
FPL Finalizing Preparations as Helene Approaches, Urges Customers to Keep Safety a Top Priority

FPL Finalizing Preparations as Helene Approaches, Urges Customers to Keep Safety a Top Priority

特百惠 ·  09/24 12:00

The latest: Tropical storm and hurricane watches are already in place along parts of the Gulf Coast of Florida as Helene moves toward the coast. Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) is mobilizing a restoration workforce of thousands and finalizing preparations to restore electric service as quickly as possible. Customers throughout the state may be impacted and those in the storm's path should prepare for potential widespread, extended power outages.

最新消息: 海倫娜向海岸移動,佛羅里達州墨西哥灣沿岸已經發布熱帶風暴和颶風警報。佛州電力和光能公司(FPL)正在調動數千人的恢復力量,並最終準備儘快恢復電力服務。整個州的客戶可能會受到影響,沿風暴路徑的客戶應準備好可能會出現大面積、持續時間長的停電。

Why it matters: Helene is forecast to strengthen over the next two days. While the track is still uncertain, the storm is expected to make landfall along Florida's Gulf Coast before the end of the week. The storm brings the potential for destructive winds, heavy rains, widespread flooding and storm surge that will create restoration challenges. Customers should finalize their preparations and prioritize safety.

重要原因: 海倫娜預計在未來兩天內加強。雖然路徑仍不確定,但預計風暴將在本週結束前登陸佛羅里達墨西哥灣沿岸。風暴可能帶來破壞性風、暴雨、廣泛洪水和風暴潮,這將帶來恢復挑戰。客戶應完成準備工作並優先考慮安全。

A word from FPL President and CEO Armando Pimentel: "While there are still some unknowns with this storm, I want to assure our customers that we are ready and prepared to respond to whatever Helene brings our way. We are mobilizing and pre-positioning a workforce of thousands to restore customers' power safely and as quickly as possible. Just as importantly, as we finalize our preparations, it's crucial that our customers are also making plans for their families."

佛州電力和光能公司總裁兼首席執行官阿曼多·皮門泰爾的講話: "儘管這場風暴仍有一些不確定因素,但我要向我們的客戶保證,我們已經準備好,願意應對海倫娜可能帶來的一切。我們正在調動並預置數千人的力量,以儘快安全地恢復客戶的電力。同樣重要的是,在我們完成準備工作的同時,我們的客戶也有必要爲其家庭制定計劃。"

What FPL is doing:


  • Pre-positioning a restoration workforce that includes employees, contractors and out-of-state assistance as well as supplies and equipment.
  • Finalizing staging sites in the areas most likely to be impacted by the storm to help speed restoration.
  • Coordinating our response with county and state emergency operations centers.
  • 預先定位包括員工、承包商和外州援助在內的恢復力量,以及供應和設備。
  • 在可能受到風暴影響最嚴重的地區確定最終設定地點,以幫助加速恢復。
  • 與縣和州的緊急操作中心協調我們的響應。

What customers should do before the storm:


  • Safety is always FPL's first priority. Customers should make it their top priority as they finalize their personal preparations.
  • Don't trim trees at this point – high winds can turn branches into dangerous, flying debris.
  • Follow the advice of federal, state and local authorities. This is especially important for people living in low-lying areas and manufactured homes who may face additional challenges during a severe weather event.
  • Customers dependent on electric-powered, life-sustaining medical equipment, should finalize their family emergency plan for backup power.
  • Download the FPL app for on-the-go, instant and secure access to your account by texting the word "App" to MyFPL (69375).
  • For more safety tips, visit
  • 安全始終是佛光公司的首要任務。客戶在完成個人準備時也應把安全放在首位。
  • 此時不要修剪樹木 - 大風可能會將樹枝變成危險的飛行碎片。
  • 遵循聯邦、州和地方政府的建議。這對那些居住在低窪地區和移動房屋的人尤爲重要,在嚴重天氣事件期間,他們可能面臨額外的挑戰。
  • 依賴於電力生命維持醫療設備的客戶,應完成家庭應急計劃備用電源。
  • 通過向MyFPL(69375)發送單詞「App」下載FPL應用程序,即可隨時隨地安全訪問您的帳戶。
  • 欲知更多安全提示,請訪問。

How to reach us:


  • 561-694-4442
  • X - @FPL_Newsroom
  • 561-694-4442
  • X - @FPL_Newsroom

Additional resources:


  • How we prepare for storm season
  • How FPL restores power
  • Stay safe before a storm
  • 我們如何爲風暴季做準備
  • FPL如何恢復電力
  • 風暴來臨前注意安全

