
Senior Market Sales Adds Visionary Mark T. Hunter to Executive Leadership

Senior Market Sales Adds Visionary Mark T. Hunter to Executive Leadership

PR Newswire ·  09/25 18:45

Spring Venture Group President to Serve in Newly Added Chief Distribution Officer Role

Spring Venture Group總裁擔任新設立的首席分銷官職務

OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Senior Market Sales (SMS), one of the nation's premier insurance marketing organizations, has made a key addition to its senior leadership team with veteran industry executive Mark T. Hunter filling the newly created role of Chief Distribution Officer.

內布拉斯加州奧馬哈,2024年9月25日 / PRNewswire / - Senior Market Sales(SMS)是全國首屈一指的保險營銷組織之一,在其高級領導團隊中新增了一名關鍵人物,資深行業高管Mark T. Hunter填補了新設立的首席分銷官職位。

"Mark is a major win for SMS," said SMS President John Haver. "His experience is deep and diverse, and his thinking is bold and innovative — exactly what SMS needs to continue its history of innovation and growth."

"Mark對SMS來說是一筆重要的勝利,"SMS總裁約翰·哈弗表示。"他的經驗豐富而多樣,思維大膽而創新 - 正是SMS繼續創新和增長曆史所需要的。"

Senior Market Sales Chief Distribution Officer Mark T. Hunter
Senior Market Sales首席分銷官Mark T. Hunter

A Harvard University graduate and two-time software CEO, Hunter comes to SMS with more than 25 years of extensive experience leading corporate strategy, technology and software development teams, and mergers and acquisitions. Most recently, he led the firm-wide strategy and multiple functional areas as President of Spring Venture Group, a 1,200-employee Medicare insurance broker in Kansas City, Missouri.

作爲哈佛大學畢業生和兩次軟件公司CEO,Hunter帶着超過25年豐富經驗加入SMS,領導企業戰略,科技和軟件開發團隊,以及併購。最近,他作爲Spring Venture Group總裁領導了公司整體戰略和多個職能領域,Spring Venture Group是堪薩斯城密蘇里州擁有1200名員工的醫療保險經紀人。

At SMS, Hunter will focus on the company's Financial Solutions unit, IT, strategic business planning, mergers and acquisitions and financial management. His appointment will help SMS further strengthen the technology platform and concierge-level back office support that thousands of agents nationally have relied on to grow their businesses for more than four decades. He also will help drive strategy and alignment for Alliant Consumer Group, which is part of SMS' parent company, Alliant Insurance Services.

在SMS,Hunter將專注於公司的金融解決方案部門,戰略業務規劃,合併與收購以及財務管理。他的任命將幫助SMS進一步加強技術平台和卓越的後勤支持,成千上萬的全國代理商們依靠這些支持已經超過40年,來發展他們的業務。他還將協助推動Alliant Consumer Group的戰略和對齊,該公司是SMS母公司Alliant Insurance Services的一部分。

Alliant, one of the nation's largest insurance distributors, acquired SMS in 2020 as part of a strategic alliance and in December 2023 announced the launch of Alliant Consumer Group to further Alliant's growth in the consumer market. The partnership has successfully opened up new lines of distribution and new markets for the independent brokers with whom SMS partners. Led by Alliant Consumer Group Senior Managing Director Rick Ulmer, the new dedicated unit houses SMS, Confie and Sunshine Life & Health Advisors.

作爲全國最大的保險分銷商之一,Alliant於2020年收購了SMS作爲戰略聯盟的一部分,並於2023年12月宣佈推出Alliant Consumer Group,以進一步拓展Alliant在消費市場的增長。該夥伴關係成功地爲SMS合作伙伴的獨立經紀人開闢了新的分銷渠道和新市場。新設立的單位由Alliant Consumer Group高級總監裏克·厄爾默領導,旗下包括SMS,Confie和Sunshine Life & Health Advisors。

"Alliant's ongoing growth in the consumer market is possible in part because we've forged new ways to connect consumers to needed solutions via SMS' network of agents and advisors," Ulmer said. "Mark's sharp eye for spotting growth opportunities and his ability to analyze all facets of multiple businesses and industries will help us expand these opportunities even further."

Alliant在消費者市場持續增長的原因之一是,我們通過SMS的代理商和顧問網絡開闢了連接消費者與所需解決方案的新途徑,"Ulmer說。 "Mark敏銳的洞察力幫助他發現增長機會,並分析多個業務和行業的各個方面,這將幫助我們進一步擴大這些機會。"

The new Chief Distribution Officer role was added as part of an expansion to SMS' executive leadership team to guide the company's organic and strategic growth. As part of that plan, Jim Summers, SMS' President since 1998, became CEO earlier in September, following the 2023 retirement of SMS' former CEO and owner Milton Kleinberg; and Haver moved from Senior Vice President, Marketing and Strategic Development into the role of President. Hunter, who joined SMS Sept. 16, will work with Haver and Summers to look for synergies across all of the Alliant Consumer Group's verticals, which include personal lines, life insurance, and individual health care insurance (Medicare and Affordable Care Act Marketplace under-65 plans).

作爲SMS執行領導團隊擴張的一部分,新增了新的首席分銷官職位,以指導公司的有機和戰略增長。根據該計劃,自1998年以來擔任SMS總裁的Jim Summers在今年9月早些時候成爲了CEO,在此之前,SMS的前CEO兼所有者Milton Kleinberg於2023年退休;而Haver從市場營銷和戰略發展高級副總裁的職位轉入總裁的職位。Hunter於9月16日加入SMS,將與Haver和Summers合作,尋找Alliant Consumer Group所有垂直領域(包括個人保險、人壽保險以及個人醫療保險(醫療保險和平價護理法案市場下的65歲以下計劃))之間的協同效應。

About Senior Market Sales

關於Senior Market Sales

Senior Market Sales (SMS) represents top Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, annuity, life, long-term care, individual health and travel insurance carriers in all 50 states. Independent insurance agents rely on SMS for proprietary technology, competitive insurance products, and expert training and service to help them leverage their time, make more money, and put their business in a position of distinction. Founded in 1982, SMS is headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska. In 2020, SMS joined the Alliant Insurance Services family of companies. Visit or call 1.800.786.5566 for more information.

Senior Market Sales (SMS)代表全美50個州的頂級醫療補充保險、醫療優勢、年金、人壽、長期護理、個人健康和旅行保險公司。獨立保險代理商依靠SMS的專有技術、競爭性保險產品以及專家培訓和服務來幫助他們充分利用時間,賺取更多金錢,並使他們的業務處於突出的位置。SMS成立於1982年,總部位於內布拉斯加州奧馬哈市。2020年,SMS加入Alliant Insurance Services公司大家庭。欲了解更多信息,請訪問或致電1.800.786.5566。

About Alliant Insurance Services


Alliant Insurance Services is one of the nation's leading distributors of diversified insurance products and services. Alliant operates through a network of specialized national platforms and local offices to offer clients a comprehensive portfolio of solutions built on innovative thinking and personal service. The business of managing risk is getting more complex, and Alliant is meeting this complexity head-on, not with more layers of management, but with more creativity and agility. Alliant is changing the way clients approach risk management and benefits, so they can capitalize on new opportunities to grow and protect their organizations. For more information, visit


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