。

  • 在戰略上縮減酒店投資組合,專注於具有更高潛力的物業,以獲取更好的業績和盈利操作。



  • Significant operational and financial restructuring poses potential risks associated with successful turnaround execution.

  • Substantial reliance on the projected improvement in the New York hotel market's performance post-2024.

  • 重大的運營和財務重組帶來了成功扭虧執行所涉及的潛在風險。

  • 在2024年後,對紐約酒店市場表現的預期改善有着相當大的依賴。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


