
ArcelorMittal's XCarb Innovation Fund Invests in Utility Global to Progress Its Gas Processing Technology

ArcelorMittal's XCarb Innovation Fund Invests in Utility Global to Progress Its Gas Processing Technology

GlobeNewswire ·  09/25 22:07

ArcelorMittal's XCarb Innovation fund invests in Utility Global to progress its gas processing technology

ArcelorMittal的XCarb Innovation基金投資於Utility Global,推動其天然氣處理技術的進展。

25 September 2024, 16:00 CET


ArcelorMittal (the 'Company') today announces it has invested $5 million in Utility Global through its XCarb Innovation Fund. The Fund, launched in 2021, invests in companies developing disruptive technologies that have the potential to support the decarbonisation of steelmaking. The investment is part of Utility Global's $53 million Series C fundraising round, led by Ontario Power Generation.

ArcelorMittal(以下簡稱「公司」)今天宣佈已通過其XCarb Innovation基金向Utility Global投資了500萬美元。該基金於2021年啓動,投資於開發具有潛力支持鍊鋼脫碳的顛覆性技術的公司。此次投資是Utility Global在由安大略電力一代領導的5300萬美元C輪融資中的一部分。

Utility Global has developed a patented reactor which processes variable industrial process gases, without the use of electricity, into high-purity hydrogen and a concentrated CO2 stream that can be captured and stored. The hydrogen produced can be recirculated into the steelmaking process to replace natural gas, while the purity of the concentrated CO2 stream significantly simplifies and reduces the cost of subsequent carbon capture and sequestration - an important solution for decarbonising steelmaking.

Utility Global開發了一種專利反應器,可以處理不同的工業過程氣體,而無需使用電力,將其轉化爲高純度氫氣和濃縮的CO2流,可被捕獲並儲存。產生的氫氣可以循環回鋼鐵生產過程中,替代天然氣,而濃縮CO2流的純度顯著簡化並降低了隨後的碳捕獲和封存成本-這是鍊鋼脫碳的重要解決方案。

In addition to the investment, ArcelorMittal has entered into a collaboration agreement to accelerate the technology for commercial adoption, by exploring opportunities to host pilot plants at ArcelorMittal facilities with an option to progress to large scale commercial facility at one of ArcelorMittal's integrated steel plants.


Commenting, Irina Gorbounova, Head of the XCarb Innovation fund, said:

XCarb創新基金負責人Irina Gorbounova評論說:

"For hard-to-abate sectors like steel, decarbonisation technologies need to be cost effective and scalable. Utility Global's eXERO technology platform has the potential to be both, which is what makes it an attractive investment for our Innovation Fund.
"It is a welcome addition to the broad portfolio of investments which reside in the Fund, and we look forward to working alongside Utility Global's management team to support the commercialisation of the eXERO technology."

“對於像鋼鐵這樣難以減排的行業,脫碳技術需要具有成本效益且可擴展性。Utility Global的eXERO技術平台有潛力具備這兩點,這就是使其成爲我們創新基金引人注目的投資的原因。
「eXERO技術的商業化是我們基金所投資組合中的又一個受歡迎的增加,我們期待與Utility Global的管理團隊合作,支持eXERO技術的商業化。」

Since its launch ArcelorMittal's XCarb Innovation Fund has committed to investments in eight companies covering a range of decarbonisation technologies – renewable energy, long duration energy storage, carbon capture and utilisation, green hydrogen production, nuclear energy, molten oxide electrolysis and biochar production. The Fund is also an anchor partner in Breakthrough Energy's Catalyst program, having committed to investing $100 million over a five-year period.




About ArcelorMittal


ArcelorMittal is one of the world's leading integrated steel and mining companies with a presence in 60 countries and primary steelmaking operations in 15 countries. It is the largest steel producer in Europe, among the largest in the Americas, and has a growing presence in Asia, including India, through its joint venture AM/NS India.

ArcelorMittal是全球領先的綜合鋼鐵和礦業公司之一,在60個國家設有業務,其主要的鍊鋼業務在15個國家開展。它是歐洲最大的鋼鐵生產商之一,美洲也是最大的之一,並通過其合資企業AM/NS India在印度擁有日益增長的業務。

ArcelorMittal sells its products to a diverse range of customers including the automotive, engineering, construction and machinery industries, and in 2023 generated revenues of $68.3 billion, produced 58.1 million metric tonnes of crude steel and 42.0 million tonnes of iron ore.


Our purpose is to produce smarter steels for people and planet. Steels made using innovative processes which use less energy, emit significantly less carbon and reduce costs. Steels that are cleaner, stronger and reusable. Steels for the renewable energy infrastructure that will support societies as they transform through this century. With steel at our core, our inventive people and an entrepreneurial culture at heart, we will support the world in making that change.


ArcelorMittal is listed on the stock exchanges of New York (MT), Amsterdam (MT), Paris (MT), Luxembourg (MT) and on the Spanish stock exchanges of Barcelona, Bilbao, Madrid and Valencia (MTS). For more information about ArcelorMittal please visit: .


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