
AI Anxiety Among Marketing Executives Persists; New Survey Shows Majority Feel Negatively About AI

AI Anxiety Among Marketing Executives Persists; New Survey Shows Majority Feel Negatively About AI

GlobeNewswire ·  09/25 20:00

Fiverr Pro's Second Annual Marketing Report also finds execs are loosening RTO policies and 69% report an increase in freelancer utilization

Fiverr Pro的第二次年度營銷報告還發現高管正在放寬養老政策,69%的人報告自由職業者利用率增加

AI Anxiety Among Marketing Executives Persists; New Survey Shows Majority Feel Negatively About AI


Fiverr Pro's Second Annual Marketing Report also finds execs are loosening RTO policies and 69% report an increase in freelancer utilization.
Fiverr Pro的第二次年度營銷報告還發現高管正在放寬養老政策,69%的人報告自由職業者利用率增加。

NEW YORK, Sept. 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Fiverr International Ltd. (NYSE: FVRR), the company that is changing how the world works together, today unveiled its second annual Marketing Executives report from Fiverr Pro. Fiverr Pro is Fiverr's premium solution for medium to large businesses seeking top professional talent. The survey of more than 500 marketing leaders in the U.S. uncovers a growing reliance on freelancers to fill crucial gaps, with executives also voicing concerns about the role of AI in their industry and the strategic shift towards a hybrid workforce model blending freelance and full-time talent.

2024年9月25日,紐約(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)-- Fiverr International Ltd.(紐約證券交易所:FVRR),這家正在改變世界合作方式的公司,今天發佈了第二份年度 市場執行人員報告 來源於Fiverr Pro的Fiverr Pro。 Fiverr Pro是Fiverr爲尋求頂尖專業人才的中大型企業提供的優質解決方案。針對美國500多名營銷領導人的調查揭示了對自由職業者的日益依賴以填補關鍵空白,高管們也對人工智能在其行業中的作用以及朝向混合工作模式(結合自由職業者和全職人才)的戰略轉變表示擔憂。

"This annual survey offers a clear and detailed year over year snapshot of the changing priorities within marketing, showing how industry leaders are adapting their strategies to remain competitive. It's evident that the leaders who use freelancers don't see them as just a bonus; they're productivity game-changers. It's clear that freelancers aren't just here to pick up the slack–they're here to help you win. In a world where speed and flexibility define success, freelancers are integral to a company's competitiveness," said Maya Roisman, General Manager, Fiverr Pro.

「這一年度調查清晰詳細地展示了營銷領域變化優先事項的年度快照,展示了行業領導者如何調整其策略以保持競爭力。顯而易見,使用自由職業者的領導者並不只是把他們視爲額外福利;他們改變了生產力遊戲。很明顯,自由職業者並不僅僅在這裏填補空缺 - 他們在這裏幫助您取得成功。在一個速度和靈活性定義成功的世界中,自由職業者對於公司的競爭力至關重要,」Fiverr Pro的總經理Maya Roisman說。

Key trends from the report include:


  • Freelancers as Essential Team Members: 69% of marketing executives report an increase in freelancer utilization this year, solidifying their role as crucial contributors to team success.
  • Regular Integration: 63% of marketing leaders now engage freelancers on at least one out of every four projects.
  • Bridging Skill Gaps Post-Layoffs: Over a quarter (28%) of executives are turning to freelancers to cover skill gaps resulting from workforce reductions.
  • 自由職業者作爲關鍵團隊成員:69% 的營銷執行官報告今年自由職業者利用率增加,鞏固了他們作爲團隊成功關鍵貢獻者的角色。
  • 常規整合:63% 的營銷領導現在至少在每四個項目中與自由職業者合作。
  • 彌合裁員後的技能缺口:超過四分之一(28%)的高管正在求助於自由職業者來填補由人員減少所造成的技能缺口。

Evolving Office Dynamics:


  • RTO Policy Relaxation: 87% of marketing executives we surveyed in 2024 maintain some form of return-to-office policy, a decrease from 95% in 2023. 39% of marketing executives require employees to work in the office at least four days a week, but those who frequently use freelancers tend to allow more flexibility (43%).
  • In Demand Benefits: Remote work, flexible hours, and improved retirement benefits are the most common incentives to attract and retain talent.
  • RTO政策放寬:我們在2024年調查的87%營銷主管保持某種形式的返辦公政策,與2023年的95%相比有所下降。39%的營銷主管要求員工每週至少在辦公室工作四天,但經常使用自由職業者的人往往允許更靈活性(43%)。
  • 受歡迎的福利:遠程工作、靈活工時和改善的養老待遇是吸引和留住人才的最常見激勵措施。

Seasonal Challenges and AI Hesitancy:


  • Quarterly Pressure Points: Marketing executives surveyed identify Q2 and Q3 as the most challenging periods (35% and 34% respectively), with over half of marketing executives considering outsourcing brand management and other critical functions to freelancers during these high-stress times.
  • Caution Toward AI: A significant 63% of marketing executives express concerns about the impact of Artificial Intelligence on their industry1.
  • 季度壓力點:受訪的營銷主管將第二季度和第三季度確定爲最具挑戰性的時段(分別爲35%和34%),超過一半的營銷主管在這些高壓時期考慮將品牌管理和其他關鍵職能外包給自由職業者。
  • 對人工智能的謹慎態度:63%的營銷主管表示對人工智能對行業的影響感到擔憂。

Strategic Workforce Planning:


  • Freelancer Conversion: 70% of marketing executives have transitioned freelancers into full-time roles, highlighting the long-term value and potential of freelance talent.
  • Talent Recommendation: 99% of Marketing Executives surveyed who frequently use freelancers are likely to recommend hiring freelancers to other marketing leaders.
  • 自由職業者轉換:70%的營銷主管已經將自由職業者轉變爲全職角色,突顯自由職業人才的長期價值和潛力。
  • 人才推薦:99%的營銷主管經常使用自由職業者的人士表示願意向其他營銷領導人推薦聘請自由職業者。

To access the complete 2024 Marketing Executives Survey Report and gain deeper insights into the evolving role of freelancers in the marketing industry, please visit:


The research was conducted by Censuswide, among a sample of 503 U.S. Marketing Executives (18+, with companies with 50+ employees) who use freelancers. The data was collected between 06.08.2024– 15.08.2024. Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society and follows the MRS code of conduct which is based on the ESOMAR principles. Censuswide is also a member of the British Polling Council.

該研究由Censuswide進行,在一份503名美國營銷主管(18歲以上,公司有50名以上員工)的樣本中進行,這些主管使用自由職業者。數據收集時間爲2024年06月08日至08月15日。 Censuswide遵守並聘用市場研究協會的成員,並遵循基於ESOMAR原則的MRS行爲守則。 Censuswide也是英國民調委員會的成員。

About Fiverr
Fiverr's mission is to change how the world works together. We exist to democratize access to talent and to provide talent with access to opportunities so anyone can grow their business, brand, or dreams. From small businesses to Fortune 500, around 4 million customers worldwide worked with freelance talent on Fiverr in the past year, ensuring their workforces remain flexible, adaptive, and agile. With Fiverr Pro, large companies can find the right talent and tools, tailored to their needs to help them thrive and grow. On Fiverr, you can find over 700 skills, ranging from programming to 3D design, digital marketing to content creation, from video animation to architecture.

Fiverr的使命是改變全球的工作模式。我們的存在旨在使人們更加平等地獲得人才,併爲人才提供機會,使任何人都可以發展自己的業務、品牌或夢想。從小型企業到《財富》500強,全球約400萬客戶在過去一年與Fiverr上的自由職業人才合作,確保他們的勞動力保持靈活、適應性強、機動性強。通過Fiverr Pro,大型公司可以找到適合其需求的正確人才和工具,幫助他們茁壯成長。 在Fiverr上,您可以找到超過700種技能,涵蓋從編程到3D設計,數字營銷到內容創作,從視頻動畫到建築等各種技能。

Don't get left behind - come be a part of the future of work by visiting, read our blog, and follow us on X, Instagram, and Facebook.

不要被落下——通過訪問fiverr.com來成爲未來工作的一份子!fiverr.com閱讀我們博客,並在我們之後的推特上關注我們。X, Instagram,和頁面。Facebook.

Media Contact:
Laura Podesta

Laura Podesta

'Slightly Negative' and 'Really negative' answers combined. (Q10. How positive or negative are your feelings on emerging tech (AI and machine learning)?)

1 '稍微負面'和'非常負面'的答案合併。 (Q10. 您對新興技術(人工智能和機器學習)的感覺積極還是消極?)

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