Euro Manganese Announces Appointment of Ms. Ludivine Wouters as Non-Executive Director. Gregory Martyr Steps Down From the Board
Euro Manganese Announces Appointment of Ms. Ludivine Wouters as Non-Executive Director. Gregory Martyr Steps Down From the Board
VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Euro Manganese Inc. (TSX-V and ASX: EMN; OTCQB: EUMNF; Frankfurt: E06) (the "Company" or "EMN") is pleased to announce that it will appoint Ms. Ludivine Wouters as a non-executive Director to the Board of Directors (the "Board") of the Company.
溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞,2024年9月25日(環球新聞社)-- 歐洲錳公司(TSX-V和 ASX: EMN;OTCQB: EUMNF;法蘭克福:E06)("公司"或"EMN")很高興宣佈將任命Ludivine Wouters女士爲公司董事會的非執行董事。
Ms. Wouters is based in France and has experience in European policy on mining and minerals, including critical raw materials, which will be invaluable to the Company as it moves forward with the development of the Chvaletice Manganese Project (the "Project") in the Czech Republic.
Ludivine is currently managing partner of Latitude Five where she oversees the Mining and Minerals practice. As a strategy, governance, and policy adviser with expertise in transaction management, regulatory affairs, government relations and permitting, she assists natural resources companies and investors. She also works on technical assistance programs for States, focusing on mining and minerals policy, governance, and taxation, and assists donor agencies, policy shapers and other stakeholders in the definition and implementation of critical minerals and responsible sourcing priorities.
Ludivine目前是Latitude Five的管理合夥人,負責礦業和礦產業務。作爲戰略、治理和政策顧問,她在交易管理、監管事務、政府關係和許可方面擁有專業知識,協助自然資源公司和投資者。她還參與了國際組織的技術援助計劃,專注於礦業和礦產政策、治理和稅收,並協助捐助機構、政策制定者和其他利益相關者確定和實施關鍵礦產和負責任採購的重點。
Ludivine has experience in political risk insurance and significant legal experience in corporate law, mergers and acquisitions and capital markets with leading international firms in Paris, and she also worked for an emerging markets investment bank in London. Ludivine holds a Master in Business Law with Honours from Université Panthéon Assas (Paris II) and a JD in Law with Honours from Université Panthéon Sorbonne (Paris I) and is called to the Bar in Paris. In 2013, she was nominated by her peers to be one of 100 Global Inspirational Women in Mining. Ludivine is currently a Visiting Fellow with the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR).
Ms. Wouters' appointment will not take effect until she has obtained a director identification number ("DIN") from the Australian Business Registry Services. The timing for the issue of the DIN is expected to be no more than 30 days.
Wouters女士的任命將在她從澳大利亞工商註冊局獲取董事身份識別號("DIN")之前不會生效。 預計DIN的發放時間不會超過30天。
Dr. Matthew James, President & CEO of Euro Manganese, commented: "We welcome Ludivine to our Board. Ludivine is EU based, active in European minerals policy and responsible sourcing initiatives and well connected to a variety of stakeholders in this space, adding tremendous depth to our collective skills and experience. Ludivine's skills are highly relevant, and we look forward to her contribution to the Board and benefitting from her insights and perspectives."
Euro Manganese的總裁兼首席執行官Matthew James博士評論說:「我們歡迎Ludivine加入我們的董事會。 Ludivine是歐盟基地,活躍於歐洲礦產政策和負責任採購倡議,並與該領域的多方利益相關者有着良好的聯繫,爲我們的集體技能和經驗增添了廣泛深度。 Ludivine的技能非常相關,我們期待她對董事會的貢獻,並從她的見解和觀點中獲益。」
Ms. Wouters commented, "I am honoured to join the Board of Directors of Euro Manganese at such a pivotal time for the Company and the minerals industry. With the rise of industrial strategies and growing expectation of responsible and resilient sourcing to support strategic autonomy and sovereignty, Euro Manganese is perfectly positioned to address European needs in one of the strategic raw materials. The Chvaletice Manganese Project is innovative, timely and essential to bolster strategic value chains and support transition goals: I look forward to working with this outstanding team to support the Company's strategic growth in the rapidly-evolving battery materials market."
Wouters女士評論說:「我很榮幸能夠在Euro Manganese的董事會任職,這對公司和礦產行業來說是一個關鍵時刻。 隨着工業策略的興起和對負責任和具有彈性採購以支持戰略自治和主權的期望不斷增長,Euro Manganese正處於可以滿足歐洲需求的理想位置,成爲其中一個戰略原材料。 Chvaletice Manganese項目具有創新性、及時性,對於加強戰略價值鏈和支持過渡目標至關重要:我期待與這支出色團隊合作,支持公司在快速發展的電池材料市場中的戰略增長。」
The Company also announces that Mr. Gregory Martyr has stepped down from the Board of Directors, effective September 25, 2024, due to personal commitments.
公司還宣佈,Gregory Martyr先生因個人原因於2024年9月25日起辭去董事會職務。
John Webster, Chair of the Board of Directors of Euro Manganese, commented: "We thank Greg for his long service and valuable contributions as an experienced non-executive director since 2018. Greg's experience from a long and successful career in investment banking has been invaluable in these early years of the Company. On behalf of the Board of Directors and management, I wish Greg success in his future endeavours."
歐洲錳董事會主席約翰·韋伯斯特(John Webster)評論道:「我們感謝Greg自2018年以來作爲經驗豐富的非執行董事長的長期服務和寶貴貢獻。Greg在投資銀行長期成功職業生涯中積累的經驗對公司的早期發展至關重要。謹代表董事會和管理層,祝願Greg在未來的努力中取得成功。」
About Euro Manganese
Euro Manganese is a battery materials company focused on becoming a leading producer of high-purity manganese for the electric vehicle industry. The Company is advancing development of the Chvaletice Manganese Project in the Czech Republic and exploring an early-stage opportunity to produce battery-grade manganese products in Bécancour, Québec.
The Chvaletice Project is a unique waste-to-value recycling and remediation opportunity involving reprocessing old tailings from a decommissioned mine. It is also the only sizable resource of manganese in the European Union, strategically positioning the Company to provide battery supply chains with critical raw materials to support the global shift to a circular, low-carbon economy.
Authorized for release by the CEO of Euro Manganese Inc.
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+44 (0)747 229 6688
Matthew James博士
+44 (0)747 229 6688
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