
John Deere Rolls Out SmartDetect on Select Wheel Loaders

John Deere Rolls Out SmartDetect on Select Wheel Loaders

迪爾股份 ·  09/24 12:00
  • Providing enhanced object detection on the jobsite, SmartDetect improves situational awareness to help operators work confidently.
  • John Deere offers SmartDetect Field Kits for select utility-class and production-class loaders.
  • SmartDetect 增強了作業現場的物體檢測,提高了態勢感知能力,幫助操作員自信地工作。
  • 約翰迪爾爲部分公用事業級和量產級裝載機提供 SmartDetect 現場套件。

MOLINE, IL (September 24, 2024) – Expanding its portfolio of jobsite safety solutions and technology offerings, John Deere announces SmartDetect for select utility-class and production-class loaders. Building upon the jobsite-proven John Deere advanced object detection and vision solutions, utilizing a combination of cameras, radar and machine learning tools, SmartDetect technology is designed to enhance overall situational awareness, providing informed visibility to an operator's surroundings.

伊利諾伊州莫林(2024年9月24日)——約翰迪爾宣佈推出適用於特定公用事業級和量產級裝載機的SmartDetect,以擴大其作業現場安全解決方案和技術產品組合。SmartDetect 技術建立在經過現場驗證的 John Deere 高級物體檢測和視覺解決方案的基礎上,結合了攝像頭、雷達和機器學習工具,旨在增強整體態勢感知,爲操作員的周圍環境提供知情的可見性。

"SmartDetect is a crucial addition to our portfolio of precision construction technology solutions, designed to help operators confidently navigate and maximize productivity on busy construction sites," said Katie Voelliger, Product Marketing Manager at John Deere. "Safety is a shared responsibility, and we're excited to continue developing solutions that empower operators to work more safely and effectively."


Prioritizing operator visibility, perception, and awareness, SmartDetect combines cameras and machine learning to help give operators a better view of their surroundings. SmartDetect utilizes the machine's integrated digital cameras and a dedicated rearview high-resolution monitor to supplement operator's jobsite visibility. The stereo camera on the rear of the machine enables depth perception to identify and classify known objects, further improving awareness.

SmartDetect 優先考慮操作員的能見度、感知和感知能力,將攝像頭和機器學習相結合,幫助操作員更好地查看周圍環境。SmartDetect 利用機器的集成數碼攝像頭和專用的後視高分辨率監視器來補充操作員的作業現場視野。機器背面的立體攝像頭支持深度感知,對已知物體進行識別和分類,從而進一步提高感知能力。

The SmartDetect system alerts operators when an object enters the machine's projected travel path and provides unique detection alerts for the operator, as well as people in the camera's field of view. With this advanced perception system, visual cues and bounding boxes are shown to the operator, helping to distinguish and highlight any obstacle type. By identifying fixed or moving objects such as people, poles, structures or other machinery, vision technology provides critical information to the operator.

當物體進入機器的預計行進路徑時,SmartDetect 系統會提醒操作員,併爲操作員以及攝像機視野中的人員提供獨特的檢測警報。藉助這種先進的感知系統,可向操作員顯示視覺提示和邊界框,有助於區分和突出顯示任何障礙物類型。通過識別固定或移動的物體,例如人、電杆、結構或其他機器,視覺技術爲操作員提供關鍵信息。

"Our customers continue to tell us technology solutions that assist operators in identifying the most valued asset on their jobsites, their people, is an area of high importance to them," said Nathan Demski, Jobsite Safety Product Manager, John Deere. "Operators work long days and it's not easy for them to remain at the peak of situational awareness throughout the day," he said. "SmartDetect is another tool in the toolbox that they can use to help improve their confidence and be more aware of what's around them on the jobsite."

約翰·迪爾施工現場安全產品經理內森·德姆斯基說:「我們的客戶繼續告訴我們,幫助操作員確定工作現場最有價值的資產,即員工,的技術解決方案對他們來說是一個非常重要的領域。」他說:「操作員長時間工作,他們要全天保持態勢感知的高峰並不容易。」「SmartDetect 是工具箱中的另一種工具,他們可以使用它來幫助他們提高信心,更好地了解施工現場周圍的情況。」

Field Kits to incorporate SmartDetect are available for select utility- and production-class loader models already equipped with the John Deere Advanced Vision System and Advanced Object Detection technology. To learn more about the new SmartDetect Field Kit, visit or contact your local John Deere dealer.

集成SmartDetect的現場套件可用於已配備約翰迪爾高級視覺系統和高級物體檢測技術的特定實用級和量產級裝載機型號。要了解有關全新 SmartDetect 現場套件的更多信息,請訪問 或聯繫當地的約翰迪爾經銷商。

