
Press Releases

Press Releases

美敦力 ·  09/25 12:00

GALWAY, Ireland and CHICAGO, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT), a global leader in healthcare technology, announced today at the North American Spine Society (NASS) 39th Annual Meeting in Chicago the commercial launch of several software, hardware, and imaging innovations. These enhancements are designed to advance AiBLE, the Medtronic smart ecosystem of innovative navigation, robotics, data and AI, imaging, software and implants that enable more predictable outcomes in spine and cranial procedures. In line with its commitment to increasing the quality of care for patients with spinal conditions, Medtronic also announced a partnership with Siemens Healthineers to explore opportunities to further expand access to advanced pre- and post-operative imaging technologies for spine care.


New advancements in the AiBLE ecosystem build upon the company's commitment to procedural innovation and execution, and include the following:


  • O-arm 4.3 software, which introduces advanced navigation volumes, dose reduction, and enhanced image confirmation. With this release, Medtronic now offers the industry's longest 3D scan length for cone-beam CT images, which allows surgeons to capture additional spine levels in one scan and streamline their workflow. O-arm is the first and only intraoperative imager that uses AI, with 70% less radiation dose compared to the standard protocol, while maintaining image quality1. Medtronic Implant Resolution (MIR) further enhances decision-making by reducing metal artifacts around select screws, enabling confident final screw placement.
  • UNiD Adaptive Spine Intelligence (ASI), a Medtronic integrated service and software platform that leverages AI and predictive models to help surgeons deliver patient-specific surgical plans and implants, now includes MRI Vision, which integrates with CoLumbo from Smart Soft Healthcare into the UNiD workflow. This new tool employs computer vision technology to automatically analyze lumbar MRIs to segment, label, and measure key aspects related to common pathologies. MRI Vision will allow spine surgeons using UNiD ASI to access automated PDF reports and annotated DICOMs (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) in the UNiD Hub to identify and quantitatively measure areas of interest such as muscle area with fat infiltration, key spinal alignment angles, key characteristic related to stenosis, and more. UNiD is powered by more than 28,000 patient procedures and continues to grow in adoption worldwide.
  • Mazor robotic guidance system with 5.1 software is the first and only spinal robotic system that integrates AI, bone cutting, and graft delivery. Mazor enables comprehensive preoperative and intraoperative planning that goes beyond screw placement to include complete construct design with screws, rods, interbodies, and bone removal. The newest version of 5.1 software introduces Maximum Intensity Projection (MIP), which supports improved image quality.
  • New implant innovation with ModuLeX Spinal System, which offers increased visualization of the surgical area while allowing the operative flexibility to create an optimized construct for the patient. ModuLeX is the next generation of the Medtronic CD Horizon product family, a 40-year leader in spinal fixation.
  • O-arm 4.3軟件引入了高級導航容量、劑量減少和增強的圖像確認。通過此版本,美敦力現在提供了行業最長的三維掃描長度,適用於錐束CT圖像,這使得外科醫生能夠在一次掃描中捕捉更多的脊柱水平並簡化工作流程。O-arm是第一個也是唯一一個使用人工智能的術中成像儀,與標準方案相比輻射劑量減少了70%,同時保持了圖像質量。美敦力植入物分辨率(MIR)通過減少在特定螺絲周圍金屬僞影來增強決策,從而實現了對螺絲最終放置的信心。
  • 美敦力集成服務和軟件平台UNiD Adaptive Spine Intelligence(ASI)利用人工智能和預測模型幫助外科醫生提供特定於患者的手術計劃和植入物,並新增了MRI Vision,與智慧軟件醫療的CoLumbo集成到UNiD工作流程中。這項新工具採用計算機視覺技術自動分析腰椎核磁共振圖像,分割、標記並測量與常見病理相關的關鍵方面。MRI Vision將允許使用UNiD ASI的脊柱外科醫生在UNiD Hub中訪問自動生成的PDF報告和帶註釋的DICOM(醫學數字成像和通信),以識別和定量測量感興趣的區域,如肌肉積脂面積、關鍵脊柱對齊角度、椎管狹窄相關的關鍵特徵等。UNiD由超過28,000例患者手術支持,全球採納程度繼續增長。
  • Mazor機器人導航系統配備5.1版軟件,是第一個也是唯一一個將人工智能、骨切割和移植輸送集成在一起的脊柱機器人系統。 Mazor能夠進行全面的術前和術中規劃,不僅限於螺釘放置,還包括螺釘、杆、腰椎之間和骨骼去除的完整結構設計。最新版的5.1軟件引入了最大密度投影(MIP),支持改善圖像質量。
  • ModuLeX脊柱系統的新植入物創新,提供了增強手術區域可視化的同時,允許手術靈活性爲患者創建優化的結構。 ModuLeX是美敦力CD Horizon產品系列的下一代,這個系列在脊柱固定方面已經領先了40年。

Global corporate partnership to complement Medtronic imaging offerings
Medtronic also unveiled a global partnership with Siemens Healthineers during the meeting. The two companies anticipate comarketing the Siemens Healthineers Multitom Rax imaging system and integrating the platform into the Medtronic AiBLE ecosystem for spine surgery. The companies also anticipate collaborating across technology development, marketing, and commercial activities to advance clinical outcomes.

美敦力還在會議上宣佈了與西門子醫療的全球合作伙伴關係。兩家公司預計共同推廣西門子醫療Multitom Rax成像系統,並將該平台集成到美敦力AiBLE生態系統中,用於脊柱手術。兩家公司還預計在技術發展、營銷和商業活動等領域展開合作,以促進臨床結果的提升。

The Multitom Rax offers a unique combination of imaging technologies that can be used across musculoskeletal conditions, including spinal patients. With standing, weight-bearing imaging, cone-beam CT, and supine X-ray capabilities, the Multitom Rax supports the commitment Medtronic has to advancing the standard of care across the care continuum.

Multitom Rax提供了一種獨特的成像技術組合,可以用於各種肌肉骨骼疾病,包括脊柱患者。通過站立、負重成像、錐束CT和仰臥X射線功能,Multitom Rax支持美敦力致力於推動整個護理過程中護理標準的承諾。

"Partnering with Siemens Healthineers advances our commitment to reduce variability and improve outcomes for spinal patients," said Skip Kiil, president of Medtronic Cranial & Spinal Technologies, which is part of the Medtronic Neuroscience Portfolio. "We are thrilled with the prospect of working with the industry leader in imaging and to leverage the depth of imaging experience and expertise, commercial footprint, and shared commitment to data science to advance our AiBLE strategy and shared pursuit of better patient outcomes."

美敦力頭腦與脊柱技術總裁Skip Kiil表示:「與西門子醫療合作伙伴關係將推動我們減少變異性並改善脊柱患者的預期,我們對與成像行業領導者合作充滿期待,並利用成像經驗和專業知識的深度、商業足跡和對數據科學的共同承諾,推進我們的AiBLE策略和追求改善患者預期的共同目標。」

The envisioned partnership will be an evolution of the AiBLE ecosystem which integrates connected care and predictive technology to advance surgery.

所設想的夥伴關係將是一個整合了連接照護和預測技術以推進手術的 AiBLE 生態系統的進化。

"We are excited about the prospect of partnering with Medtronic to bring our solution to spine centers and empower spine surgeons and neurosurgeons to be more precise in the operating room," said Verena Schoen, Executive Vice President X-ray Products at Siemens Healthineers. "Multitom Rax delivers geometrically accurate images which allows precise measurements of the patient's vertebrae. Especially optimized for spine imaging, it not only contributes to faster diagnosis and treatment planning, but also to surgical execution and post-surgical control."

"我們對與美敦力合作的前景感到興奮,將我們的解決方案引入脊柱中心,並賦予脊柱外科醫生和神經外科醫生在手術室中更精準的力量," 西門子醫療 X-ray 產品執行副總裁 Verena Schoen 表示。 "Multitom Rax 提供了幾何精確的圖像,允許精確測量患者的椎體。特別針對脊柱成像進行了優化,不僅有助於更快的診斷和治療計劃,還有助於手術執行和術後的控制。"

About the Cranial & Spinal Technologies Business at Medtronic
As the market leader, Medtronic is transforming the standard of care in spine and cranial surgery worldwide by putting patients first and solving complex conditions for spine and neurosurgeons. With 150 products covering more than 20 pathologies, we serve over 4 million patients annually. Continuing our legacy of innovation, the AiBLE ecosystem is the culmination of everything Medtronic has built in Cranial & Spinal Technologies over the past two decades. By integrating advanced technologies and a patient-centric approach, we provide a customizable health solution for the primary challenges in cranial and spine surgery: the need for increased predictability and precision, more efficient workflows, and better surgical outcomes. For more information, visit and follow CST on LinkedIn.

作爲市場領導者,美敦力通過將患者放在首位併爲脊柱和神經外科醫生解決複雜疾病,正在全球改變脊柱和腦部手術的護理標準。擁有覆蓋 20 多種病理學的 150 個產品,我們每年爲超過 400萬 名患者提供服務。繼續我們的創新傳統,AiBLE 生態系統是美敦力在過去二十年內在腦部和脊柱技術領域建立的一切的結晶。通過整合先進技術和以患者爲中心的方法,我們爲腦部和脊柱手術中的主要挑戰提供了可定製的健康解決方案:需求增加預測性和精確性、更高效的工作流程以及更好的手術結果。欲了解更多信息,請訪問網站並在 LinkedIn 上關注 CSt。

About Medtronic
Bold thinking. Bolder actions. We are Medtronic. Medtronic plc, headquartered in Galway, Ireland, is the leading global healthcare technology company that boldly attacks the most challenging health problems facing humanity by searching out and finding solutions. Our Mission — to alleviate pain, restore health, and extend life — unites a global team of 95,000+ passionate people across more than 150 countries. Our technologies and therapies treat 70 health conditions and include cardiac devices, surgical robotics, insulin pumps, surgical tools, patient monitoring systems, and more. Powered by our diverse knowledge, insatiable curiosity, and desire to help all those who need it, we deliver innovative technologies that transform the lives of two people every second, every hour, every day. Expect more from us as we empower insight-driven care, experiences that put people first, and better outcomes for our world. In everything we do, we are engineering the extraordinary. For more information on Medtronic, visit and follow Medtronic on LinkedIn.

勇敢想象,更勇敢行動。我們是美敦力。總部位於愛爾蘭的美敦力(Medtronic plc)是全球領先的醫療科技公司,致力於通過尋求解決方案來勇攻人類面臨的最具挑戰性健康問題。我們的使命是減輕痛苦、恢復健康、延長生命,團結一個來自150多個國家的全球團隊,擁有95,000多名充滿熱情的員工。我們的技術和療法可治療70種健康問題,包括心臟疾病設備、外科機器人、胰島素泵、外科工具、患者監護系統等。以我們多元化的知識、無盡的好奇心和幫助所有需要幫助的人的願望爲動力,我們提供創新技術,每秒、每小時、每天改變兩個人的生命。期待我們爲推動以洞察驅動的護理、將人放在第一位的體驗和更好地造福我們的世界而努力。我們在所做的一切中,都在工程非凡。有關美敦力的更多信息,請訪問網站,並關注美敦力的領英帳號。

Any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties such as those described in Medtronic's periodic reports on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results may differ materially from anticipated results.


1 Image comparison study data included in Medtronic 510(k) clearance.

Medtronic 510(k)清除中包含了一項影像比較研究數據。

Multitom Rax is a trademark of Siemens Healthcare GmbH.

Multitom Rax是西門子醫療有限公司的商標。


Christine Stewart

Ryan Weispfenning

Public Relations

Investor Relations





Ryan Weispfenning






SOURCE Medtronic plc


